Everybody loves little 1-inch button pins! Especially when they have really cool stuff on them. I originally invested in pricey professional button-making equipment for a charity fundraising event. Eventually it occurred to me that it might be cool to make buttons for my blog and pass them out at blogger meet-ups and stuff. When TequilaCon came around, I took some Blogography pins, some custom pins for bloggers I knew, and a big bag of 60 "generic" designs so everybody else could have pins to trade. By the end of the night all my pins were gone, and everybody seemed to have fun with them.
So I decided to add pins to the Artificial Duck Store for sale in ready-to-buy sets or pick-and-choose sets that customers can assemble themselves. There will also be the option for bloggers to send in their own artwork and have custom pins made. It's button fun for everyone, and I call them DuckyButtons...
In celebration of this new addition to the store, today's contest will feature button prizes...
$50 Amazon Gift Certificate ($50 value). Rather than shipping heavy books, region-specific DVDs, or CDs that get ripped and tossed in a landfill, I've decided to pass out Amazon Gift Certificates. This means prize-winners can get whatever they like and, since Amazon is available in several countries around the globe, it's a prize most everybody can enjoy (even if the US dollar doesn't buy as much as it used to).
Six Sets of DuckyButtons ($24 value). Pick any six sets you like, or create your own 5-button sets. DuckyButtons are sure to bring a smile to your face... or to anybody else's you meet when you wear them. And since you're getting 30 buttons, that's a month's worth of sweet wearable art to wear and share!
Twenty-Five Custom-Made DuckyButtons with Your Design ($25 value). Email us any one design or photo you like, and we'll turn it into 25 beautiful custom buttons of your very own! Use them to promote your blog, impress your friends, or distribute wearable pictures of your cat... so long as it isn't copyrighted, we'll make buttons from whatever you want!
Three Artificial Duck T-Shirts ($51 value). Yep, that's right, get any three shirts you like from the Artificial Duck Store... keep them for yourself, or give them out as gifts that will impress those lucky people you deem worthy of wearing them!
World-Wide Shipping (up to $35 value). No matter where you live on planet earth, rest assured you won't have to pay a dime to claim your prize because shipping is included.
And that's not all, today you also have two other chances to win...
Two Sets of DuckyButtons ($8 value). Your choice of two sets of super-sweet DuckyButtons in whatever designs you like... that's ten buttons to wear and share!
Fifteen Custom-Made DuckyButtons with Your Design ($15 value). Email us any one design or photo you like, and we'll turn it into 15 beautiful custom buttons of your very own!
One Artificial Duck T-Shirts ($17 value). Pick any shirt you like from the Artificial Duck Store, and be happy knowing that you'll be wearing a T-shirt that makes you at least 10% hotter the minute you put it on!
World-Wide Shipping (up to $12 value). Of course shipping is included, because that's the way I roll here.
Okay then, if you didn't leave 10 comments in the past year, PICK FOUR of the five questions below, and be sure to include the answers in your email entry to CONTEST EXPIRED! All the answers can be found in the Blogography History links listed below or by using the "Search Box" in my sidebar...
Remember, the entry deadline is TOMORROW at 9:00pm P.S.T. (Seattle time)! Good luck!
Dave writes his most Googled blog entry ever.
Dave lives here.
Dave takes really cool photos from the air.
Dave takes even cooler photos right here on earth.
Dave flies to Dublin, Ireland so he can look at a book that's being made into a killer animated feature.
Dave talks about his childhood, and shares a photo that Google-searching pedophiles will probably enjoy.
Dave goes looking for Robin Hood, but gets cake instead.
Dave live-blogs for the first time under less than ideal circumstances.
Dave blogs a "Day in the Life" entry, and swears never to do it again because it's just too much work.
Dave picks three guys he might go totally gay for.
I love comments! However, all comments are moderated, and won't appear until approved. Are you an abusive troll with nothing to contribute? Don't bother. Selling something? Don't bother. Spam linking? Don't bother.
PLEASE NOTE: My comment-spam protection requires JavaScript... if you have it turned off or are using a mobile device without JavaScript, commenting won't work. Sorry.
I don’t know how you do, but I love all you make !
