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Posted on Saturday, May 22nd, 2004

Dave!Oooh... Tony Pierce asks "do you have the guts to take the honest bloggers-only quiz?" I really try to keep my political leanings private, but how can you refuse a challenge like that? Interesting how international issues are neatly skirted in this questionnaire... I think the answers in that area would prove much more revealing.

  1. Which political party do you typically agree with? Absolutely none of them. A true public servant would put the welfare of our country above any political party agenda, but none of them do that. Such is the disgusting state of American politics.
  2. Which political party do you typically vote for? I have no political party alignment, though this year I'm guessing it will be Democrat.
  3. List the last five presidents that you voted for? 2000: Gore. 1996: (didn't vote). 1992: Perot. 1988: (didn't vote). 1984: Reagan.
  4. Which party do you think is smarter about the economy? Not the Democrats or Republicans... they've both had their shot and look where we are.
  5. Which party do you think is smarter about domestic affairs? Ditto.
  6. Do you think we should keep our troops in Iraq or pull them out? Pull them out (though, we've made such a big mess there now, that such a thing would probably destroy the country... so I have no idea, I just want them home).
  7. Who, or what country, do you think is most responsible for 9/11? Given that most all of the information I know about the situation came from the biased US news media, I don't consider myself qualified enough to answer.
  8. Do you think we will find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? Apparently not.
  9. Yes or no, should the US legalize marijuana? Yes. I would choose not to use it, but consider it no more addictive or impairing than alcohol. Given that, driving while high should be penalized the same as driving while drunk... i.e., lose your license permanently.
  10. Do you think the Republicans stole the last presidental election? Yes, but I don't blame them for taking advantage of a crappy, outdated system... the Democrats would have done the same. I find it stupid that we are technologically advanced enough to drop the moronic electoral system, but haven't yet done so. One person... one vote. Electoral voting does not accurately reflect the will of the people.
  11. Do you think Bill Clinton should have been impeached because of what he did with Monica Lewinski? No.
  12. Do you think Hillary Clinton would make a good president? Hell no.
  13. Name a current Democrat who would make a great president? Nobody current comes to mind... how about John F. Kennedy?
  14. Name a current Republican who would make a great president? Nobody current comes to mind... how about Abraham Lincoln?
  15. Do you think that women should have the right to have an abortion? Though I do not believe in abortion personally, I do not feel it is my place to force my beliefs on others, so yes.
  16. What religion are you? I don't have one, but try to live my life according to Buddhist teachings.
  17. Have you read the Bible all the way through? Yes.
  18. What's your favorite book? Nobel House by James Clavell.
  19. Who is your favorite band? Depeche Mode.
  20. Who do you think you'll vote for president in the next election? Anybody but Bush. The moment he decided to make jokes about "still looking for those WMDs" (complete with "hilarious" photos of him looking under the couch) while soldiers he sent to Iraq were dying (along with Iraqi civilians and forces from allied nations)... I lost what little respect I had left for the man. Anybody that would joke so casually about starting a war has no business being president of this country. Blame his advisors if you like but, in the end, it's his decision as to what comes out of his mouth and nobody else's. Unfortunately, a lot of things that come out of his mouth are stupid, so I'll be voting for absolutely anybody else on the ballot. If It's a choice between President Bush and a banana, I'll vote for the banana under the assumption that it would do less damage.
  21. What website did you see this on first?

Categories: Blogging 2004Click To It: Permalink


  1. tony says:

    thanks for playing!

    what you said about losing respect for Bush after he made jokes about wmd was classic and i totally agree.

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