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✖ Bullet Sunday 42

Posted on Sunday, August 5th, 2007

Dave!It's Bullet Sunday, and I'm running low on ammo!

• Bourne! The latest (and final?) installment in the Jason Bourne film franchise... The Bourne Ultimatum... is finally here. And it totally kicks ass. I love that these movies are so brutally unforgiving with the action, and not afraid to fight dirty. The ending kind of meanders a bit, but there's enough going on earlier that it doesn't sink the picture. I really do hope that they find a way to continue with a fourth film but, if not, at least we've got a rejuvenated James Bond series to entertain us.

• Talk! While seeing The Bourne Ultimatum in a packed theater, I found myself thinking of a new Dumbasses Book for my series...

How To Shut The Fuck Up for Dumbasses

There are entirely too many people in the world who simply cannot understand this simple concept, and about twenty of them decided to go to the movies at the same time I did.

• Choke! Given my near-death choking experience yesterday, I find myself much more sympathetic to the choking of others. Ironically, the one piece of junkmail which managed to evade my spam-filter this morning had a subject line of "My boyfriend's phallus is too big for my mouth." I wrote back and wished her good luck with that... then included a link to the self-heimlich maneuver just in case she ever needs it. Poor girl.

• Condiment!

Salt and pepper

• Vinyl! I finally broke down and purchased a USB turntable so I can get my extensive collection of 12-inch maxi-singles converted into digital format. It's been a long time coming, and I can't wait to have some great music from my past on my iPod. I would have preferred to spend the $100 re-purchasing the music at the iTunes music store, but the record labels stupidly refuse to make the entire back-catalog of an artist available for sale. And it makes absolutely no sense. There is no reason that an obscure B-side released by the Thompson Twins in 1986 should be out-of-print. DIGITIZE THE SHIT AND SELL IT! ALL OF IT! Since you don't have to produce a crap-load of CDs to sell music anymore, no music should ever... EVER... be out-of-print.

Sigh. It's only 10:30, yet it seems much, much later. Oh well... nothing a handful of sleeping pills won't fix.

Categories: Bullet Sunday 2007Click To It: Permalink


  1. Iron Fist says:

    I was going to say that I was pretty sure this would be the last Bourne movie, since there were only three novels in the series…but then a quick search at Amazon to verify my claim show that Eric Van Lustbader is writing new novels using Ludlum’s Bourne character. So there might be more! I’ll have to catch the movie.

  2. The Chad says:

    I’m not so sure I would agree with you on the music out of print topic.

    20 years from now, do we really want to be shopping for music and be tortured by the digitally enhanced newly restored Paris Hilton album?

    I’ll pass on that my friend.

  3. serap says:

    I am with you on the ‘shut the fuck up in the theatre (cinema!)’ thing. I went last week to see Harry Potter and there were people not even attempting to whisper, and other’s kicking my chair, and a family who had smuggled a mcdonalds in with them, and then couldn’t get seats together so were practically shouting ‘carly… CARLY, did you have a cheeseburger and milkshake… MILKSHAKE?’, the only reason I didn’t say anything is cos I live in a rough area and value my teeth.

  4. kapgar says:

    Katie and I saw Bourne as well and loved it. The difference, though, being that we had a theater employee stand up and just really kindly ask people to be quiet and that he was not afraid to kick people out.

    This may sound cliche and, likely, ineffective, but it wasn’t… it worked! It was the most respectful theatrical experience I’ve ever had. I loved it and we’ll go back to this theater despite it being more expensive than our normal haunt.

  5. Wayne says:

    Careful with dem pills, pilgrim. And I agree ’bout the music – there’s still some stuff I haven’t even been able to find anything about the artist… perhaps it’s a failed memory of music-too-good-to-be-true from my early teen years, but I coulda swore there was a rap/funk artist called Nucleus or something similar, cuz I’m positive I bought their record and listened to it a million times, along with Tour De Force…

  6. Bre says:

    I just started in on the Bourne books and they’re awesome! Most times reading the book gives me attitude about the movie, but in this case I think that they did an awesome job and that they compliment each other well!

  7. Avitable says:

    I’m looking forward to seeing Bourne and Sunshine this week.

  8. sue says:

    Saw the movie and thought it was great – even though the theater was packed and we had to sit in the front and all the exciting! motion in the film made me motion sick… oh, well. The parts I listened to were pretty good too.

    I agree about the music, too. If they get to the point they won’t sell it then I don’t see any reason why you can’t search and download those copies that they say you’re getting illegally. How else you going to get them?

  9. Robert says:

    I hear you on the mp3 thing. The music industry continually shows how clueless they are. I myself am frustrated when songs I want are only available on cd. Try looking at mp3 sites other than itunes as well…particularly sites that specialize in a certain genre. (For example, beatport is a site that sells electronica & house music.) Those types of sites are more likely than itunes to sell obscure, hard-to-find mp3s.

