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Bullet Sunday 51

Posted on Sunday, October 7th, 2007

Dave!I'm going fully automatic for Bullet Sunday on Blogography today!

• Science! Yesterday while I was running errands, I dropped by the crafts store for some spray glue. As I was standing in line to pay for my stuff, I saw a kid holding a cardboard "presentation board" which he was using for his Science Fair project. This made me a little bit angry. CARDBOARD? Back when I made my science fair project, I had to use REAL WOOD BOARDS and METAL HINGES and SCREWS. My science fair board weighed a ton, but had the benefit of being indestructible. I pity the fool who uses wimpy CARDBOARD on their science fair project! So this is what people mean when they talk about the "pussification of America!"

Science Fair

• Cake! I ran into Wenatchee to pick up my grandma's cake this morning... it wasn't exactly what we had wanted, but it was a heck of a lot better than what we had the first time (i.e. it was actually cake-shaped). Most important of all, it tasted delicious and everybody liked it. Overall the party went really well, though I did have a weird moment when I walked up and found my grandmother discussing Britney Spears with her sisters. Apparently they're as sick of hearing about her as the rest of us.

• Reamed! Last night I got a nasty piece of hatemail claiming that Blogography glorifies drug use and should be held responsible for encouraging kids to do drugs (among other things). To which I replied "huh?" Turns out this had to do with a story I drew where Bad Monkey got caught trying to smuggle heroin. To which I replied "huh?" I still don't get it. At no point in the cartoon does Bad Monkey (or anybody else) actually use drugs. It's not like I have my monkey shooting-up and throwing a party or anything. Maybe THIS is what people mean then they talk about the "pussification of America?"

Cavity Search

• Chocolate! GAH! I AM SICK OF DARK CHOCOLATE!! They're starting to put that bitter crap on everything! I'm a milk chocolate kind of guy, and it is really frustrating to have to dig through all this dark chocolate junk to find something I want. This morning I bought a package of M&M's that I opened while I was driving home, only to learn that they were M&M's DARK. I didn't notice that I had grabbed a purple bag instead of the brown bag. I only ate that one handful, but I've still got that bitter taste stuck in my mouth nine hours later. Oh how the memory of it haunts me still.

• Bullet! Hey, if this is Bullet Sunday #51, and there are 52 weeks in a year, does that mean next week I'll have been doing Bullet Sunday for a year? Who knew?

Hmmm... I guess that's all she wrote, because the crazy old couple that lives in the mobile home park next door are screaming at each other again, and there's nothing good on television...

Categories: Bullet Sunday 2007Click To It: Permalink


  1. Kyra says:

    Well if we ever meet up, we’ll go on a hunt for the best milk-chocolate in the area then. 🙂 I don’t do dark chocolate either. Except maybe the semi-sweet in chocolate chip cookie dough… that’s about it.

    Maybe Bad Monkey has been up to bad things while you were away and you just haven’t found out yet?

  2. jenny says:

    Ugh – I bought those M&M darks on purpose a week or so ago, and had the same reaction. But I actually like dark chocolate – it just didn’t seem to work for me in an M&M. Yuk.

  3. Avitable says:


    Pusification would be if everybody started dripping nasty yellow ooze.

    Pussification would be what’s happening to America.

    And my science projects had to be on the presentation board, which is like thick foamy cardboard.

  4. Are you sure you can call them “M&M’s Dark”? I would think the NAACP would be ALL OVER YOUR ASS for that one; or at least Mars.

    I think that the dark m&m’s name is racist. Let’s face it; they are a different color on the outside, but dark on the inside. Now, if those cute little M&M’s feel like they have to present themselves as a different color on the outside just to be accepted in society, isn’t it time to create a civil rights movement for the M&M’s?

    Plus, I don’t think we can call them darkies either. ‘Course, we can be “takin’ it back” like “Porch Monkey” in Clerks II. And don’t flame me for writing “Porch Monkey”. It’s in the damned movie. So I’m “takin’ darkie back” for the sake of our M&M’s dark.

    I hate dark chocolate too. I like milk chocolate. Does that make me a racist? Am I perpetuating the societal appreciation of the lighter colors?

  5. kilax says:

    I love dark chocolate, but I agree that they have gone overboard with the dark chocolate kick. And they really DON’T label it that well! I had the same thing happen to me with a bag of M&Ms.

  6. Lewis says:

    Oh, you are so not going to like me after these nasty comment. Bear with me (and, please, still love me):
    1. Dark chocolate rules…it’s the food of the gods….and if you’d handed me that bag of dark chocolate M&Ms, there’s no telling what may have happened. Milk chocolate? Blech. Spit.
    2. Back when you were doing your presentations, there wasn’t even a thought of cardboard or presentation board. That’s been a hell of a long time. (Oops, forgetting here that I don’t know for sure how old you are but I have a very sinking feeling you’re actually YOUNGER than me….oops….in trouble now).
    Hugs for a great day….glad Grandma’s party was superb. Evenwithout the dark chocolate cake and icing.

  7. sizzle says:

    since you’re getting healthier in your eating, it’s too bad you don’t have a taste for the dark chocolate since it is supposedly really good for you.

    the fact that you get hate mail at all astounds me. who could hate you!?

  8. Miss Britt says:

    I think what they mean by the pusification of America is the fact that Bad Monkey does NOT actually do drugs.

    Apparently Bad Monkey doesn’t know how to have a good time.

