Oh yes.
And It's just a frakkin' cool as I knew it would be...
Amazing how handy it is to have Google Maps and the entire internet with me everywhere. I find myself turning to iPhone constantly, and I've only had it one day. Heaven only knows what my life will be like once its been fully integrated. Sure AT&T's EDGE network is painfully slow, but do I really care when I'm out in the middle of nowhere and need driving directions? To get un-lost, I'm happy to wait a minute for a map.
What really gets me is how great this is for a version 1.0 product, and I can't fathom what cool stuff Apple will be adding in the next update. iPhone is an incredibly functional and useful tool that's a joy to use. And, get this... the phone quality is not sacrificed... calls are SO much nicer than with my old P.O.S. mobile phone. Now that I have iPhone, I can't imagine going back to anything else.
Side note: Dave's wish list for iPhone 2.0: GPS functionality that integrates with Google Maps. Automated voice dialing.
Anyway, on my way back from work, I passed through Thomaston, Georgia, and couldn't resist stopping at the local Piggie Park drive-in for a grilled cheese sandwich and some fries...
My sandwich was a very reasonable $1.35!! I can't remember the last time I paid under $2.00 for a sandwich...
The place has been around since 1950, and is very popular. Even at 2:00, the place had a steady stream of customers. At the lunch hour it must be over-run...
And from the "totally tasteless but funny department," I saw this sign for a mailing service today...
Tonight will be my first night in four days where I'll actually have time to get some decent sleep. Needless to say, I am looking forward to that. The only thing that worries me is the impending thunderstorms which iPhone says are due to hit both Georgia and Wisconsin for the next couple days. I wonder what the odds are that I'm going to be stuck in Atlanta? Given my luck, the airport will be completely destroyed.
Oh well. It's not like I'll care... I'VE GOT MY iPHONE, bitches!
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Ye-HAW! (A common southern expression, I’m told) In honor of the new phone!
Holy crow those are some cheap food prices!! Of course the wage people make there probably doesn’t allow for much more.
Are the pics from your iPhone? If AT&T weren’t the only damned carrier with them I’d be seriously tempted. Hell, what am I saying? I’m tempted, just refuse to switch to one of the suckiest networks around.
Hahaha! How cute is Lil Dave raising that roof, bitches?!?!?
I know it’s not a glorious iPhone, but when I first got my 8525, I was constantly hooked to the net and my email…I love the ease of having the world in my pocket. Ooooh, hey…now you are on the same network as I am and I can text you for free :).
How did you get your iPhone? I thought it was due to be delivered AFTER you left for this trip? Was money under the table involved? Did it involve someone named Luca Brazzi?
good luck if your in atlanta i was just stuck in the airport there due to bad weather last week.
Rick… Yeah, it’s pretty freakin’ fabulous! I just started watching Chappelle’s Show on it to see how the screen is for video… SO nice!
Lisa… They probably make up for the low prices because of the sheer volume of people who eat there. If your restaurant is always busy, I guess you can afford to sell for less.
Hilly… Of course, I have to figure out how that works first. 🙂
Mrs. RW… My mommy picked it up and Fed-Exed it to me!
Kyle… That’s what I was afraid of. I really don’t want to miss my appointment back in Milwaukee, so I may have to see about getting an earlier flight. 🙁
As soon as I was able to do internet browsing on my BB I knew I was sunk – I can never go back to a “regular” phone again!
I’m in iPhone denial – I’m pretending it’s ridiculously buggy and the service is junky so that I don’t run out and buy one until next year when my contract is up…. I really want to run out and buy one.
Only our Dave goes to a piggy palace to order something without piggy.
Yay! Welcome to the future! So… now that you have it and I have it… what do we do now? Though I have to admit, I’m using the wifi in the hotel (which sucks) on the laptop rather than on my iPhone b/c it is too slow still here. Also, I wish the rotating thing worked for email and not just ipod and safari…
Oooooh – now I want one. Bad.
And I have to get a stupid fucking Nextel. Blech.
Aww… Congrats on finally receiving your fantastic new toy!
That toasted cheese sandwich sounds yummy, but must be hell on the toaster.