So even though I read every day, I find that I’ve kept my mouth shut more often than not. (and that so rarely happens) And I only just found you in March, so… But this comment puts me at #10. Yippee. (But I did know where you were born…) And those buttons? Outstanding. You are too creative for your own good…
i am SO glad all my comments over the years are paying off right now.
i have been meaning to tell you that i get a lot of compliments on the salt & pepper button- almost daily i tell ya!
not that we needed any further confirmation of your genius.
(i need that “i am the decider” button- it is rad!)
10 comments in a year? Should have been at least 100.
You mean I’m finally being rewarded for being an opinionated hot-head who is egotistical enough to think that everyone and her brother need to know what she thinks on even the most mundane matters?
I’m crazy about the “bitch” button for some reason ;). Yay for millions of comments in only just under a year!
The buttons have reappeared. I love that duck.
Sweet. I get a free pass on the research.
I had to search entry by entry because Troy has been polluting my search for my name in the comments by keeping mentioning me in his comments. Silly husband. But woo, I’ve left more than 10 comments since your last blogiversary!
10 comments is nothing. Anyone that’s been here in the last 3 months should have left at least 10 comments.
Cool buttons.
wonderful buttons and prizes, Dave. If I win the free worldwide shipping prize I might ship myself to Eygalières France. I’ll probably have to use the “printed material” rate but at least I’ll be there.
I lose track of comments really easily… in fact I’m lucky I remember my own name… so I answered the questions just in case.
The “Dave Seal of Approval” button is suuhhwwwweeeeettt.
I can’t remember if I’ve left ten or not! :'(. I’ll answer the questions just in case, I must have some bitchin buttons!
I’m pretty sure that a pink “bitch” button is the perfect accent to just about every imaginable outfit.
Ooh, buttons!
I don’t know why, but the salt-and-pepper shakers button makes me irrationally happy. I want.
Must . comment . more.
The buttons are priceless! Love the skull, duck, and “mac whore”. Yep.
Whoa! I can’t believe all the cool stuff you’re giving away… Whoever wins *any* of those prizes will be soooo lucky!
I wasn’t sure how many comments I had left… love your search function
The only problem was the people who liked to use the word ‘bajillion’ in their comments
I was very happy to know that I had passed the coveted 10-comment mark with room to spare 
Reading your backlog gave me an idea that I would have to have so many comments to be eligible for the prizes. And it payed off. Then I felt guilty for being sneaky. So I answered the questions anyway.
Have now realised that a life of crime is not for me.
Ooh, buttons! I want one! Or, more than one!
I just found you and I think I have only left maybe three comments because I was easing myself in instead of stalking right away. I will get to work finding those answers as soon as I put my kids to bed. You wouldn’t cut a break to someone who has sick kids would you? What if she made her son pee in a puke bag in the car today and he somehow missed? What if she has to collect poop samples from her son for three days in a row and get them to the hospital within an hour each time and the hospital happens to be an hour away?
I’d say you’ve got more important (and scary!) things going on to worry about winning some buttons!
I’m attracted to the first one, yoga Dave and “I am the decider”.
Classic Dave and Bad Monkey rock too.
I’m pretty sure I have way more than ten comments. I think the Hogwarts post is the first entry of yours I read, then I loved your Hard Rock page (I still need to post my pics from the new NYC Hard Rock). This blogiversery is quite the shindig.
I feel all special and tingly as I already have some buttons.
And the new ones rock.
I pick the Artificial Duck button. If I get that one it’s going to a certain “4-year-old granddaughter” who will LOVE it!
You saw the Book of Kells?! You actually SAW the Book of frickin’ Kells?!
You…you…insufferably lucky rat bastard!
And you nearly didn’t go in because it was $9 bucks? Are you INSANE?! I’d give my theoretical first born to see it.
So. Not. Fair. *Harrumph!*
Couldn’t I just send you some cake?
Heh….i started reading during the second blogiversary, good stuff, happy Blogiversary…
These buttons are just so frickin’ cool!
I feel like I should have left ten comments last year, since I read your blog every single day (and feel guilty when I’ve missed out and had to read a day or two late) but when it comes down to it, I don’t comment all that much. Alas, to the questions it is!
I cannot wait to buy some of those buttons. WHY are they so cute? WHY?
Didn’t you have a way to check number of comments last year? Or am I delusional?
Of course, as I’m writing this, I also realized that the email I’m using on this comment is different from the email I entered from.