My back got thrown out yesterday, and I'll be darned if I know how.
There I was just walking down the street when all of a sudden my back seizes up and I am in unbearable pain, hobbling along the sidewalk like I'm 90 years old.
It kind of pisses me off. I mean, if my back had been thrown out while I was pushing a car... or climbing Mount Everest... or doing something even remotely interesting... I would be okay with it. But WALKING?!?
So now I am doped up on muscle relaxers and pain killers and don't feel much like blogging.
Instead, I feel like...
A pity that I don't have a podcast, because I am doing an awesome rendition of Madonna's "Holiday" at the top of my lungs right now.
Probably because the song is playing on my television's 80's music channel and I've dropped the remote just out of reach. Maybe it's the painkillers talking, but this song totally rocks.
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that sounds like voodoo doll attack. did you anger someone?
Hi Dave, I’m sorry to hear about your back, mine went out in Oct. of last year and finally in Feb. I had to visit the emergency room. Of course I don’t have medical insurance so an x-ray and a script (of course not the super inflated cost of the pills which I payed at the pharmacy) cost me a little over $5,000. But Darvoset, Clycobenzaprine, (sp) and Anaprox had me back on my feet in about a week and a half. Hope you feel better and thanks for a good read every day!
I demand a recording of this!
I feel your pain, really…I do. My back is currently out.
I’ve thrown out my back by sneezing, shaving my legs…and a month ago I just woke up and couldn’t move. Not fun… but pain killers and muscle relaxers kinda make up for it.
Heat and ice, my friend…heat and ice.
Call me if you start doing Bjork stuff.
I can not see you singing “Holiday”. But I can see you singing “Let’s get physical”.
I prefer Adam Sandlers version in the Wedding Singer… much more upbeat!
In light of your injury, perhaps you should switch to Gwen Stefani’s “Hollaback Girl.”
Sorry. That was cheap.
Getting old sucks, eh? Hope you feel better.
I was in my 20’s when I put my back out once. I was walking up a flight of stairs.
Have you had the flu or anything lately? I had and was told that being ill can weaken the muscles so you can injure yourself really easily.
I’ve thrown my back out twice now. Once I was working out at the gym (semi-interesting, I suppose). The second time I was just sitting in a chair. So, at least you were moving when it happened. That’s better than sitting on your ass and having your back seize up.
Oh Dave… if you want a massage for your back, you only have to ask !
What ? Nobody wants to do it ? All right, I’ll be a martyr !!!
(Oh, no… I just remember a little thing : 30-32h flying hours… What a pity !!! :-D)
PS. For the song, maybe it is subconcious… You need holidays, Dave !
PPS. I hope that you’ll soon recover !
Muscle relaxers and pain killers, oh my! Sounds like good times to me!
All’s I gotta say is I feel your pain. I’m just lucky because my mother in law’s a physical therapist, massage therapist, occupational therapist and neuromuscular therapist, so I always get some appropriate treatment and preventative work and it keeps me sane.
In most people I’ve heard about, this happens coupled with a small weight gain or loss, or shortly after some intensive overuse of the back, like the day after you decide to move a pallet full of patio paving rocks at a Madonna concert.
Fess up.
I tore my ACL walking down the stairs backwards. Very humiliating. And the zombie knee still doesn’t feel natural. Get that back taken care of and lay off the Madonna under the influence of painkillers. It can’t possible sound as good as you think.
Muscle relaxants and painkillers … do you even care that your back is out?
When backs go out, do they have a designated driver?
Incredible…. No lie… I had the same thing happen to me the other day, just sitting in my chair at work when BAM!!.. JAB!! something that felt like someone was using a steel pole to jab me in the back.
Fortunately, no more than a couple of advil every 4 hours for two days helped take away 95% of the pain. Things are better today… but what a coincidence…. Did you just turn 43? Seems like things falling apart once you reach that age… at least for me it is.
just one day out of life, dave…
it would be SO nice.
My vote is with the meds.
You’re preachin to the choir my friend. I think my back uses moon phases to decide when to go out. Waxing Gibbous is one of its favorites.
I threw out my back opening a window once. I feel your pain. Stay flat, eat bon bons and spank that monkey…um, wait…damn, I meant make that bad monkey behave….um…damn, nothing sounds right today. Oh, I know. Watch season two of Veronica Mars. There…the cure for what ails ya.
I’ve lately been grooving to Madonna’s “Rescue Me”. Dude, that song rocks…..
I am totally enamoured of Madge. Her latest album kicks ASS and it hasn’t gotten the play in the US that it deserves….
Now, THAT, I’d pay money to hear! Hope your drugs do the trick, and your back is feeling better soon.
Dave, this was the first time that I’ve been GLAD that I can’t hear you.
I once threw out my back and it was the single worst ongoing pain I’ve ever experienced. I was out of work for weeks and in physical therapy for months. The doctor couldn’t believe how much muscle relaxers I was downing, but given that I was helping a 375 lb woman get off the toilet it was justified.
And mate, there in NO WAY Madonna sounds good coming from your lips… even on massive amounts of pain killers.
Oh, man. At least you got the good drugs to deal with the pain. Hope it pops back into place soon, thrown out backs are pure misery.
Ahhhh the valium/vico remix…do it!
By singing Madonna, you just proved how utterly gigantic your balls must be. Takes a real man to admit to that.
I’d pay money for that podcast!
Pain killers rock – except for the adverse side effects. (P.S. I’m catching up on my blog reading).
Retardedly belated, I know, but. . .
If you plan on constantly throwing out your back for no reason, here’s what you need to do: You need to start fabricating exciting, elaborate stories about how you threw out your back and write them down somewhere handy. That way, the next time you throw out your back doing nothing, you’ll have a cool explanation all ready to go. Just make sure you cross out the ones you use because the last thing you want is someone asking, “Again? I thought you threw out your back saving two firemen from a burning building LAST year”
Trust me, I know. My limbs dislocate all the time, and it sucks having to tell the ER people that I’m in their hospital because of a sneeze.