Looks like there is going to be a slight change of plans for Blogiversary IV Week.
Turns out that the T-shirt voting from the first contest has taken an interesting turn. One design has pulled way, way, way out ahead of the pack (for those of you who were wanting the "A Little Geeky" shirt printed, it looks like you're going to get your wish). The problem is picking a shirt for the #2 spot, because there are three shirts all within 5 votes of each other. This leaves me with a dilemma because with no clear runner-up winner, it's difficult to know which one should be printed...
So I've decided to move tomorrows prizes to today, and change the final prize to be more T-shirts. By putting more money into shirts, I might get quantities that will allow me to add an additional design or two. As an added benefit, this means more people will win prizes. So I think it's a good solution all around. Anyway, back to tomorrow's today's prizes...
On occasion I receive emails asking me if any of my photos or DaveToons or drawings are available for sale as prints. I suppose I could have printed out stuff on my inkjet and sold it to them, but this seemed like a cheap rip-off to me. So I started searching for a way to have my stuff professionally printed with impeccable quality, yet be of reasonable cost. After a few months of research and buying test-prints, I finally found a solution...
When the Artificial Duck Store reopens, I'll be selling a limited selection of quality Giclée Pro-Prints on a choice of fine art papers or premium photo satin matte. The brilliant inks used are pigment-based which ensures a long print life and quality reproduction. They really are quite nice, and look great when framed.
I'll start with a few of my favorite photos, some DaveToons that have been optimized specifically for print, and add a couple of limited edition items. If people actually end up buying them, I'll be adding new prints from time to time.
In celebration of this new addition to the store, today's contest will feature photo and print prizes...
Polaroid A515 Digital Camera ($80 value). This digital camera may be pretty cheap-ass, but it does have 5 megapixels, 4X zoom, 16MB built-in storage, and a 1.7" LCD screen. That's good enough to snap a few photos of your kid, your dog, or whatever... which will come in handy when the next prize arrives...
A Flickr Pro Account Gift Membership ($25 value). Organize your photos online, then show them to the world with this one-year gift membership to Flickr. If you already have a Flickr account, this will extend your membership by a year.
Two Giclée Pro-Prints from the Artificial Duck Store ($70 value). Decorate your life with a couple of classy prints designed by yours truly. These prints are both beautiful and versatile... Embellish your living room with a great photo. Put a DaveToon in your baby's room. Or even use your prints as a really expensive liner for your cat's litter box.
Three Artificial Duck T-Shirts ($51 value). Yep, that's right, get any three shirts you like from the Artificial Duck Store... keep them for yourself, or give them out as gifts that will impress those lucky people you deem worthy of wearing them!
World-Wide Shipping (up to $35 value). No matter where you live on planet earth, rest assured you won't have to pay a dime to claim your prize because shipping is included.
And that's not all, today you also have two other chances to win...
One Giclée Pro-Print from the Artificial Duck Store ($35 value).
One Artificial Duck T-Shirts ($17 value). Pick any shirt you like from the Artificial Duck Store, and be happy knowing that you'll be wearing a T-shirt that makes you at least 10% hotter the minute you put it on!
World-Wide Shipping (up to $12 value). Of course shipping is included, because that's the way I roll here.
Okay then, if you didn't leave 10 comments in the past year, PICK FOUR of the five questions below, and be sure to include the answers in your email entry to CONTEST EXPIRED! All the answers can be found in the Blogography History links listed below or by using the "Search Box" in my sidebar...
Remember, the entry deadline is TOMORROW at 9:00pm P.S.T. (Seattle time)! Good luck!
Dave makes his first (but certainly not last) bid to become Pope... and then contemplates his Papal super-powers.
Dave gets a lot of hate-mail for this one... I guess comparing the US dollar to toilet paper is a bad thing.
Dave learns how to peel a banana from a monkey.
Dave creates DaveLand, the Daviest Place on Earth!
Dave finally gets all political and shit.
Dave still gets emails from crazy bitches over Dead Hooker Babies.
Dave creates the entire universe (with the assistance of His Divine Monkey).
Dave is tired of lame Collectible Card Games, and decides to create his own CCG.
Dave fulfills his life-long dream to walk upon the Great Wall of China.
Dave celebrates his 40th birthday... then dies and comes back to life as a zombie.
I love comments! However, all comments are moderated, and won't appear until approved. Are you an abusive troll with nothing to contribute? Don't bother. Selling something? Don't bother. Spam linking? Don't bother.
PLEASE NOTE: My comment-spam protection requires JavaScript... if you have it turned off or are using a mobile device without JavaScript, commenting won't work. Sorry.
But…but…I’m evil not geeky! Please tell me Lil Dave with codpiece is in the running.
this is like the best contest EVER!
Wow. These are some excellent prizes and very cool on your part.
Better order enough of those little geeky shirts, me want one to the UK.
Very generous Dave and appreciated! And the odds of winning have got to be a whole lot better than the Washington State Lottery — 12 million to 1.
