I am growing more and more depressed over the astounding lack of compassion in the world today. It seems every time I turn on the television, pick up a magazine, or surf the internet I am subjected to hurtful, hateful behavior that has me questioning how much longer we can survive. If it weren't for random flashes of kindness I stumble upon from time to time, I'd probably lose hope for humanity altogether.
And, thanks to the shining stars of today's hate-filled media, things just continue to get worse and worse. First they profess to care for us, fight for us, and believe in us...
- NANCY GRACE: "I'm not pretending to be anything but a crime victim who went to law school and tried a lot of cases."
- PAT ROBERTSON: "I pray that I might be in the center of God's will. I pray for wisdom that He might lead me and give me wisdom in the tasks that I have ahead of me."
- BILL O'REILLY: "Our philosophy is we call it as we see it. Sometimes you agree, sometimes you don't. Robust debate is good."
- ANN COULTER: "I take the Biblical idea. God gave us the earth. We have dominion over the plants, the animals, the trees... God says, 'Earth is yours. Take it. Rape it. It's yours.'"
Then they turn right around and demonize people for the sake of ratings and power, advocating violence and hatred with a recklessness that isolates us, divides us, and destroys us...
- NANCY GRACE: "You know what, Kevin? I'm so glad they didn't miss a lacrosse game over a little thing like gang rape!" —— "Guilty, guilty, guilty!"
- PAT ROBERTSON: "Many of those people involved in Adolf Hitler were Satanists, many were homosexuals, the two things seem to go together." —— "The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism, and become lesbians."
- BILL O'REILLY: "Shut up. SHUT! UP!" —— "...the most unattractive women in the world are probably in the Muslim countries." —— "Will African-Americans break away from the pack thinking and reject immorality? Because that's the reason the family's breaking apart... alcohol, drugs, infidelity. You have to reject that, and it doesn't seem, and I'm broadly speaking here, but a lot of African-Americans won't reject it."
- ANN COULTER: "My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times Building."
Why? Why are dumbasses like these even on the air? Why do people listen to them? I don't care if you are Conservative or Liberal... Republican or Democrat... Christian or Athiest... who could possibly want this kind of hateful crap into their lives? Isn't the world in bad enough shape already?
All I'm asking for is a little compassion. A little caring. A little hope.
And it would be nice if some of that compassion, caring, and hope can come my way...
- Milk prices are skyrocketing. On the surface, this is not so bad... just don't drink as much milk anymore, right? But the tragedy is that milk is used to make such things as chocolate pudding, cheese, and Choco Tacos. Without those three things in life, is life really worth living?
- The nearest place I can even see an iPhone is 60 miles away. For some reason, the local AT&T store in Wenatchee isn't a "real" store, but an affiliate store, which means they won't have iPhone at launch. Instead I have to drive to Moses Lake or Seattle or something. How horrible that the coolest thing to happen in like, well... forever... and I'm going to miss out.
- The brilliant Veronica Mars is still cancelled. And yet mindless crap like The Bachelor gets yet another season. Now what am I supposed to do on Tuesday nights at 9:00?
- The US National ID Card is not dead yet. There are people in this country who can't afford to eat or go to the doctor, yet there are still those who want to spend TWENTY-THREE BILLION FUCKING DOLLARS on a USA-wide ID card system under the pretense of national security. Why are clueless old men making decisions about stuff they know nothing about? Nobody who is actually smart enough to understand this program thinks it will work, and many think it will actually make us less safe. I am totally terrified that some stupid crap like this will happen in my lifetime.
- I can't find the power adapter for my MacBook Pro. In 10 minutes my precious laptop's battery will be drained and I will no longer be able to blog or check email while on the toilet. What kind of sad existence will I be leading where toilet computing is not an option?
Argh. I've been working all evening and now it's almost midnight. I sure hope I can manage to get even a little bit of sleep tonight. Looking for compassion in planet filled with hostility and abuse is a tiring way to spend your day.
I’ve never watched any of those people on TV. But OMG I can’t believe such trash would come out of peoples mouths and other people would willingly listen. It really does make you wonder about people.
it´s also sad that “we” pay so much money for people like Nancy, Pat and Rob to vent their venom. In that way “we” are guilty too.
Shall I mail a cart of milk, it´s still pretty inexpensive here?
I really appreciate this post! I have been feeling similarly, and the whole AC/Edwards thing is terribly depressing to me. I know that AC is just doing her thang, but I freaking hate it and can’t understand how she sleeps at night putting that kind of hatred out in the world. Argh. There’s gotta be another way.
Lack of compassion? Oh who cares!?
I hope you find your adapter or you’ll never be able to approve this comment.
I’ve been reading some of the Nancy Grace and Ann Coulter crap of late and it astounds me as well that they are not only allowed to be part of the broadcast media, but that they are allowed to live. Darwin, you have failed me yet again.
I even sent a case of Mars Bars to Dawn Ostroff. Fuck the world.
