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Wow. You REALLY need some Elizabeth Hurley lovin’s….
:: Goes to find a snow-blower-like “Super Poop Scooper” and another two 4-packs of Guiness ::
Awe…I’m totally feeling the “crap”. Perhaps we can make each other feel better…
Geez, that’s some shit.
You’re in my thoughts, seriously.
Dave, I think you need a hug. Or whiskey, whichever is available.
Damn dude. That’s gross. My sympathies.
Oh my goodness. I was about to say I hope things start looking up, but pointing one’s face towards the sky in a shit storm doesn’t seem like the best idea at the moment. Um, perhaps hiding under the covers (with beer) until the coast is clear? Here’s hoping it gets better soon.
Dave, what do you want ? What can I do for you ?
Do you want a french massage ? or a “croissant pur beurre” ? or love mail ? or a french cheese cake ? or a french good cheese who stinks ?
You just say it !!!
Do NOT open your mouth to catch the raindrops!
Uh oh, it’s a shit storm! Dave needs to hide in for the weekend
Aw gee Dave…sorry life is a shitstorm.
Hope it picks up again soon….
Times like this call for BARENAKED LADIES.
One Week.
David this summarized my week quite well
Dude, this is really not good. You gotta get outta yourself.
speechless. munching on Golden Oreos and thinking of ya. hugs!
This is not right! NOT RIGHT!!! You should be here with us riding Expedition Everest 10 times a day.
awwwww, Dave. Same over on this side of the mountains.
If I had two lemon meringue pies, I’d give you one.
Sorry to hear that’s it’s really raining shit for you Dave. I hope that’s it’s a temporary situation and it passes.
Good luck with everything, keep struggling away, it’ll work out!
yikes. hope you have galoshes.
You have out done yourself.
Well, you know what they say,”When life hands you shit…”
No seriously, Do you know? Cuz I don’t have a clue.
Better than raining ‘cats and dog.’ Now that would be scary.
It’s official. You are a bonafide shit magnet.
My Dearest Dave:
May it stop raining dookey on you immediately. That is my wish.
So be it.
Also, Lil’ Dave looks might sharp in his suit, dookey-storm or no dookey-storm.
Jeez!! I thought you were seriously talking about my life there for a moment — Go check my recent blog entry about car towing as the highlight!
Good times. Not.
That good, huh?