Response to Blogiversary III has, so far, been very different than I expected. But in a good way. I couldn't be happier, so thanks everybody!
IMPORTANT!: Leaving a comment does NOT enter you in any of the contests! You MUST send an email as mentioned in the entry instructions!
Anyway, I thought maybe a hundred people would vote for T-shirts... on the outside. I get large numbers of "unique visitors" to my home page on a daily basis, but only a small fraction of them leave comments or participate in Blogography stuff in any way. Well, this morning I awoke to a total which is rapidly approaching 300. If everybody who voted turns in their $10 coupon for a shirt, that's $3000 I've given away right there! Well, not really... I'd crap myself if I had to pay out $3000 in cash... it's far less than that, but still a very surprising response. I am most pleased!
And yes, the "Zombies Ate My Brain" shirt is ahead in the voting by a fairly large margin. But, given the unexpected response, I might not wait a full year before offering another design. I guess I'll wait and see how many people actually end up turning in their coupon and getting a shirt.
The "READ with DAVE" giveaway reaction has been strange indeed. I created a quiz for everybody who hasn't left 10 comments and made it a requirement to enter the drawing. This was meant to reward those who contribute to my blog by allowing them to enter without the hassle. But here's the thing... most everyone (and I'm talking 80% or better) who isn't required to take the quiz is doing it anyway! Apparently, searching through my blog for answers to simple questions is big fun, and I wasn't expecting that. Yet only 72 people have entered. Part of the reason is because international readers don't want to pay shipping charges on a heavy box of books, but I think there is a fair amount of people who aren't entering simply because they don't want to take five minutes and search for quiz answers. Yet those who don't have to do it are doing it anyway? Interesting.
I get a lot of people who are writing notes to me in their email entries, and questioning whether or not I read them. The answer is yes... I read every single email entry I get! But with 350+ to sort through, I'm a bit behind just now. :-)
See you in an hour with today's new prize giveaway!
I love comments! However, all comments are moderated, and won't appear until approved. Are you an abusive troll with nothing to contribute? Don't bother. Selling something? Don't bother. Spam linking? Don't bother.
PLEASE NOTE: My comment-spam protection requires JavaScript... if you have it turned off or are using a mobile device without JavaScript, commenting won't work. Sorry.
I didnt enter the Read with dave contest because I have atleast half of those books already, and someone else would benifit more from it.
P.S. GO ZOMBIE!!!!!!!
I think for those of us who comment on your blog regularly it’s a fun little “nostalgic” trip through DaveMemory Lane.
It’s good fun indeed.
Oh and anything free (and as cool as the gifts you are giving away) is worth spending a little bit of money on the shipping and handling.
C’mon people! You can’t get deals like this on Ebay, even if you tried! 🙂
I’m one of those international readers (I like the sound of that) who doesn’t want to pay for the heavy shipping for books, I’m hoping today will be a lighter prize. I’m looking forward to searching through this blog, I’ve been reading through archives and enjoying every minute.
And I will be turning in my $10 coupon, even though Zombies was my second choice.
You could always do a Blogography Half-Blogiversary in October. Devil Dave would be great for Halloween!
YES!!! ZOMBIES is in the lead! Muah ha ha!!!
Please dont crap your self Dave…that would be most disturbing and tramatic for those around you….i had a lot of fun searching for the answers…as a new reader it helps me catch up on what i have been missing a little easier….thank god for the seach tool though…..
I just really want to wear a “cosmic banana” T-shirt to Blogher.
It just proves who your REAL friends are!! 🙂
Dave2, I am ASTOUNDED at the work you’ve put into this Blogiversary celebration. Just the posts alone must have eaten up a lot of time, not to mention handling the avalanche of emails and the contests. Did you take this week off from work or something?
Geez, talk about giving back to the fans! You ROCK, Your Daveness.
Knowing how busy you are and how much email you receive on a daily basis, I’m always impressed (and flattered) that you have personally responded to EVERY email I’ve ever sent you. Also, you visit my blog and comment on a regular basis.
I just think that’s really cool.
Actually, SJ… I didn’t take a week off from work, I’m just taking a week off from reading and commenting on Jeff’s blog!
Well, Jeff’s and everybody else’s… when this is over I’ve got a LOT of catching up to do!
Have you figured out the secret of human cloning and designed yourself a mini Dave to handle this week?
I fall over if I get more than 10 comments in a day on my blog(mostly out of surprise to be honest!). I can’t even imagine what your email box muxt look like! More than 300 emails… and none of them spam?!
Wow… I need a drink… You really are the best.
I can understand what you’re going through, Dave. I myself am “kind of a big deal.” I mean I get tons of e-mails everyday. Mostly they’re from friends who I’ve yet to meet wanting to sell me some sort of drug, but I can understand it. Afterall, I’m me, and who wouldn’t want to sell stuff to me? Heck, just the other day I got an e-mail from some man in China telling me he wanted to give me $500,000 if only I’d give him my bank’s information! I’m just that cool!
Does no one think a “cosmic banana” Tshirt at Blogher is funny???
Oh god, it’s just me and my wack sense of humor.
If I say yes, does that somehow make me “anti-woman” and “sexist”??
Just asking because, apparently, my ability to determine this is quite poor. 🙂
I have decided to ONLY wear shirts with phallic symbols to Blogher, just for my own personal amusement.
Now, if only I actually owned any…
Hey… wait a second… Cosmic Banana is phallic??
First, liz riz, please let’s introduce ourselves at BlogHer! Second, YES, would totally wear cosmic banana shirt at said conference.