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Posted on Tuesday, August 22nd, 2006

Dave!Today started out as a pretty good day. I woke up with my intestines still on the inside (always a good sign) and the second season of Veronica Mars is due to drop on DVD. On top of that, I bought a fresh box of PopTarts that I'd be opening up for breakfast, so I was all set to face whatever life decided to throw at me.

At least I thought so until my phone rang...

DAVE: "No, I haven't seen Snakes on a Mutherf#@%ing Plane yet."
ROBERT: "DUDE! THE NEW PARIS HILTON ALBUM TOTALLY ROCKS!! A Depeche Mode fan like you should totally love it!"
DAVE: "What?"
ROBERT: "Dude, you've got to download Paris!"
DAVE: "Unless there's a new sex video I don't know about, there is no way I am downloading anything by Paris Hilton."
ROBERT: "Video? Hey, have you seen the new K-Fed video on YouTube? I hear he's touring with Depeche Mode next Spring."
DAVE: "Goodbye Robert."

My love of Depeche Mode catches me nothing but grief from my friends.

But it did get me thinking... apparently if you have shitloads of money (or are married to somebody with shitloads of money) that's all you need to get a record deal. No singing ability required. This must be a major consolation to bands who are struggling to get a deal based on actual musical talent.

And yet the RIAA still thinks that slumping music sales are entirely due to internet piracy. Go figure.

I wonder how come Bill Gates doesn't have a band?

Categories: Music 2006Click To It: Permalink


  1. Göran says:

    Why is it that the music industry is “bouncy” and yet so few record companies go for quality?

    Supposedly there´s a connection somehow?

  2. Kevin says:

    Well, I’ll be your friend in so far as our blogging buddydom goes. And you know you won’t catch flack from me for being a DM fan. So you’re set.

    Thanks for the reminder on VMs2. Gotta get that before my night class.

  3. Jeff says:

    “This must be a major consolation to bands who are struggling to get a deal based on actual musical talent.”

    Bingo. You’ve just summed up the story of my life. Well, my ’80’s life.

  4. suze says:

    i’m waiting with much anticipation for my VMars season 2 DVD to appear in my mailbox. Sadly, Canada Post is estimating it will take 8 days to get to Ottawa from the eastern side of Toronto. (about a 4 hour drive). Because, apparently, they are walking the mail across the country these days… 😉

  5. Miss Britt says:

    Yet another reason I should marry for money next time.

  6. Hilly says:

    Al Gore stole Bill’s band.

    I was just thinking about Depeche Mode last night; someone asked me what my favorite group from the 80’s was and I had to think about it….definitely most listened to was DM.

  7. ChillyWilly says:

    Being a big DM fan, I really have no interest in hearing Paris Hilton. I really can’t see any comparison of Depeche Mode to Paris Hilton, with the remote possibility she once attended a DM concert.

  8. Plunky(Deb) says:

    I can’t even believe Depeche Mode and Paris Hilton can be uttered in the same sentance. I love me some DM. I hate me some PH. I’m glad your intestines are still where they should be.

  9. yellojkt says:

    Paris Hilton is quoted as saying she cries everytime she hears her album. I would too.

  10. Belinda says:

    DANGIT. Now I have to add “ensure that intestines are still on inside” to my morning checklist.

    Please don’t omit this tip from the “Dave’s Guide To Daily Living For Dumba**es” book.

  11. Mooselet says:

    I’m sure that if Bill Gates were to have a band, it would be better than Paris Hilton and K-Fed’s.

    Now I’ve got DM songs swirling about my brain.

  12. sultana says:

    What flavor Pop Tarts?

    I just tried the new mint chocoate ones (frozen). Tasty indeed 🙂

  13. karla says:

    So I was just listening to Depeche mode and it rocked. Specifically, “Never Let Me Down Again”. Rocks.

    And Paris Hilton patently does not rock….EVER.

    so there. That is all.

    Oh look , a leftover glass of wine. Must drink…nummy.

  14. Dave, why are you friends with this “Robert” character?

  15. Avitable says:

    What’s wrong with Depeche Mode?

    And I plan on buying the Paris Hilton CD. Is that wrong?

  16. EDDIE says:

    Money can buy anything.
    (It’s not her voice.)

  17. utenzi says:

    Plus pop-tarts and Veronica Mars and minus Paris Hilton. You’re one smart dude, Dave. I worry about your friend though.

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