In return you are building on your already high credibility and loyalty quotient of your blogger friends. Thanks much!
I will tell you quite frankly that the excitement of your blogiversary has eclipsed ALL OTHER THINGS IN MY LIFE. It’s THAT exciting.
*jumps up and down*
Yay for a little geeky! Not that I don’t look like a geek already without wearing a t-shirt that says “a little geeky” but wearing it would make me look more than just a little geeky and that would be awesome. I guess.
you throw the best blogoversary parties!
I’m just giddy. Just plain giddy. This is better than Deal or No Deal. (And easier, too.)
Is it bad that I want a Lil Dave nightshirt so I can put him next to my breasts in bed? Is it SO wrong? I ask you.
You are wonderful !
Your ideas are wonderful, doux génie !
you’re so cool, dave! what a kickass contest!
“I might get quantities that will allow me to add an additional design or two.”
This would be cool. I could be happy with a geeky T, but need more love for the Bad Monkey and his smoking friends.
Katie and I are both happy that A Little Geeky won. I know it was my second pick, but it was her first.
This is the best way to wake up every day….seriously!
My mom puts a lot of her paintings on giclee prints and they look great (they sell well also, great quality without the big bucks of the original art…). And seriously, where else in blogland are you going to find “dead hooker babies”? Really? Where? (although in re-reading that comment, I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or not…)
Woo-hoo! I will definitely be buying “A Little Geeky” shirt if I do not win one
Do I get something just because tomorrow’s my birthday?
Wow – what a deal!
Not that I’m complaining, but isn’t this getting kind of spendy for you?
I’ve been sucked away from Blogography for too long. Damn work, damn it to hell! I almost missed the biggest contest I’ve ever seen. On a good note my Christmas shopping will be easy this year.
Thanks for brightening what has been a hellish week!
Giclee prints? Sweet!
Bad Monkey isn’t in the lead??? C’mon people!! (My daughter would LOVE that shirt as she loves monkeys)
I went a little geeky… I apparently share great taste.
I don’t care if I win or not (well, maybe a little of course) but it’s so much fun finding the answers (and a great way for me to get started on stalking…I mean reading you)
I hope that you take a vacation for your Blogiversary… You must be totally swamped with all the planning and emails and the store and stuff – yikes! What a lot of work you are putting into all this. There will be a special place for you in heaven
What we’ve learned, of course, is that geeks always win!
I can’t believe “A Little Geeky” is winning!
I guess I thought the faithful readers of Blogography were more sophisticated than that.
(Secretly, I can’t wait to get one too!)
Ugh.. instead of getting any of my work done I’m obsessively reading through all of your 10 Blogography Moments in History links. Stop being so amusing!
No really though, happy Blogiversary!
(And yay: I didn’t vote for “A Little Geeky” but it was very nearly my second vote… I’m hoping I can somehow get a Try Evil shirt though; it’s so me!)
I’m loving the questions… it makes it more interesting.
If I didn’t have to wear a uniform, I’d definitely wear “A Little Geeky” to school.
ok, thrilled that my top pick was the tshirt of choice, but please please please tell me that the toxic one isn’t in the running… it makes me queasy to look at it… and oh god when you had the post with the animated vomit… i had to look away for fear of the same happening to me.
icky icky icky!!
this is extravagantly fun and extravagantly generous on your behalf!
Woohoo!! Prize goodness! I love prizes!
And, of course, I love blogoversary time, too!
Okay, I’m actually gonna spend money and buy a tshirt!
And, dude! Way cool prizes!!!!
Hmm…well, I have a pretty kick ass camera and a flickr pro account already….so, I’ll bow out of this contest.
*grin* I’m beyond thrilled that “little geeky” is winning; that was my favorite (I know, you’re shocked right?).
Geeks Rule!
This is so much fun! You do throw the best party!
I so want Evil thong wearin’ Dave to win as well. And Dave, you’re the man! Words fail me…
The geeky tee is the coolest!
Here’s to hoping that the Davetoon w/ the crazy white butterfly and Lil’ Dave: Friend of the animals (by not eating them) can be on a shirt next year!
Just completed the entire challenge (Damn me for being too lazy to comment before now) and THEN realised that the answers were in the guide at the bottom and that I didn’t have to spend untold hours searching through your archives.
Stupidity, it’ll get you everytime.
Hey, that baseball bat-weilding Dave with the dude with the ear phone thing has got to be on a button or something! That made my day
Horray for Little Geeky… and hooray for like-minded blogography readers!!
Although I didn’t vote for Geeky… it was a close second, it was too hard to choose 2. I loved them all! Thanks for the trip down memory lane, as a late comer to Daveland it’s been fun looking back!
honestly I feel bad about entering the contest’s Dave. I mean I’m not a regular reader and how rude is it of me to come just for the contest, so I’m bowing out of the rest of the contests. I think your regulars deserve to win more then a lurker.
pee ess: I might have come just for the contest, but you are on my bloglines now, and you will never get away![insert evil laugh here please]