But today everything went terribly wrong.
And I should have known that it would because I was given an Omen of Doom on my way to the bank.
As I reached the intersection, I suddenly noticed that there was nobody around. No traffic. No people. No sound. No anything. It was highly unusual. Naturally, I assumed that The Rapture had just occurred, and I had been Left Behind. Just for fun, I yelled "OH LORD, WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME?!?"
Only to realize that there was a woman standing right behind me.
I am now officially one of those crazy people who wanders the streets talking to themselves about the world ending.
I suppose it was only a matter of time...
Anyway, I get to the bank's ATM only to find out that my card doesn't work. Turns out that the credit card company accidentally released all their card numbers AGAIN, and so it had to be replaced "for security reasons". Dumbasses.
But it's when I finally get to the mini-mart that the real tragedy occurs...
Once again I find myself screaming "OH LORD, WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME?!?"
And so now I am left wondering if the Coke-heads have discontinued it or what. I suppose now it's only a matter of time before I become a rent boy, walking the street with the promise of sexual favors in exchange for feeding my Coke habit...
Coke bastards! The item replacing Coke with Lime is called "Vault" and it appears to be a rediculous hybrid of soda and energy drink. That's some stupid shit right there... if I want a frickin' energy drink, I'll buy a Red Bull.
In protest, I decided to skip on Coke products and buy a Dr. Pepper instead.
Except now that I've opened the bottle, I realize that it's not REAL Dr. Pepper... it's Dr. Pepper with Vanilla and Cherry flavorings. YARGH! I HATE CHERRY FLAVORING!!
I'm having a very bad day.
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I know how you feel. They’ve stopped selling Vanilla Coke here in the UK, and that was always my favourite alcohol mixer. Cause I’m classy like that.
Many commiserations…Looks like the Bad Day that was hovering over the Battle Ground area yesterday has made its way east over the Cascades. Yesterday’s nonstop parade of irritations, disappointments and disasters resulted in me eating a carton of Ben & Jerry’s Chocolate Therapy for dinner.
My boyfriend’s also a big fan of Coke with Lime, but he prefers to make it himself – can of Coke, slice of lime…very fresh tasting, and one can adjust the lime to how ‘limey’ one is feeling that day (I say, old chap!). Not really convenient when you’re on the go, however. Still, if worse comes to worse and it’s the only way to get a fix…
Hope your day gets better!
Oh, you poor thing…cherry is the devil!!!
I hate all things cherry, I actually search for cough medicine for my son that is any flavor BUT cherry..gag When I do finally break down and have to buy cherry flavor, I have to plug my nose when I open the bottle.
Cherry sucks!
awww!! you poor thing. You know you could buy a lime and add it to the coke?? Is it the same??
Me on the other hand will and cannot drink coke for two reasons one I live in Georgia and second my dad for the first 15 years of my life worked for the coco-cola bottling company ahh!! we never got a can of coke that didn’t have something wrong with the label and my parents were into tab : P and then the fun one we had to drink was the time they tried to sell orange juice IN TIN CANS yuck yuck!!! so I guess that is why I am warpped and why I drink Cheerwine (a soda) and Pepsi
I understand. I bought a bottle of water on my way home the other day and took a sip before realizing that it was ORANGE FLAVORED. And I hate oranges. And don’t understand why — oh WHY — they couldn’t make the label more obvious. It’s almost like they expect me to…read.
Have u seen the latest coke adds? they’re pretty cool. nothing like computer graphics and hot sales people to make me buy caffine.
I force myself to drink diet coke usually, (don’t ask why, it just makes me feel better about the large fries, pizza, chocolate, and ice cream)but lately I’ve been getting into vanilla coke. It’s kinda adictive.
*so yes, i guess you could say i’m hooked on coke* har de har har.
You’ll have to tell me how many of your female (and perhaps some male) readers send you cases of Coke with Lime to take you up on your offer.
Um, I can still buy Coke w/ Lime. I have some in my fridge now.
Drive down to Oregon.
Put the Lime in Coke you nut and drink it all up. *tangos*
Coke with Lime rocks! We still have it on the shelves in Indiana, though very few stores have ever carried it here.
not your day. If it makes you feel better, I bit into one of those cherry filled chocolates and gagged? they’re so yucky.
Still have plenty of Coke with Lime over in Australia – hop on a flight and I’ll take you up on your offer. 😉
We also have Diet Coke with Vanilla, which I like despite it tasting a little flat.
I do like the Coke with Lime. It’s very good. They put it in the soda machine at work. The bonus is that the soda machine at work is 85 cents vs. the $1.49 at the Albertson’s down the road. First time a vending machine was cheaper than the store.
