• Clerks 2 finally has a DVD ship date here in the States of November 28th. The release is packed with six hours of bonus features (including an extended version of the infamous "donkey scene") but the highlight is bound to be the cast commentary, just as it has been in all the previous Kevin Smith DVDs. Upon reflection, I'm thinking that Clerks 2 was one of my favorite films of the year (certainly the funniest so far), and I'm anxious to give it another viewing because the three times I saw it in the theater wasn't enough. Also being released on the 28th is "An Evening with Kevin Smith 2: Evening Harder" which is guaranteed fun.
• Speaking of Kevin, he has a new weekly video show at mtvU called Sucks Less With Kevin Smith. I was really looking forward to seeing it... until I found out that it requires Windows Digital Rights Management, and won't play on a Mac. Sucks less? I can't think of anything that sucks MORE. I find it shocking that Kevin Smith would be party to this stupid shit! Why not release the videos DRM-free on his blog so everybody can enjoy them? Stuff like this has me wondering what would happen if other vbloggers were as short-sighted. What would I do without The Show by Ze Frank, for example?
• Speaking of suckage, I'm still waiting for my Milwaukee Admirals' team jersey. They sent me one, but it wasn't personalized like I ordered it. I thought it would be replaced by now, but a month has passed and nothing. I'm a little bummed about that. I hope it arrives before my trip to Wisconsin so I can be totally awesome...
"For the last time, those aren't hockey pucks!"
• Speaking of totally awesome, the new Hellboy animated film, Sword of Storms has finally aired on Cartoon Network. It was really well done, beautifully animated, and featured most of the actors from the film reprising their roles (Selma Blair!). As a Helboy fan from day one, I couldn't be happier...
If you don't get Cartoon Network, you'll be happy to know that a DVD will be released next February. If you can't wait that long and are looking for some interesting reading, I highly recommend the Hellboy Animated Production Diary, which offers insight into the labor of love that goes into creating good animation. I was totally addicted to it, and couldn't stop until I had devoured every entry.
• Speaking of totally addicted, I am going nuts over Last.fm since re-installing it the other day. First of all, I've been buying music like crazy as I discover brilliant stuff I have somehow missed. Second, I've been rediscovering old favorites I haven't listened to in ages. And third, I am freaking out over Blogography Group Radio which compiles musical favorites from readers who have joined. It's a cool mash-up of stuff I know and like, stuff I never expected to like, and stuff I've never even heard of before. There's 17 members so far, and the resulting charts are interesting, to say the least! What an amazing, amazing service. If you like music and haven't tried Last.fm, you owe it to yourself to have a look. When I re-do the site once "Pink for October" is over in a few days, I'll be putting up a chart from my user profile right in the sidebar.
• Speaking of "Pink for October," it was my intention to raffle a big prize package this month, then sell out my entire inventory of T-shirts and donate every penny of the profits to the Susan G. Koman Foundation for Breast Cancer. Unfortunately, I never got around to doing this because of numerous doctor visits for my eyesight problems and catching up with the work I missed because of them. This is something I still very much want to do, and plan to have the raffle ready when I return from Seattle next week. I hope everybody who liked the idea is still interested (even though Pink for October will have ended) because this is an incredibly worthy organization...
Dave & Bad Monkey love healthy boobies! Schedule your mammogram today!
• Speaking of incredibly worthy, Jenny has truly outdone herself in her latest entry at Run Jen Run. I leave you with my nomination for Blog Entry of The Year...
"In sooth, I know not why I am so hungry. It wearies me, this aching. But feed I must. Look ho! More dots, I spy."
With all haste I beseech you to click over to "Death of a Pacman: A Play in Five Acts" for the finest assemblage of dramatic prose and images I have yet seen!
Alas, there are no more bullets to dodge here until next Sunday!
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That sucks about the “Sucks Less” project…you would think of all directors, he wouldn’t mind if his work ended up on YouTube or as a viral vid. His internet fanbase and interaction with those fans is what sets him apart from other directors.
Your radio is completely sublime. It makes good with my ears… Thank you because I did not remember any more that the Eighties were so well. (Thank you still because I had forgotten who sang “Forever Young”!)
I love more and more bullets sunday !!! 🙂
Kevin Smith director’s commentaries are better than most movies. I thought the Kinky Kelly scene was long enough as is. Not sure I need the ‘extended’ version.
I am humbled by this recognition, Dave. It’s truly an honor just to be nominated, and I share this success not only with my friends and fellow actors, but also with Wm. Shakespeare, whose work I blatantly ripped off for that entry… 🙂
I’ll raffle anytime for a good cause, October or not.
I am loving the Last.fm thing, even though my computer is not up and running yet. I completely forgot about Hooverphonic and The Shamen and now this has reminded me to replace them in my slowly being rebuilt CD collection. Also, I am completely tickled that it lists Yazoo and not Yaz, cause that’s OG.
I love last.fm myself. I also use Pandora.com for some change. Love the bullets! Keep that up.
Feh. Speaking of suckage, I WANTED to join the cool kids and start playing with Last.fm today. Instead, I was at my friend’s house watching her dog while she’s travelling when the heat went out. The repairman waits until the end of the day to come, he can’t get the part he needs until tomorrow (of course!) and I ended up in this elaborate scheme to borrow another friend’s boyfriend’s ceramic heater for the night. But now I have to camp out here so we don’t end up with a burnt dog in the morning.
Thankfully, I have a computer to access to try to complete the work I’ve needed to do all day, but it’s not my own, so no Last.fm fun for me.
Now everybody throw me a big pity party.
Perhaps the urinal cakes you blogged about earlier went pink for October too??
Just so you know, I have to work til after midnight on Halloween, and since I’m going to be at work, I’m not really going to be in costume.
SOooo….My costume this year will be…
Well, if we couldn’t agree on “The Departed”, we can at least find some common ground with Kevin.
And yes…we’ll wait for the fabulous raffle and sale. I cannot believe I have no Dave-Wear with the Holiday season coming up. All those galas to attend and me without my cool shirt.
november 28th! my birthday! *dances*
pacman costume takes the cake. 🙂
Whoa! I had to go read Hot Coffee Girl’s entry on the Departed to get up to speed. Then I went running in a circle around my office screaming, “Ahhhhhh! Ahhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!”
Because I loved the Departed. LOVED. IT.
My favorite Clerks thing was the first Clerks with the commentary when Jason Mews was so trashed he ended up passing out half way through.
The End.
Diane-Yes, I know. I seem to be in the minority on this one. You didn’t by any chance hate “Man of the Year” or “Marie Antoinette”? I am sorry I made you run screaming. Although, that is an argument for webcams if I ever heard one. 😉
Ha ha! HCG, thanks for taking my screaming so well. 🙂 I do wish I could contract Dave to animate a variety of mental reactions I have in my day to day life.
I have NO desire to see Marie Antoinette or Man of the Year. Okay, maybe Marie Antionette, but Man of the Year looks like Robin Williams being Robin Williams which doesn’t appeal to me. I’d rather spend my hard-earned cash on Borat & Casino Royale. ;)(which I confess, both might be a waste of most people’s time)
Leave it to Miss Amadeo. That is awesome.
That cartoon makes it look like Bad Monkey is eating urinal cakes.
OK, scratch that last comment, since I just now noticed the tiny caption. DUH.
They have set up links to a flash player version of “Sucks Less” for Mac users 🙂
Let everyone know that days after the airing of episode 1 of Sucks less, they put up a MAC link so that all episodes are now viewable on a Mac. Good stuff, check it out.