  9. Lisa says:

    I absolutely love your science fair cartoon. That rocks!

    You actually got email accusing you of glorifying childhood drug use? Some people need a life.

    I’m a dark chocolate girl…ewww on milk chocolate. I rarely eat chocolate but when I do it’s dark!

  10. Wayne says:

    Dark Chocolate = ick. In the sample bags I always went for Crunch first, then milk chocolate, and inevitably the only thing left was the dark.

    I was just at Wal-mart today, wearing my white (note: NOT DARK!) dave & bad monkey shirt, and up near the front are these really bad-ass cool hard white foam presentation units. They have the benefit of being stable, sturdy and non-bending when stood up, but also very light.

    That’s not pussification in my eyes. Them’s eye boogers.

    Oh, and side note: I looked at myself in the mirror, and blogography almost looks like “gogold” at the end. So you should make a new logo with DaveToon guy with a big gold tooth.

  11. Robert says:

    We used cardboard as a kid, not wood. But what I find funny is that kids are BUYING pre-made, pre-folded cardboard for this. We had to find an old (large) cardboard box and cut it off ourselves. None of this buying a pre-made one…now that’s pussification.

    As far as dark chocolate goes…if it’s bitter then it’s not good dark chocolate. Dark M&M’s seem silly to me…people who appreciate dark chocolate would not waste that craving on cheap brands like M&M or Hershey’s. We go for the good stuff. Try one of those Lindt dark truffles….that’s good stuff!

  12. RW says:

    Pusification is not only exactly what you describe, but it is also people not liking dark chocolate.

  13. sandra says:

    I love that your grandma was discussing Britney Spears. At my great aunt Emily’s 100th birthday party, she looked at a cousin’s boyfriend, leaned over to me and said, “he looks a lot like that Billy Idol fellow” and I just about fell over. Kind of fantastic.

  14. Catherine says:

    1) Pluto IS a planet, damnit

    2) That little heroine dude, if he had darker red/brown hair, would be Conan O’Brian.

  15. Robin says:

    Yeah, but you had to drag your presentation board to school, walking…five miles… in the rain. Yeah, that’s it.

    We had to hand draw our graphics, stencil our titles, do a lot of work. Kids today have it easy. Aunt Robin simply makes some awesome graphics, I mean the nieces and nephews do their own graphics and print them out and paste them on the pre-made board. EASY!

    I like dark chocolate but not in M&Ms. I accidentally bought a big bag of dark chocolate M&Ms last week by mistake so I made M&M cookies. They were awesome!

  16. Hilly says:

    The next time Lil Dave and Lil Snackie are sitting in a tree, e-a-t-i-n-g, you can give her all of the Special Dark chocolates and you can keep the rest. You know, assuming that there is a bag of mixed Hershey’s goodness up in that thar tree :).

  17. ChillyWilly says:

    I’m a dark chocolate guy. Milk chocolate is ok, but it’s got to have something else in it to make me want it. Like almonds or cherries or caramel.

    Any pictures of how the cake turned out?

    As for Bad Monkey’s adventures in the back alleys, that picture could be anything, although my first thought would have been cocaine or heroin (I was an adventurous penguin back in the day).

    Regardless, whoever is bitching about it being “inappropriate”, they need to learn how to enjoy humor and not take life so seriously.

  18. tori says:

    I am right with you on the dark chocolate. I am not crazy about it, and I can’t even pawn it off on my kids because they don’t like it either.

    Your grandma sounds fun.

  19. Naomi says:

    You don’t encourage kids to DO drugs, you encourage kids to SMUGGLE drugs. There is such a fundamental difference. If I–as a parent–can’t do a good enough job teaching common sense to my children that they can’t tell a cartoon of a heroine smuggling monkey is satire than shame on me as a parent–not the heroine smuggling monkey cartoonist. (Parents who fail miserably at the job always need someone to blame.)

  20. Bre says:

    I’m not a chocolate fan in general, but when I do consume it I must agree with you that dark chocolate is evil!

  21. Zhu says:

    I’m so jealous of North American kids. You get to make science projects. We get to sit down in classes and learn French literature, French conjugations, French greatest historical achievement. That takes so much time that we never get to build anything.

    Life suck.

    That’s why I moved to Canada.


  22. SJ says:

    I heart me the dark chocolate, but it DOES NOT WORK on M&Ms. They are nasty. I bought them on purpose, and ended up giving them away. Pure caca.

  23. bogup says:

    Luv the Geeky Dave science project wiz. And glad that Bad Monkey didn’t ruin the Pluto project for you.
    I show up on the M&M demographic and customer research studies as liking dark chocolate. Hey, and it looks like I’m in the majority here on Blogography. oops…
    Any chance of seeing a pic of the final Mariner’s cake for Grandma?

  24. blanetalk says:

    There is no such thing as bad chocolate.

    There is NO SUCH THING as bad chocolate!

  25. Jill says:

    I don’t remember having science fairs when I was in school. I do remember making a cool volcano model for a science *class* tho’. I did a full volcano that you could do the baking soda and vinegar thing in so that it really oozed, and then I did a cut away volcano that was behind a piece of glass and you could see the inside. I thought that was cooler than the full version.

    I’m glad to hear your Grandmother had a nice birthday – I know a ton of people that have October birthdays. It’s going to be a busy month 🙂

    Dark chocolate – yuck.

  26. kapgar says:

    Well, you and Katie certainly share a hatred of dark chocolate. I, personally, love it. Sorry man.

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