  10. Lewis says:

    What do you mean “poor girl” (with her boyfriend’s too big thingy)…..I’d say there’s one very fortunate dude. She should be so lucky. The movie thing…..yup, I can’t do the mainstream theater crowd any longer for the very reasons described in the opening chapter of your new book. However, our small quiet neighborhood theater is also showing that movie… there’s an idea!

  11. Rick says:

    Gotta love the USB turntables. I’ve got a couple dozen albums left to convert, then it goes back on ebay!

  12. y not i says:

    Hey, Wayne, I think I know who you’re talking about. It’s NEWCLEUS. They had a song called Jam On It. I just checked and they do have it on i-Tunes.

  13. Caroline says:

    One of the fight scenes in the latest Bourne is one of the best I have ever seen. I thought the movie was fantastic.

    If you saw Matt Damon on The Daily Show last week, you heard his joke that the next Bourne film would be called “The Bourne Redundancy”. I thought that was clever, though I too hope that there will be another. And another. And another.

  14. Dave2 says:

    Iron Fist… As a huge Eric Van Lustbader fan (I devoured his books in the late 80’s and early 90’s), it pains me to say that I don’t much care for his Bourne books. I guess it doesn’t matter… the movies deviated quite a lot from the incredible Lubdlum novels, so they could pretty much go their own way if they wanted to. Lustbader is a very talented and imaginative writer, but his take on Bourne is quite different in style and tone from Ludlum, and doesn’t work for me.

    The Chad… Good news for you then… Paris is even now in the studio recording a NEW album, so you’ll be able to grab FRESH tunes soon! 😀

    Serap… All I can say is that I don’t pay $7.00 so I can listen to other people talk. Why it’s not legal to strangle movie talkers to death I just don’t know.

    Kapgar… And why the heck isn’t that standard practice for ALL theaters? Sounds like theater owners are finally getting the picture… people aren’t going to the movies anymore because the theater experience keeps sucking more and more thanks to dumbasses who spoil it for everybody. If they DON’T do something about it, pretty soon people will just wait for the DVD and never even bother with the theater.

    Wayne… The group you are thinking of is Newcleus. They’re on iTunes, so check it out! There’s even a “best of” album.

    Bre… The books are from a different era than the movies, but SO much more complex and thought-provoking. Still, as you say, I think the modern take in the movie versions is every bit as entertaining… just in a different way.

    Avitable… Oooh… almost forgot about Sunshine. Another flick I want to see.

    Sue… Pay hundreds of dollars to people on eBay who have ripped the album and are selling it at a profit, I guess. So frakin’ stupid that the studios would rather money go to people other than themselves, but what are you going to do? They’re all morons.

    Robert… Of course! And yet the labels continuously blame US for stealing when it’s THEM who won’t give us a legal way of purchasing the music! Like I said, they’re stupid! I have no sympathy for them whatsoever.

    Lewis… Let’s hope she has a cast-iron vagina! And I think you have hit the nail on the head here… people are starting to avoid the theater because of all the dumbasses that show up. Now that HD-DVD and Blu-Ray DVD are enabling people to recreate the theater experience at home more easily… who wants the torture?

    Rick… I can’t wait for mine to arrive! I’ve already gone through all my albums and got them sorted out in the order I want to rip them!

    Y Not I… Yep, that’s the band!

    Caroline… The action sequence in Tangiers was about as good as it gets. Brutal and delicious! Good writers can always keep a character interesting… so I’m confident that there could be more Bourne films that are just as good if they have the right people behind them! Crossing my fingers!

  15. Jeff says:

    My 16 year-old son is doing the same thing with his turntable right now. A few months ago he was given boxes of old records from the 60s through the 90s and he’s fascinated by this music. Last night I could hear The Who and King Crimson coming out of his room. Yowsa!

  16. Mia says:

    I still haven’t seen any of the Bourne movies…Matt Damon makes me throw up a little. If it wasn’t for him struggling through every scene he’s ever been in, I might be able to enjoy the movies.

  17. Randy says:

    Which USB product did you buy? Let us know how it works out for you.

    I’ve done some LP Vinyl to Mac using the program HighJacker Pro and have had great success. But sometimes I wonder if my turntable quality (stylist?) is not so good…

  18. I saw a new non-Ludlum authored Bourne book at Barnes & Nobel this weekend. So the possibility is there….

  19. She could use the Heimlich or she could sharpen her teeth. Or maybe it’s a he with a small mouth. In any case, it’s very brave and commandable to send an email like that to a total stranger. Your spam detector must have realized this was a jem worth saving and contemplating for many years to come.

  20. delmer says:

    I saw Bourne last night.

    The woman next to me took three phone calls. She spoke very quietly and the calls were short. But, the phone would vibrate, light up, and then she’d look at the number to see if she would answer. There were one or two that she didn’t.

    In all fairness, I was troubled more by the rudeness which somehow compounded the distraction. (I was at MovieTavern and had waitpeople walking back and forth in front of me for a large part of the movie. Somehow, that didn’t bother me.)

  21. Troy says:

    I concur with Randy! Let us know what type of USB turntable you purchased and let us know how it works.

  22. mina says:

    can you make a the shut the fuck up shirt? i would very much like to purchase it.

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