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FridayQ: Weather

Posted on Friday, May 6th, 2005

Dave!What's an ideal day for you when it's sunny and blue skies? Riding my motorcycle from dawn until dusk. Perhaps over Highway 2 to North Bend, then back again. Having a late lunch, then heading out to the Columbia Basin flats for the afternoon.

What's an ideal day for you when it's overcast and rainy? Riding my motorcycle from dawn until dusk. I don't mind the rain at all when I ride, though I would probably head South in that kind of weather.

What's an ideal day for you when it's cold and snowy? Riding my motorcy... uhhhh... gee. There are no really snow sports I enjoy, so I guess reading a nice book by the fire with a cup of hot chocolate would be nice..

FQ FORECAST: What's the weather forecast for your area this coming weekend? What will you be doing out there in it? It's supposed to be only slightly cloudy with temperatures around 70° F. Perfect riding weather... absolutely perfect riding weather. So I'd imagine that I will be going for a few rides on my motorcycle in-between packing up all these prizes and T-shirts that have to be sent out.

I can tell you what I won't be doing... going to the annual "Apple Blossom Festival" in nearby Wenatchee. The insanity of it all was great when I was a drunken college student, but now it's just a horrendous ordeal that I usually avoid by leaving the country.

Movie Quotable of the Day: "So your life is in the crapper! So you wife is banging a used car salesman! It's humiliating, I know... but goddamnit, Harry, take it like a man! "
Yesterday's Answer: Hairspray (1988) with Ricki Lake and Divine.

Categories: Memes 2005Click To It: Permalink


  1. kazza says:

    Do you mean dusk until dawn or dawn until dusk..? 🙂

  2. Dave2 says:

    Ahhh. Ahem. Yes.

    Best to fix that right away before people start to think I’m a vampire or something. And we all know that is just silly because vampires don’t exist! Yes, that’s right… we they don’t exist!! Silly wabbit! 🙂

  3. delmer says:

    Tomorrow is Free Comic Book day.

    My boys are all geeked up for it.

    And, of course, the entire month of May is National Egg Month

    My boys are less geeked up about this. (From the radio: The Ohio egg producers would like you to know that they work very hard to bring you safe and nutritious eggs.)

    When I was little you could find comics everywhere. Last year my boys and I had a hard time finding comic books and ended up across town at the Laughing Ogre. We had our first experience with Free Comic Day then; it wasn’t free comic day, but the sales guy turned us on to some he had left over. It was the first time I ever saw “You b*tch whore” in a comic … unfortunately I saw it only after my eight-year old pointed it out.

    Comics have changed.

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