I am sending happy positive travel thoughts your way–as happy as the arrival of your new toy. 🙂
The “Toasted Cheese” sandwich made me giggle. That’s what our school cafeteria would call them. They were uber-greasy and the edges of the cheese got all hot and rubbery. MMMMM…delicious memories…
Why am I guessing we’re going to be getting a lot of blog entries from Dave that start with “My iPhone says …”
Um … I’m the anti-Apple-Christ. Baaad Mac! BAD. Next thing ya know there’ll be Apple kiosks right next to the Krispy Kreme and Starbucks inside all the Walmarts. Eeesh. :o)
I wish we had iPhones up here in Canada. Id let that phone replace my very loved *cough*sidekick*cough* anyday
I can’t wait to get mine. Of course by the time I go it will be V3. I hope it’s in pill form.
I wanna go to the Piggie Park and I want an iPhone NOW! Maybe we can trade lives for a week or two? I can offer a Treo 680 but will toss in some fantastic restaurants in the area with good vegetarian food! 🙂
So you got your new toy before leaving… Enjoy!
Sweet – Congratulations! I think I’ll wait for 2.0.
Seeing the Piggie Park sign makes me a little home sick. The little local food places always have the best grilled-cheese sandwiches!
I’m being all hatery on you, I am soooo jealous. Beyond jealous even. Oh well, I still have to wait for mine, but I have a friend who got hers and let me play with it. I felt almost dirty after that….
Those signs are so fun. And Little Dave is happy. I think that’s the biggest smile I’ve ever seen him have. Congrats. And your mom is a lovely woman to help you get your phone.
Did you play with your new toy at the Piggie place? I love those kinds of 1950s places….reminds me of an entire piece of history that’s gone. Right along with a brand new piece of history from Apple. Irony! Happy and safe travels.
I’m still gonna wait for my Helio Ocean. I’m never ever ever ever ever going back to AT&T. That, or I might wait for the openMoko, the open source touch screen linux phone.
It seems we both have Trophy Moms.
Did you type ‘grilled cheese’ into the iPhone nad let it suggest Piggy Park? Like on the commercials?
I’m so jealous!! I WANT an iPhone. All I can do is write Santa and be a good girl for the rest of the year. I might also have to write the Tooth Fairy and yank one of my incisors–whatever it takes! 🙂
You don’t know how excited I am that you finally got your iPhone. In fact, I have been waiting for this post via Bloglines to show up for weeks now. I’m like, “When the hell is Dave getting his damn iPhone?!”
I think I feel better the more people have them, so I can justify spending the money.
That being said, in version 2.0, I would like the iPhone to wipe my ass.
Congratulations, Dave. And I’m doing this comment on *my* iPhone. It’s actually not that bad – the keyboard practically reads my mind. I can type all the wrong letters and it’s like “Are you trying to type ‘awesome’?” Why yes, dear iPhone. Yes I am. And you are awesome. And the glass screen is amazing – I tried to key it and attacked it with a screwdriver, and not one scratch! Yeah! MacWhores unite! All hail, the GodPhone!
You’ll need to give iPhone a name, seeing as it is bound to become more useful than your right hand.
And I so want to go to Piggie Park! I’m just not sure if it warrants a trip to Georgia. I’m still adjusting to life in Idaho. I miss Portland.
Congrats! I think I’ll wait until I’m no longer a poor college student. I was curious, because I’m only an occational blogger who is too wrapped up in school, 19-22 hrs and an internship depending) to blog everyday but someday I want to, what program do you use to put together your blog and your dave/bad monkey pictures?
Steak sandwich AND fries for $3.85/ Amazing. How do these folks spin a profit? Must be loyal customers, high volume and family overhead…. More power to them, and only wish they were located in my neighborhood instead of across the country.
Congrats on the iPhone arrival! Keep us informed on its features and fun it provides. It will only get better as developers bring forward their little tricks and software. And, as the rumors go, the iPhone will become even more fully integrated with other Apple products.
You are so lucky !!! HOO WOO !!! A iPhone !!!
Enjoy it ! 😀
Piggie Park looks delicious. I’ll hold off on the iPhone. It has to be better than my Treo (not much could be worse) but version 2.0 will be sweeter.
We have a “Top Notch” here in Austin that’s from the 40’s and looks like a pre-curser to Sonic. The lady who works there also looks like she’s from the 40’s and maybe opened the place. Some of the best burgers in TOWN.
Congrats on the iPhone!!!
As you mentioned this is just version 1.0, as high ends phones go, this will now be the model with the smallest amount of memory, worst screen, slowest network and worst everything. It’s just going to get better from here as everyone tries to design the next iPhone killer!