I totally think Nancy Grace rocks, the more she hates the more I dig her! 😀
Man, I thought that national ID card was gone for sure. Who the hell needs that shit?
To add to all the horror in the world, United lost my baggage last night…this, after getting into Orlando 2-1/2 hours late…at 2:10am! The humanity!
Hugs Dave.
Interesting the Pat Robertson comment saying that homosexuals were involved with Hitler. I AGREE WITH HIM…..amazing. The only small, little teeny tiny caveat is this: Homosexuals were on the receiving end of Hitler’s abuse….they were taunted, abused, tortured, and eventually gassed and killed at Hitler’s hands. That’s how they were involved, Mr. Robertson. On the wrong end of a deal gone bad.
Awww Dave – so sad.
Ya know, the shitty horrible awful stuff is what gets the most attention. But the majority of people? The masses at the grass roots level?
They’re not so much different than me and you.
Well, you anyway.
I’m a selfish whore.
I’m with you brother. As long as people continue to watch these nut jobs on TV or listen to them on the radio, they will continue to exist.
I throw up a little every time I see Bill O’Reilly or hear Rush Limbagh’s voice.
Michelle… I can’t figure out if these kind of media whores actually believe the stuff they say… or just say inflammatory things to get ratings.
seriously, where IS the compassion!?
Ugh! Ann Coulter drives me out of my mind insane. Yick, yick, yick!
I am purposefully not going to go see the iPhone.. I’ll want it too much!
Compassion? Apparently, my people don’t have any!
Least you’ve only missplaced yours. Eddie went and chewed up my iBooks power cable, still haven’t gotten around to replacing it either. i’m totally put off by the prices apple charge for power bricks, but hey ho, a laptop with no way to charge batteries isn’t going to be very useful.
Hmm. Guess I might turn to ebay for one.
Too bad the Fairness doctrine isn’t here to make you put other hate-spewing ignoramuses up there like Nancy Pelosi, Bill Maher, Rosie O’Donnell, Michael Moore, etc.
🙂 (no, really, that’s a smilie, because I have compassion)
Fairness? Are you sure you’ve got the right blog? I’m totally selfish and UNfair! 😀
But this is all subjective, of course… but where are the hate-spewing quotes from these people?
Believe it or not, I actually attempted to represent the Left here with Rosie O’Donnell because I fully believe that she is bat-ass crazy. I think she does just as much to hurt America as Bill O’Reilly does, because her kind of polarizing rhetoric divides us as a nation. I have said this many times before. But at no time have I heard of her preaching hatred or inciting violence again a race… a religion… sexual preference, or whatever. When I tried to find quotes from her for this entry, I found some whoppers… but when I went back to transcripts of what she actually said, I found the quotes to be taken out of context, and twisted to mean something she wasn’t actually talking about. She may really hate the current presidential administration, but I can’t find any record of her advocating hatred or violence on a level like Ann Coulter does on a regular basis.
But, then again, most Republicans I know find Ann Coulter to be completely evil, so that’s not really a fair comparison! 🙂
I feel your pain, the world’s pain.
It’s easier to be a hater than a lover. Hating takes no thought, no feeling, no understanding, no effort. Any idiot can be a hater. To love others you have to love yourself. These public figures that spread hate are in love with money, power and attention.
Hendrix said it best'”When the power of love is greater than the love of power, the world will know peace.
Don’t give in to the haters Dave. The world needs your love.
Remember: Whatever sells in this country is what gets the most attention.
This stuff goes back to radio when someone figured out that “being controversial” made BIG BUCKS – seriously BIG BUCKS. Howard Stern made $70 MILLION in 2007. It doesn’t matter what he said, why, or if he does/doesn’t believe it. As long as they pay attention to it.
It makes absolutely no difference what they’re saying or what they truly believe – as long as it keeps people watching.
That is the only purpose of it. It’s a form of entertainment and much more an opiate of the masses than religion imo. It gets people elated or upset – both extreme emotions – and manipulating people via emotions is the easiest thing in the world.
Seriously: You’re watching it. It’s bugging you. You’re talking about it to everyone else.
It’s working! 🙂
Think of it as the Modern Roman Colosseum. No way can we all fit in one place, so it’s done via the TV/Radio/Newspaper. As long as people can sell tickets they could care less what the content of the show is about. It’s so frickin’ simple!
They aren’t going to stop because they’re wrong – they could care less if they are right or wrong!
The only way to stop it is to stop giving them your attention/time/money.
Grumpy, Grumpy.
I think you need to go back to multiple ice cream cones in one day. At least we got to look at pretty pictures instead of the devil(s).
I can say this because I just returned from Cancun (complete with a visit to the Hard Rock). I am sure once I go back to work tomorrow, I will empathize with tirades of all of society’s evils again.
I was in this VERY frame of mind, this morning. I had to YANK myself out of it for my cheerful, chirpy day job. That was a heroic effort. Feelin’ your pain, offering hug. Will try to upload a ChocoTaco and email it to you.