Well take a look at what we have here... it's my four-year blogiversary!
And if you had told me back at the beginning that I'd still be writing in Blogography... daily, no less... four years hence, I'd have thought you were insane (and then probably killed you because that kind of crazy just shouldn't be wandering the streets). After all, I had two failed blogs under my belt from the previous three years, and there was no indication that Blogography was going to be any different. The only change was that if Blogography didn't work out, it was going to be three strikes and I was done.
But here I am, still writing my daily dose of incomprehensible crap.
Year One was a mess, filled mostly with memes and boring stuff that I should have deleted long ago. Year Two was when I finally got my shit together and my blog was everything I wanted it to be... "the golden years," if you will. Year Three was the hardest, with too many bumps in the road and crazy crap that had me contemplating shutting Blogography down. And here we are at Year Four, and the blogging habit is such a big part of my life that I can't see an end to it. So it must be time to celebrate...
Yes indeed, this time the shit is very personal, as you will find out during this week-long party that has been five months in the making. Just like previous years, there will be hundreds of dollars worth of prizes to win and good times along the way, but there are going to be some changes as well...
The schedule of events looks something like this...
Oh yeah. You might want to tune in every day, because it will undoubtedly be worth your while. :-)
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Alright, FOUR years!!! Happy Blogiversary!
Ah, at last… a schedule I can manage!!! Happy Bl-irthday Dave!
Happy 4th year, Dave.
Can’t wait to see what’s in store for the celebration.
Woot! I only found you in the last year, but I am ready for the week long celebration, nonetheless.
Congrats, Dave. You have the best blog on the web.
Woot! Blogiversary ftw. Congrats dave.
Wow. 4 long and tedious years… all culminating in this one week here at Blogography… the awesomeness just oozes from the browser… Congrats! Party On!!!
YAY, Presents!
I think you just made me a little wet ;). OMG contests and the store being open and and and and! Ahhh, it takes so little to excite me these days. Happy Dave-a-versary!
Joyeux Bloganniversaire !
Woo-hoo! The wait is over!!!
wow, i feel like a kid who just woke up and missed christmas morning. four years? and i only found you about four weeks ago? it’s an unjust world, fo’ shizzle.
happy fourthiversary!
my boyfriend has taken to wearing my “zombies ate my brain” shirt I won last year. It’s ok, tho. Cuz I love him, and it just means twice as many people get to see it.
Sounds like a party!
On my 2 year anniversary I’m giving away a wad of pocket lint I’ve been collecting. But I’m guessing your prizes will be much better.
Congrats on your Fourth Anniversary!!! Longevity can itself be an accomplishment, but the quality of Blogography puts it way over the top! Glad to be here to share in your week long celebration. Cheers.
Happy Anniversary, Dave! Thanks for blessing us with your own special brand of AWESOME all these years.
Yay! A contest! Feliz Fourth Dave!
Yay! Let the fun begin!
Happy Blogiversary!
Your blogiversary = the same week as my birthday. Coincidence?
Awesome! My three year anniversary is coming up in June, and soon after that, my 1000th post, so I’ve been trying to come up with a clever idea to celebrate that. I plan on taking copious notes, so don’t fuck it up, okay?
In that case, my grand prize is going to be a million dollars tax-free cash plus first-class airfare and a two-week vacation anywhere in the world… all followed by a private concert from Avril Lavigne for you and 100 friends.
Good luck topping that one!
You rule! Happy Blogiversary!
Four years? Wow. That’s amazing. Congratulations & Happy Anniversary.
Happy anniversary! I look forward to reading you everyday.
Well, shit.
The second blog I ever read and almost my favorite (I had to say that…RW will read this). Congratulations! Looking forward to the Artificial Duck store re-opening – for me it’s all about the shopping.
How exciting! Happy 4th Blogiversary!!
Blogiversary… the best time of the year!!
Dude! Is it really that time already?!?! Wow!
Hey, have I ever told you that you’re my blog inspiration? Well, it’s the truth and that’s not just me sucking up for goodies.
Keep it up, m’man. We all idolize you.
Happy blogiversary!
