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✖ Scrumtrellescent

Posted on Tuesday, August 14th, 2007

Dave!So there I was minding my own business, trying to decide which flavor of popsicle I wanted for dinner last night, when my mobile started ringing. This made me happy, because iPhone is still new enough that it's funky maramba ringtone gives me a shudder of delight whenever I hear it.

At least until I look and see that it's a "Number Blocked" call, at which time I have to decide whether or not I am going to answer it. Odds are, it's going to be a wrong number or somebody I don't want to talk to, otherwise they're number would be in my phone. Seeing that the only flavor of popsicle left is dreaded CHERRY, I close the freezer door and answer the call...

DAVE: "Hello?"
GUY: "Hey, did you lose your bag?"
DAVE: "Huh?" I say, looking over at my backpack on the kitchen table.
GUY: "I found this bag and there's no name in it... just this number on a paper. Is it yours?"
DAVE: "Ah. No, my bag is here with me. Where did you find it? What's it look like?"
GUY: (describes bag and location)
DAVE: "Sorry, I don't know anybody who has a bag like that. What's in it?
GUY: "Uhhh... like a sports bra type-thing, socks, ladies running shoes, and..."
DAVE: "Wait a second... you thought this bag was MINE?"
GUY: "Hey, I don't know what stuff you're into..."

As I stood there with what's left of my manhood fleeing the scene, the guy says "this six could be a zero" and hangs up. I then start thinking of any attractive lady joggers I might have given my number to, realize I haven't given my number to a woman in years, then open up the freezer and grab a cherry popsicle I know I won't enjoy.

Somehow it seemed appropriate.

In other news, I finally caught up on my television tonight.

Isn't Gabrielle Anwar totally scrumptrellescent in Burn Notice?

For those not watching one of my favorite shows on television, Burn Notice is kind of like a dirtier version of MacGyver with more guns and overall nastiness. And it's got Gabrielle Anwar playing ex-IRA operative Fiona Glenanne, which is really all you need to know. What's amazing about her character is that she's totally raw, wears minimal makeup, and looks kinda rough. But she still manages to come off totally hot...

Gabrielle Anwar

It must be the way she kicks ass and is always wanting to shoot everybody.

Or, more likely it's her body, which is fantastic. I would totally give her my number. Lucky for all of us that Burn Notice has been given a 13-episode second season order. Thank you USA Network!

Now I must get back to work.

And decide if I want to eat the last yucky cherry popsicle.


Categories: DaveLife 2007Click To It: Permalink


  1. RW says:

    What ever would I do without my cultural watchdogs like you? I am so sheltered and deviant I have no idea of what is happening in the genberal culture. Entire lists of social events have passed me by like a hurricaine in the Pacific.

    Do you realize – and I’m not just saying this for effect – that if it hadn’t been for you I would never have heard of cherry popsicles?

  2. whit says:

    Could be worse, could have been cherry otter pops.

  3. serap says:

    I just had a really weird experience of actually tasting cherry while reading this! I could taste this cherry drink that I usually buy, and now my mouth is watering! How did you do that?

  4. Michelle says:

    Coconut!! I went into 7-11 earlier today and they have a coconut flavoured popsicle that tastes just like coconut milk. And just as smooth. Try it, if you’re a coconut fan at all (still, after how many times I’ve said it in the last minute) you’ll love it.

  5. DaisyJo says:

    Dave, you should be eating more than a popsicle for dinner, but if you don’t like the cherry ones you can send them to me. (I’ll trade you for my pb&j!)

  6. Bre says:

    It really just baffles me that you are anti cherry-pops! In my freezer there is a box of popsicles with only the oranges and greens left – THOSE are the gross ones! :-p

  7. kapgar says:

    Totally, TOTALLY, TOTALLY scrumtellescent… or whatever word you used.

  8. Avitable says:

    I’ve loved her since “For Love or Money” with Michael J. Fox. Have you ever seen that movie?

  9. Robert says:

    I’ve grown up not liking cherry…especially artificially-flavored cherry stuff. (Popsicles, candy, etc.) I think it has something to do with my earliest memories of cherry flavor being cough syrup. And to this day I still associate that flavor with it.
    I also don’t like mint…I associate that one with toothpaste.

  10. Mike says:

    I like to get “into a sports bra” ever so often. 😉

  11. webmiztris says:

    send those cherry popsicles to me – they’re the only ones I like! 😉

    “Hey, man, I don’t know what stuff you’re into…” ha! that’s great!

  12. I am going to have to get after my son to get my SlingBox set up (again) so that I can check out this show, “Burn Notice”. I loved MacGuyver, but the tone of this show (my inference from you description) reminds me of “The Pretender” because Andrea Parker is/was very hot too. She wore heavy eye-liner in that one though.

  13. paul says:

    I’ll have to check BurnNotice out, always looking for something good on TV. Cherry Popsicles rock!

  14. James says:

    I watched Burn Notice for a couple episodes, but stopped when I realized the main character was going to narrate his every motive for the ENTIRE FREAKING SERIES. I mean, Jesus… how stupid do they think we are? And who’s he supposed to be talking to anyway? His journal? His memoirs? I hate narration…

  15. Catherine says:

    I adore the color of the dress she’s wearing there. That is one of my favorite colors. I’ve raved about that kind of color before, and been told it’s typical for Seattleites to like it. I guess that’s her Seattle dress.

  16. Tracie says:

    Yeah the narration on Burn Notice is a bit annoying, but I still watch the show rocks overall!

  17. Wayne says:

    Is she undressing in the leftmost pic?

    If not, why isn’t she?

  18. Hilly says:

    While I love Burn Notice and love the character of Fiona for being feisty and just plain awesome, I am having a hard time as seeing Gabrielle Anwar as sexy. It’s not cause I am a hater…nay nay…she just seems so manly to me for some reason. But then again, I don’t have a penis so maybe I am deluded by my hooha!

    I like the purple ones (no not penises…popsicles!)

  19. Tracy Lynn says:

    Cherry is generally the only flavor in the box that I like. Maybe we should do a Popsicle exchange program.

  20. Mm…she is pretty hot. I’d go gay for her.

    Don’t eat the yucky red Popsicle. Those are the gross ones. And why is it that when there is a freezer mishap and a popscicle melts, it is always the red one? Is it because we all have that rogue red popsicle in the freezer that we put away just in case we get desperate enough to one day eat it? I dunno, but it is freaky.

  21. ms. sizzle says:

    blech on cherry.

    you should really give your number out to hot jogger girls, or any girls for that matter, you’re a catch!

  22. Brandi says:

    I’ll trade you all the other flavors for the cherry and strawberry. Not only with popsicles but also with starbursts, skittles, and any other fruity candy.

  23. fersure says:

    I prefer “scrumptcilicious”

  24. sue says:

    Cherry is my favorite. I hate all the others. Trade?

  25. Lewis says:

    Hey, Dave, don’t worry about trying to cover up someone finding your phone number in their gym bag with bra, FDS spray, and a light days liner…’s okay. We’ve all had to cover up a time or two in our lives. Now, what is your number again??????

  26. Belinda says:

    I loved her years and years ago when she was the sassy kid in that Disney diving-horse movie.

  27. blanetalk says:

    I don’t have the access to the show now, but am adding it to my TV radar for future reference. Can anyone tell me, besides the “MacGuyver” reference, does it have any similarity to “La Femme Nikita” or “Alias”? I’m just trying to get some context here. I probably should just go to USA Network’s webpage, but I’m interested in an impartial view.

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