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✖ Glitter

Posted on Saturday, July 15th, 2006

Dave!Yesterday afternoon as I was standing in line to check-in to my Chicago hotel, I overhear something curious in a conversation between two sarcastic twenty-something bitches in the lobby...

"Well, the world is going to hell and the gays have invaded the city."

And in my mind I'm thinking "Seriously? The gays have invaded Chicago?? I didn't see that one coming."

Suddenly my head is filled with images of the gay militia pouring into the streets of the city, looking fierce and fabulous! They're wearing lovely pink camouflage latex tank-tops with matching pink boots and a perky beret. They're armed with rhinestone-studded assault rifles (assuming you can bedazzle an AK-47) and the world is awash in sequins and glitter. They're setting up their HQ in Hancock Tower (tee hee), and it's the prettiest invasion ever (I hope there's good television coverage when I get to my room). I then wonder if my 20% status is enough to join-up because I, for one, welcome our new militant gay overlords...

Gay Invasion

And then I find out that it's a different kind of invasion entirely. Chicago is hosting the Gay Games this coming week, and the opening ceremonies are today.

Well, darn.

I was really hoping for an actual gay invasion because that would certainly make this trip a memorable one.

And speaking of "fierce and fabulous" - am I the only one NOT going to BlogHer at the end of this month? It seems like a lot of the blogs I read have everybody gearing up for the event. I thought it was a conference just for the ladies, but now I'm seeing that guys are going too.

I always miss the good parties.

Categories: Travel 2006Click To It: Permalink


  1. James says:

    Somehow I doubt that you ALWAYS miss the good parties.

    I want myself a rhinestone-studded AK-47.
    That or gold plated.

  2. RW says:

    I’m not going to BlogHer… but I was kinda expecting a Daveflamenco…

  3. margalit says:

    I’m not going to blogher (WAY too expensive for those po girl) but I am doing the blogathon the same weekend, and (shameless plug here) I’m looking fos sponsors. Hint hint.

    There are a few men going to blogher, but frankly, I think that’s a tad bit odd. They are daddy bloggers, and I guess they don’t feel threatened being surrounded by 600+ snarky babes. Or maybe they like it! You got me. You would see me attending BlogHim. Nope, no way.

    And you gotta wonder what these guys at Blogher and going to talk about. Shoes? Purses? Makeup? After pregnancy stretch marks? I dunno… seems like an odd match to me.

  4. Chase says:

    Uh oh. A woman saying all us women can talk about are shoes, purses and stretchmarks? Yipes.

    But, um, Dave? If you put on your little pink camo set, I think you’d be the belle of the ball at BlogHer. And if not, I’ll escort you around and introduce you as my very homo cousin. 🙂

  5. Mocha says:

    Yep. You’re the only one not going. But many women are (secretly) wondering if the men going are hoping it’s:

    a) a meat market
    b) an “in-your-face” deal
    c) going to be filled with other men wearing that pink getup on today’s Davetoon

  6. Dave2 says:

    James… Gold?!? How very bling bling of you!

    RW… Weren’t we all? Unfortunately, flamenco dancers are shockingly hard to draw and I’m quite lazy. 🙁

    Chase… I don’t think it would be in the best interest of ANYBODY to see me dressed like that, but thanks for the kind offer. 🙂

    Mocha… Going to BlogHer to pick up chicks? That’s a fantastic idea!! I’ll go get my tickets right now and… hey… wait a second… TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY-EIGHT DOLLARS AND NINETY-SEVEN CENTS?!? As if the airfare and lodging weren’t bad enough… TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY-EIGHT DOLLARS AND NINETY-SEVEN CENTS?!? Seriously, I am not so desperate that I have to pay for it. At least not yet. What are you ladies doing in these sessions that require a registration fee of TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY-EIGHT DOLLARS AND NINETY-SEVEN CENTS?!? Were the meeting rooms designed by Vera Wang?? Does every attendee get a gold-plated tampon travel case? Yikes. Maybe I’ll just do my part by recording a keynote speech and posting it to my blog or something.

