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Posted on Friday, June 10th, 2005

Dave!Writer, student (and self-proclaimed Lord of The Dance) Cavan Terrill has come up with an interesting meme over at his "The Blurred Line Blog." He is basically asking how important the personality of the blogger is to your reading, and which of the bloggers you read would you like to hang out with.

The short answer is that I would like to hang with everybody listed in my blogroll (along with a dozen other bloggers I've forgotten to list, or those bloggers who write so infrequently that I've dropped them). Since I find each person listed there interesting enough that I keep going back for more, I can only guess that they would be interesting enough that I would like to hang with them in person. Nobody on that blogroll is there just because they link to me, or write nice comments... they've earned a spot on the list (I really do need to update it though).

The long answer is a bit more complex because of another question Cavan raises: How well do you actually get to know the bloggers you read every day? And that's the trick, isn't it? Because you can only interpret who a person really is based on what they write. But even the best writers aren't going to give you all the details of their life. When you read a blog, you don't get the whole story... only what the writer wishes you to know.

In the case of my blog, this is actually more true than in others, because I leave quite a lot out. I do not write about my friends and family. I do not write about my work. I (usually) do not write about my more personal problems. There's a lot of things happening with me that will never show up in Blogography. Cavan calls this "quasi-personal" which is exactly right... there's just enough of "me" here that you can probably figure out what type of person I am, but not enough for you to truly know me.

Unfortunately, there is a danger in this... some people don't realize that this blog is "quasi-personal" and think they know all about me just because of what they see here. I'm guessing this would make Blogography "pseudo-personal." I give the impression that this blog is an open book unto my life when, in reality, it isn't (I wrote about this in more depth here).

I will tell you that people who know me in "real life" who also read Blogography often tell me that I seem much angrier in my blog than I am in person. This is true, for obvious reasons. Here I can vent my frustrations knowing that if people don't want to hear it, they just won't read it. If I was bitching like this all the time to my friends, I probably wouldn't have many friends for very long. I am a fairly easy-going guy, and I know that this doesn't always come across here. This will be a relief to some of you (and grave disappointment to others).

Knowing that about myself, I have to wonder why I would want to hang with anybody whose blog I read... because there's always the chance that the person I like so much from their writings will turn out to be entirely different in real life (well, except for Girl on a Glide... she rides a motorcycle, and what else do you really need to know about a person?).

I don't know... would it be worth the risk?


Of course it would. Let's all meet next Thursday and hang out. Mr. Jerz is bringing the beer (happy birthday by the way!).

And, speaking of "happy birthday," best wishes to the love of my life, Elizabeth Hurley, who turns 40 today!

Movie Quotable of the Day: "Separately, we are flawed and vulnerable... but together we are the masters of our sexual destiny!"
Day-Before-Yesterday's Answer: Dune (1984) with Kyle MacLachlan and Jose Ferrer.

Categories: Blogging 2005, Memes 2006Click To It: Permalink


  1. girlonaglide says:

    If you’re not really this mean does this mean you won’t be our ruler??!

  2. Dave2 says:

    Ha ha ha… you funny.

    In real life I may be less-bitchy, but my plans for world domination remain. BOW BEFORE ME! BOW BEFORE DAVE!! Mwaahh ha ha haaaah!

    (Oh yeah.. RIDE FREE!)

  3. Peggy Archer says:

    Actually, you don’t come off as that angry or bitchy in the blog. It reads (to me, anyway) more like a Walter Mitty type thing (who doesn’t have fantasies about killing noisy neighbors?).

    Come down to LA, and I’ll take ya to a really, really good vegetarian place.

  4. Carminda says:

    Hi there…were u thinking that people wanted to know everything about u? isn´t it a little bit impossible? (but if u like depeche mode u only can be a nice person :p)

    Post Scriptum – Sorry the bad english (i think that if it is already dificult to say all that we think..imagine if we try to do that in a foreign language…)

  5. SJ says:

    Yeah, I blushed a bit as I read this. When I included Blogography on my 5/8 list of favorite blogs, I commented: “I like Dave. If I actually knew Dave, we’d hang out.” And now I find out you’re merely an entertaining facade …

  6. Dave2 says:

    “Entertaining Facade?” I rather like that because, well… aren’t we all? 🙂

    Chronic Listaholic has been on my blogroll for quite a while now, so I’ll see you on Thursday! (it was the “Ten Favorite Zombie Movies” that did it… even though my favorite, Shaun of the Dead was not on the list ).

  7. karla says:

    I only link to folks I want to hang with, too. They’re like my internet pals. Yes, I am lonely and sad this close to the ARctic Circle, having friends only on computers.
    But if anyone comes to Norway (or for that matter Europe and surrounding areas), dude, we are SO partying.
    My blog is “quasi-personal” too. I don’t write anything that I wouldn’t want my friends or family to read. OR that would embarrass hubby-poo, though he is easily embarrassed, so I end up leaving ALOT out. And so many people from my husband’s company read, as well, so I don’t write about the MANY things the comapny does that makes me want to murder.
    Oh and I don’t rip on Norwegians, either, or at least not much.
    I might have a go at Italians, though…..

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