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Posted on Sunday, May 7th, 2006

Dave!It's 11:00am and I haven't gotten out of bed yet. Well, I did get up to go to the bathroom, but that was only because I had to. I simply must invest in adult diapers for Sunday mornings (and to think I was embarrassed to buy toilet paper).

Last night my trusty photo scanner broke. It was old and slow, so I suppose I should be okay with the situation... but it was a bummer to have to spend all morning trying to decide on a new one. I think I have it narrowed down to a cheap-ass Epson, because I couldn't find what I really want, which is a tabloid (11" X 17") scanner.

The entire ordeal started when I went to sort through my photo negatives so I can get another batched scanned by DigMyPics. Eventually I realized that a large number of film negatives are missing. This means that a huge chunk of my life exists only on paper photos that are going to fade and fall apart. This is not okay.

If the pictures are gone, how can I see what I looked like 20 years ago at Expo 86?

Dave Expo 86

Or remember how beautiful a Maui beach is at sunset back when it wasn't jammed with people?

Maui Sunset

Sure photo scans are not as good as having the film negatives scanned directly, but I guess I have the memories to go with them, so it's better than nothing. I wish I could go back in time and hand myself a digital camera.

Okay, time to eat a Pop-Tart for breakfast...

Categories: Photography 2006Click To It: Permalink


  1. Neil T. says:

    That’s a nice bonnet of hair you’ve got there, Dave 🙂

  2. Karen Rani says:

    Good GOD! That hair!!!!! Bwaaahahahahaha!

  3. RW says:

    Don’t forget the pierogies later, k?

  4. kilax says:

    Gee… I really hope you are joking about the first pic… 😉

  5. Bec says:

    I keep looking at my photo box and thinking I must spend some time scanning them, purely so there will be a version of them about should anything happen… BUt, oh the effort involved… Makes me want to be on that beach…

  6. Eve says:

    Wow, that Maui photo is spectacular. You’re right, a scan is better than nothing. One of my greatest photos is of me and Ozzy Osbourne and it’s a Poloroid shot!

  7. Bre says:

    While you’re handing yourself a digital camera, you may also want to take the flobie away … just sayin…

  8. Mooselet says:

    That bowl haircut, Dave… :::shudder:::

    And I love the Maui picture. I’m envious.

  9. nancycle says:

    What a great sunset and what a fab Jennifer Love Hewitt hair do!

    Stop it with the Pop Tarts already!!! You’re killing me with that.

  10. adena says:

    Holy Abomination of all that is good and holy!!

    What is that hair??

  11. Rabbit says:

    I saw THE most amazing sunset last year while sitting on a beach in Cape Cod waiting for the fireworks display to start. And you know what? I had forgotten to bring a camera.

    I’m going to go cry now.

  12. Mocha says:

    Awwwww. I LIKE the hair, Dave. It just longs to be mussed.

  13. Chanakin says:

    I was just talking about that with some friends of mine the other day… how many memories are lost forever because 1) nobody even had a picture phone, 2) nobody could tell if the pictures even came out until the film was processed.

    Nice camera strap.

  14. apryl says:

    i was 16 in ’86. bowl haircuts were da bomb!
    okay…not really. sorry, Dave.

  15. RW says:

    Hmmm… in 1986 I was… um… 33.

    That’s kind of an “Ouch” – but I DIDN’T have a bowl on my head….

  16. Dave2 says:

    Hmmm… I think that it must be the angle, because I never had a “bowl cut”. I am photographing somebody sitting down, so you are seeing more of the top of my head that usual…

    The actual horror is far worse…

    Dave Hair

  17. sandra says:

    Did you have to get out of bed to get the Pop Tarts?

  18. These photos clearly demonstrate you were very fashion forward-Daisy Dukes before the year 2000.

  19. jenny says:

    No, Dave, the reality is far less frightening than the bowl cut we were all picturing. In fact, you were quite the cutie in your little sexxayy running shorts. 😉

  20. Rabbit says:

    In ’86 I was . . . in first grade.

  21. adena says:

    Ok, the pictures in the comments are of typical 1986 hair….I’ll give you that.

    However, I did not think there could be a worse horror than bowl cuts…well, maybe mullets….or a combination mullet/bowl cut….or maybe THIS guy:

    But…it appears I was wrong….


  22. Jeff says:

    Oh God Adena, there’s no “percent gay” high enough for that Peter Pan guy! Thanks for the laugh.

  23. Yes, do you still have the bowl that went with the haircut? I do like the pic of you holding the camera on the beach with the oh so serious slightly pouty, “darn it, that I couldn’t go to vietnam and live the true life of the war journalist”, look.

  24. mikey says:

    Rabbit’s comment just made me feel REALLY old.

  25. Holiday says:

    Oh Adena, that link is frightening–there should be a disclaimer.

    Dave, you are a brave man for posting old pictures of yourself. I have my 80s perm pictures locked away, safe and sound.

  26. SJ says:

    What a coincidence that you should write about this subject. For the past three days, I’ve been looking for a packet of photos from August 2002. I can’t find it ANYWHERE. These are photos that are especially irreplaceable, and I’m sick with worry. All I can think is, if only I’d scanned them into my digital library.

  27. Dave2 says:

    Ummm… yeah. Somehow it seems to work on Cartoon Dave more than it does on a real person. 😛

  28. kusems says:

    My parents had season tickets to Expo 86, so we went a few times. I was really young (younger than Rabbit), and I thought Expo 86 was like Disneyland. A year later, I asked my parents why we never went anymore and was sooooo disappointed when they told me it didn’t exist. My little world crashed down around me…

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