As for the cherry thing… I love all things cherry. It’s one of my favorite flavorings in various snacks… Hostess Cherry Pie, Frosted Cherry Pop Tarts, Cherry Coke…. and as you distastefully experienced, Cherry Vanilla Dr Pepper.
As a long time fan of Dr Pepper, I have to admit changing the original in any way is grounds for rioting. But I have to admit that the Cherry Vanilla Dr Pepper has grown on me.
BTW, they are replacing Vanilla Coke with Black Cherry Vanilla Coke. And yet another soda II’m getting attached to.
Don’t worry…. Coke with Lime still gets equal drinking time.
Sorry about the coke with lime. Bummer. I’m surprised they are cancelling something i don’t drink for once. Usually, whatever I like gets cancelled.
However, I AM laughing because you are such a dork like i am. I, too, do that private joke with myself that ends up with me saying something funny (to me) out loud and then the folks around me hear me and think I am crazy.
Like the time I tripped over a hedge, and in true Arthur style, swatted at it and said “Oh, ya HEDGE” in my best drunken voice…and there was a guy RIGHT THERE. But, I got to also say “Sometimes I just think funny things” at the guy, wink and amble off. A double header, yeay!
IT was one of my best “crazy moments” all told.
Sweetie, were you naked, unshaven and unkempt by luchtime? Or did it take the whole Coke/Dr.Pepper/Left Behind debacle for that to happen? Because I hate to see you like that, and I will ship you Coke with lime if I have to to keep it from happening.
I have a case of Coke with Lime. Wanna come over? 😉
Get Out! No really… About a year and a half ago the “convenience” store across from my office stopped carrying Coke w/lime as well–and I had to switch to… Dr. Pepper.
You kinda creep me out now…
Although I didn’t stand on a street corner offering sexual favors for the stuff, I did stomp back to the office afterwards and have quite the temper tantrum–full-on, on the floor, kicking and screaming, arms flailing stuff, that.
Our local shop has all varieties of diet Coke on offer – maybe it’s a sign that some of the varieties are to be discontinued.
We have Diet Coke, Diet Coke with Lemon, Diet Coke with Lime and Diet Coke Vanilla here, and Diet Coke with Cherry has just been launched too. I’d say Diet Coke Vanilla is my favourite – hopefully they aren’t discontinuing it…
Come to think of it…I’ve never once seen Coke with Lime being sold where I live, only ever Coke with Vanilla and Coke with Cherry =S
You need to kick that awful habit of drinking Coke with Lime and join me and millions of other “50’s” folks and enjoy the great taste of “Green River” Soda.
You Dave, you! Forget about it! Don’t you know they sell Vodka with lime? It’s everywhere and easy to get. Whether you have sex or not is your perogative.
I love your cartoons and I’m pretty sure we have the same bible.
Is your dealership Saturn of Bellevue? They’re not too far from me. But I will not give you any Coke with Lime. 😉 So is Cashmere getting so big that everyone doesn’t know everyone any more?
While I cannot commiserate with you on the Coke loss (I gave them up for weight purposes), I have made the same mistake as sandra buying a bottle of dasani water (which is a coke product)only to realize too late that it was flavored, the only indication on the bottle being a thin colored band around the label. If I wanted flavored water I would just drink a Coke!
PS..not to be a spelling nazi but you keep misspelling “ridiculous”.
I hate to tell you Dave, but Coke is also getting ready to unleash another demon called “Coca-Cola Blak” (pronounced “black”)…seriously though…”Ack” would’ve described it better. My hubby works for Coke (not in the sense you mentioned) and so he let me taste test this new Blak. Someone in their product development office needs to be fired. “Vault” was supposed to be Coke’s answer to Mountain Dew. Blak is actually…Coke mixed with coffee. Look for it in April and then shudder….it’s hideous. For some reason Coke can’t stick with anything that tastes good.
Has your hubby heard anything about Coke with Lime being discontinued? I still can’t find out if it is going to be pulled everywhere, or just in the mini mart here.
Coke Blak sounds scary on so many levels. Mostly because I can’t stand coffee!
Coke with Lime is so good that they should sell it instead of regular Coke.
I already sent you the link for feedback on Coke products, but wanted to put it here in case others might want to lend a voice to stop the insanity.
This Coke Blak thing has raised my interest to a feverish level. The “een” twins are powerful in the cyle of my life. I am referring of course to caffiene and nicotine. I know nothing about this mystical, magical Coke Blak product, but if the wise men at Coke could combine the caffiene of a Coke with the caffiene of coffee, then that would be tantamount to the discovery of fire. If it works, the designer should be awarded some sort meritorious invention award, or some citation of culinary excellence!