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Posted on Thursday, June 9th, 2005

Dave!I don't know about you, but I definitely plan on tuning in to the MTV Movie Awards tonight...

Alba Boobies

From the press photos for the event, it looks to be a bit more... uhhhh... exciting than The Oscars, I think.

Categories: Movies 2004Click To It: Permalink


  1. Dave2 says:

    “Yes, my breasts are perfection… I know it, you know it, and now EVERYBODY knows it!”

  2. karla says:

    Judging by her nipple perk factor, I would guess it was about 68 degrees outside.

    BRAS people! BRAS! They exist for a reason!

  3. Dave2 says:

    Bras are a symbol of women’s oppression by men. Jessica Alba is simply demonstrating her independence from servitude. I, for one, applaud her efforts. YOU GO GIRL!! FIGHT THE POWER!!!

  4. Michelle says:

    I reckon bra’s are God’s gift, but that’s my opinion =P

    Ha I bet the poor girl’s stylist gets fired.

  5. Dave2 says:


    The beauty of the human body is just lost on some people!

    And personally, I’d give her stylist a raise…

  6. Sayuri says:

    She knows EXACTLY what she is doing!! Major exposure..erm…..

  7. Rob says:

    Wow thost are nice. I could stare at this all night. But you do know now that I am going to have to send an email to Phil, the Prince of Insufficient Light, and have him darn your to heck. Did you think of the children? WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN!?

  8. karla says:

    Sometimes opression is a good thing. Poor little lonely nipple, all exposed and scared. It WANTS a bra.
    And I bet it was her stylist who lifted that little flap on her top….there’s no such thing as bad publicity, after all.

  9. Anthony says:

    GIGIDY GIGIDY GIGIDY……….alright.

  10. HeideH says:

    All I know is if I had boobs that perky I’d be showing everyone ALL THE TIME!, but hey, that’s me. : )

  11. Dave2 says:

    If I had boobs that perky, I’d have mirrors installed in every room in the house and be taking a dozen showers each day!!

    Not because I’m a pervert or anything… it’s because I am a firm believer in cleanliness. Yes. Clean is good! Soapy and clean. She’s a dirty girl. Yes she is!

    Uhhh… forget you saw that.

    This blog has been rated PERV-21. Children, avert your eyes, lest you be traumatized for the rest of your days. It’s Janet at the Superbowl all over again!

  12. Kevin says:

    How can anyone say that is not a nice breast? Even my wife thought it was quite nice. There is no denying anatomical perfection. Is there?

  13. girlonaglide says:

    I get the sense she’s winking at me. 😉

  14. DarkVain says:

    This is the greatest picture of all time.

  15. Miccah Baker says:

    I am a lesbian and I want some of her stuff!

  16. Hehehe says:

    niceeee =p

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