And the store will be back! Hallelujah!
Happy Blogiversary Dave. I am so excited the store is reopening. Now I won’t be able to sleep for the week.
Congratulations, Dave! I always look forward to reading your blog.
Nice prize offering, Dave. Just the right level to perk interest in the contest! If I win could I just have a MacBook Pro 2.33 w/Leopard instead? And I’ll send you a Big Island Hard Rock pin.
wOOt! So glad I only have to work 2 days this week.
Congrats, Dave!
That contest schedule looks like my final exam schedule… *sob*
Happy 4th!
You just made my creamy center all warm and gooey and stuff. Happy Blogiversary!
Sweet Jebebus! It’s my favorite time of the year! Better than Christmas!!! (Almost)
(putting Troy on the contest email trash list…)
SWEET! Here’s To Four More Years!
Happy fourth. Does foreign-friendly mean this blog with be bi-lingual for the new year?
Happy Blogiversary then!
We could give you that finger-tattoo as a present.
Happy blogiversary! You really go all out for it, nice one!
Woohoo! Happy Blogiversary Dave2! Can’t wait to check out the goods!
Congratulations on your anniversary! I am glad to have stumbled across your blog a few months ago!
exciting! congrats, dave!
I’d bring a cake over if you lived nearby. Maybe I should, anyway. Cheers! And happiest of years ahead for you and the blog.
Congratulations on your 4th, Dave. That is really impressive. I love my Zombies ate my brain tee. I hope you have some new great designs for us this year.
wahoo! happy anniversary!
Dave! What a nice coincidence that i visit your blog again after so long to find that you’re celebrating! =D
Way to go, Dave! Congrats on your 4th!
So…what cool stuff are you sending me?
I jest! I jest, folks. Congrats Dave – have a veggie burger on us to celebrate.
Goodness gracious, time does fly!
Hoo-ray!! What a fun week ahead!
Happy Blogiversary, Dave, and thanks for all the smiles, head-scratchers, and laughs.
Happy Blogiversary!
Have I really been reading this for a year? I remember I first started reading right when the voting was up for the T-shirt design last year.
Happy blogiversary!
oooooo… what happens on thursday when it is my second blogging anniversary?
Suh-weet! Happy blogoversary, Dave.
Happy blogoversary, Dave! 4 years! Too awesome! I can’t believe I’m coming on to 11 in September. Honestly, that’s far too much history for this single chick to be offering the world. Hehehe!
Hope you can make it to the Vancouver blogger meet up next month!! Always a good time!
I want to buy some Artificial Ducks NOW!!
Dang… am I gonna need an Artificial Pond for these puppies?
P.S. I saw a woman pushing a shopping cart around with one of those “things” sticking out of her ear. I instinctively reached for my Louisville Slugger! I kid you not! It was like The Manchurian Candidate.
Happy 4th Dave
This is such an odd concept. I asked others for gifts on my blogaversaries. Congrats on 4!
… and many more!! Is Bad Monkey only four years old then? He seems more like a troubled teen to me!
So, then kissing ass will give me an edge in the prize category? Damn Dave, this blog is the BOMB I tell you! Happy Anniversary!
At one time you wondered why anyone would want to read your blog – uhhh, because it totally rocks and now it has prizes??!! I’m like a little kid waiting for a pinata to bust open…
Happy anniversary, Dave!
Dangit to heck!I’ll be gone for most of that time and not near a computer!!1
Can you consider me entered anyhow?
Woo HOOO!!! Congratulations!!!
“…and the blogging habit is such a big part of my life that I can’t see an end to it.” — YES!
Conblogulations on four entertaining years!
Congrats on achieving four years! And building such a dedicated, effusive audience in the blogosphere as well.
Kudos to you, Dave! Well done, indeed!!
congrats on 4 years
Woot! Can’t wait to see all the festivities! hehe
All right damn it, THIS year I’m gonna win something!!!
Happy 4th, Your Daveness.
Holy shit! 4 years!?! I’m in my first 8 months and I’m loving it, i can’t imagine what it’ll feel like after 4 years. Great idea though, it’s very exiting.