Sorry about posting so late today, but it's Pauly's fault.
This morning I received a copy of his new book The Lost Blogs: From Jesus to Jim Morrison and, just like when James' new book arrived, I simply could not put it down. I started reading when I picked it up from the post office, then continued to read it at every opportunity throughout the day until I finished it just a few minutes ago. The first thing I'm going to do after writing this entry is eat something, because I skipped lunch and breaks so that I could get through more pages. Now I'm starving, and that's Pauly's fault too.
The Lost Blogs is a compilation of various "lost" blog entries from famous people throughout history. Some of them I expected to be included (George Washington, Einstein, Shakespeare, Da Vinci, etc.), but others were complete surprises. There's 175 to choose from and, as if the variety wasn't enough, each entry is totally unique in voice and style. Taken as a whole, it is a brilliant concept that has been flawlessly executed. I totally love it...
I cannot recommend The Lost Blogs highly enough. Each entry is like a potato chip, and you won't want to stop eating until you've finished the entire bag. Even then, you'll be licking the crumbs from the bottom, because now I have to go back and re-read a bunch of entries. Some of them because they were so funny I want to read them again... others because I have work to do (like translating the Samuel Morse entry from Morse Code!).
Do yourself a favor and go visit The Lost Blogs site right now. There you can learn all about the book, read some sample entries, and order yourself a copy. Whether you write a blog or just enjoy reading them, it's a must-have.
So congratulations Pauly! You can now add the great Blogography Seal of Approval to your book... far more exclusive and valuable than Oprah's stupid book club!
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to have a cheese sandwich and a couple Hello Kitty Pop-Tarts before I pass out. I wouldn't want to have to blame Pauly for that too.
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Kind kind words, my dear blogging friend. Glad you enjoyed it!
Just wait until you see what Morse had to say.
Wow! I just posted that a minute ago!
Admit it… you were sitting there with your browser pointed at Blogography while continuously pressing the “refresh” button until my entry appeared.
I don’t blame you. My blog is totally awesome!
Well earned words on your book though… I only thought I knew what to expect, and had no idea that you would be going to such pains to distinguish every single entry so well. Great job. Great book!
It’s called a Bloglines “notifier.” It tells me when there are new posts. In your case it screeches like a bad monkey.
It’s settled then. I couldn’t pass up a discounted Bad Monkey t-shirt either. You’re quite the salesman.
Yay, I got my copy today, too. Haven’t read much yet…been under the weather today and in and out of bed all day. Can’t believe you read the entire thing already! Now you have to wait who knows how long before Pauly’s next tome?
Oh, when payday comes I shall be leaping all over this thing they call internet participating in a little retail therapy… just think how calm and happy I’ll be when t-shirts and books are on their way! Ooo, I’ll be in “No Pain” mode…
I like the concept, and with an endoresment like this I’ll have to check it out.
Yay! Got mine yesterday as well. I’m happy.
Damn, I should have pre-ordered a copy.
Oh, happiness is!
Just wish I could have linked to those shots Mose’s went on about…
Take it easy on the Hello Kitty eh?
I shall order the book. It sounds intriguing.
Um, do you have any advice for how to ride with nasty emails and comments? I am suffering my first paper cut.
And please, for the love of God, is there such a thing as Hello Kitty Pop-Tarts?????? Because that might be too many good things all at once. It just might cure my paper cut.
Wowzah. I’m a leetle behind, just having finished Consumer Joe. I’m curious though, are the title letters on the cover of The Lost Blogs printed in yellow or red? It’s just that it’s different in the pictures you posted–and I mean, this could be a deciding factor in whether or not I purchase the book. :p