  7. Karl says:

    Nice camo. I’m killing a few birds with one stone on this CA trip. I get to finally hang out with Hilary, meet up with some other friends in Orange County and Los Angeles, go to BlogHer to meet lots of the folks I read on a regular basis, and hang out with more blogger friends in San Francisco. Oh, and pick up chicks.

  8. Charred says:

    Rik ist nicht so ve eina goinna BlogHer (bastardized-tongue-speak for “I ain’t a-goin either.”)

    Hey! WOOT the Salt Lake Temple “Travel Picto-gram” in the sidebar! My cousin just got married there. It’s a fantastically beautiful building, inside and out.

  9. franky says:

    Somehow every online conference/seminar has become that expensive nowadays that you can hardly afford them.

    Gay Games and Parades are total fun. Living in Brighton UK every year, well more all year long, gays cheer up town. I also have lived in Cologne, Germany and Amsterdam, NL both places where nightlife was very gay-flavoured. I love the atmosphere which is created by the ‘gay flower power’.

  10. exposed says:

    i especially like that they are refered to as “twenty-somthing bitches” mmmmmmmmm…that just makes the story! they’re just sad becuase no matter how hard they work out, thier asses will never look that good.

  11. Hilly says:

    I’m not going to BlogHer either; I just don’t know why though.

    I agree that the best part is the “twenty-something bitches” statement….oh dear, the Gays are coming, the Gays are coming! Apparently they don’t get out much.

  12. Belinda says:

    Sadly, it looks like my health is gonna keep me home. So if there’s someone for whom the airfare and lodging is NOT an issue, but the registration fee is, drop me a line. I have two tickets for cocktail parties both days, and the seminars for Day 2. As far as I’m concerned, the speakers are WELL worth the registration fee. I’m sick at missing not only Alice Bradley (finslippy) and Eden Kenedy (fussy) and other of my personal favess, but Arianna Huffington to close the thing out. DANGIT.

    Fortunately for us homebound, the whole thing is going to be online pretty much live, and I have PROMISES from attendants that they’ll be IMing me furiously throughout the event so that I may better live vicariously through them.

  13. EDDIE says:

    I agree with ‘exposed’.
    Those bitches are simply pathetic.

    I am wondering you found any Elizabeth Hurley look alike tranny from gay invasion?

  14. kazza says:

    egads! has it been four years since the last gay games already??? In 2002 they were in Sydney, and I managed the webserver that they hosted their site on (with 0% downtime I might add 😉 ), and for the privilege got to go the opening ceremony (which was terribly colourful 🙂 ) .. I used to have pics on my photo server, but they got lost in the disk crash and I never put them back…. mmmm and I still have the pink and white pom poms … 🙂

  15. SJ says:

    With all my heart, I hope Gay Dave makes it to a T-shirt some day.

    A girly-T that says: “Pink is the new Dave”

  16. annette says:

    That pink camo is Fantabulous!

    LOVE IT. Just need LED lights on the boots…

  17. ChicagoDave says:

    He’s here.
    He’s queer (20%).
    Get used to it.

    Welcome back to Chicago, Dave!

  18. ms. sizzle says:

    we should plan our own PNW party. i am not able to go to BlogHer and, yes, i was feeling a bit like a loser. we’ve got to remedy this!

  19. Avitable says:

    Well, at the very least, Chicago would look nice from the inside, because of all the constant interior decoration going on.

  20. iFran says:

    That’s funny, but my image about a “gay invasion”, I think in this kind of invasion:

  21. Pauly D says:

    I’m starting my own blog convention called BLOGNO. That’s where you go around and ask people if they have blogs and they say NO. Probably most of them would be 50-something salesmen, but think of the parties up at the hotel bar!

  22. Ummm, shouldn’t those be pink assless chaps? Just asking.

  23. Kevin says:

    Phew! I thought I was the only one not going. Maybe next year. I didn’t really know about it until it was too late.

  24. Deb_LA says:

    Don’t listen to Chase, that’s all she talks about…shoes, purses, and stretchmarks! Enough already.

    I heart that Pink Camo, I think you should sell those on your next Blogversary!

  25. tristan says:

    wow, great graphic! Could I borrow this if I credit it to you?

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