Yet another week without a Friday Five. Bizarre that they don't ever seem to have any sets of questions in reserve for those times when there is "too much going on." Since the questions come from reader suggestions, it doesn't seem like it would take much time at all. Oh well. I decided to make my own "Friday Five" from suggestions found on Blog Ideas. This can be dangerous, because their ideas can be a bit odd, but I'll give it a shot...
1. How good is your penmanship? Not so good now that everything I "write" is typed out on a computer. In the 80's I had swell penmanship for printing... I've always sucked at cursive.
2. Have you ever seen a dead body? Unfortunately, yes... but surprisingly, it was not because I killed anybody!
3. How do you feel about being naked? I'm fine with it. The question that you should be asking is how do other people feel about me being naked.
4. The perfect pizza? As I've blogged before... pizza perfection is the "Da Vinci" (Feta cheese, basil pesto, fresh tomato, and mozzarella) from David's Pizza in Spokane, Washington. Yes, really.
5. Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours? That's a no-brainer... Elizabeth Hurley. I would gladly be tied to such brutal hotness for the rest of my life.
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heh good idea
I’ve been to their site before, even seen the have you ever seen a dead body question. Who’s dead body have you seen? I’ve never seen a whole dead body – just bits and pieces of them in the anatomy museum at work..
I’ve seen exactly two dead bodies. One was at the scene of a very bad automobile accident. It was not a pretty sight. The second was apparently a drug overdose that was near a hotel I was staying at. That was more than enough for my lifetime.
Your blog is getting around. One of my readers took the Theme Thursday idea and ran with it, and also went along to your blog and grabbed your Friday Five questions.
It’s nice to know that people are coming here for a reason other than just complaining about my clown jokes.