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✖ Surfer

Posted on Tuesday, December 26th, 2006

Dave!If it were possible for me to have any holiday spirit, it would have certainly been driven from me on the way home tonight. It's snowing like a muther, and the roads are for crap. To make matters worse, I got to the train crossing only to find a stupid train parked on the crossing-arm switch, which made it impossible for me to go through (even though the train wasn't blocking the intersection). This meant I had to back-up, then go all the way back through town (filled with dumbass maniac drivers), just so I could get to the other crossing in town. After all that, I finally get home only to find out that the parking lot hasn't been plowed. GAH! SNOW SUCKS!!

But there was good news...

THE NEW FANTASTIC FOUR TRAILER IS OUT AT APPLE!! It's odd that I could possibly be excited about this given how lame the first F4 movie was... BUT OMG! THE SILVER SURFER IS IN IT AND HE'S KICKING THE HUMAN TORCH'S ASS!!

Silver Surfer and Human Torch

And thanks to the miracle of CGI, Silver Surfer can do some freakin' cool stuff... like melt through buildings and even his own surfboard!

Silver Surfer Melting


Here's hoping that they nail it this time, because it would be very cool to have Fantastic Four movies that are as good as the Spider-Man films.

I so totally want to be the Silver Surfer, who has to be one of the coolest super-heroes ever...


Bleh. Six whole months to wait.

At least the snow will be gone by then.

Categories: Movies 2006Click To It: Permalink


  1. Charred says:

    I hope they get FF2 right too; the first one was just awful!

  2. Rick says:

    Hey, Dave… I gotta bunch o’ Silver Surfer comics I don’t need (nor know much about) Vol 3, 1987; issues 1-5, 7-13, 24, 31, 32. And a Vol 2, (1982) #1.

    Just sayin’…

  3. nancycle says:

    Whoa! I WAS totally gonna ride your case being all Zen about snow and the train…but you have to wait six months for your favowite movie-woovie to come out so we don’t want to upset Davie-Wavie now would we?


  4. Göran says:

    That was a _cool_ trailer!

  5. RW says:

    Have to say it – I was there for Silver Surfer #1 back in 1968, and so am prejudiced as to the style and content of the old school version.

    It was a very cool mag to read while stoned… er waiting for the bus…

  6. Laurence says:

    I do not know which is the coolest : the Silver Surfer or the Lil’ Davilver Surfer !!!
    Here I could not watch FF4 before August 8 !!! In june, I could see Shrek The Third !!!

  7. Avitable says:

    At least this one can’t be worse than the first one!

  8. Mocha says:

    Dang. I was gonna offer you volume 3, issues 1-5, 7-13, etc…

    There goes my holiday spirit! Stealing my thunder really takes it out of me. That whole ‘it’s better to give’ won’t matter much now, but WHATEVER.

    Hey. Hope you had a Merry, Dave.

  9. keryn says:

    I saw that trailer this past weekend! Oh! It took my breath away! I love the Human Torch…I literally grabbed my son and husband (sitting on either side of me in the theater) and gasped aloud at the end! I’m counting the days!

  10. Joefish says:

    I’m neutral on the Surfer, but I ♥ me some Galactus.

  11. kapgar says:

    Well, eventually you will have photos of Jessica Alba in blue tights to tide you over.

  12. Jeff says:

    I think they spent way too much time on the first F4 setting up the characters and the premise of their powers.

    Like everyone didn’t know all that already. Sheesh.

  13. delmer says:

    I was always a big fan of the Silver Surfer. And I could certainly do with some more Spider-Man quality comic-book movies.

    The Punisher was horrible. Daredevil, another of my favorite comics (I get it every month) was bad. The Hulk, well, I never really cared for the comics.

  14. Eve says:

    Silver Surfer!!!!!!! I like Dave Surfer, too, lol. 🙂

  15. See, I’ve just never gotten the whole appeal of the Silver Surfer.

    Wolverine, Gambit, Rogue, Storm – very cool, I loved the X-Men growing up.

    Spiderman – Sarcastic superheroes are always sexy and the movies are certainly the best comic book to movie adaptation out there.

    Fantastic 4 – I was never a fan so maybe I’m misreading this, but it always seemed like it was all about the Human Torch and that everybody else was just window-dressing.

    Ghost Rider – Come on, he’s a dude with a flaming skull for a head riding a motorcycle with fire for tires – what’s NOT cool about that?!

    But Silver Surfer – What’s the story there? He’s a metallic dude surfing the cosmic winds looking for planets to be eaten. Hmmmmm. Yeah, I still don’t get it.

    But I love your Silver SurferDave, very cute. Oh and this has got to be, without a doubt, THE geekiest comment I’ve EVER left on a blog (and since I’m a librarian, that’s saying something). Congrats (or apologies, depending on your point of view).

  16. That looks WAY cool, I wish I had a faster connection here to check it out 🙁

  17. Karl says:

    Egad, the first FF movie was godawful, even with Jessica Alba to look at. Nowhere CLOSE to the level of “Superman” or “Spider-Man.” I was thinking about it the other day. My favorite superhero movies are:

    1. Superman (1 and 2)
    2. Spider-Man (1 and 2)
    3. Batman
    4. Batman Begins

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