There's so much going on since I'm back from vacation that I guess I need another round of bullet points to catch up? It's Blogography's first ever "Bullet Monday!"
• Viagra. People stealing from my blog is nothing new. Usually I just let it go, because there's no point in getting all freaked out about it. Where I draw the line is when people use my stuff to BE me. The first time this happened, somebody stole dozens of my travel photos and created a blog devoted to "travel adventures" that they never actually had. The second time somebody had stolen photos of me off Flickr and wrote an entirely fictitious life around them. Now there's something entirely new going on... somebody has stolen a bunch of old entries in their entirety, but changed all the links to point to sites selling "Generic Viagra" and stupid crap like that. Needless to say, I'm not happy. Stuff like this is just going to keep getting worse and worse.
• Outfoxed. In checking my stats, I noticed something totally great...
For the first time ever, Firefox has surpassed busted-ass Internet Explorer in browser use. People are finally waking up! In other stats news... Germans love Dave. Turns out that Germany is close to overtaking Canada for the #2 spot in my visitor location stats.
• Veronica. I received many, many emails last week that went something like this: "sorry to ruin your vacation, but Veronica Mars has been cancelled" and so on. While not entirely unexpected, it does suck ass that the best show on television has just been gutted in favor of stupid-ass reality shit like Search For A New Pussycat Doll. What this says about television role-models for young girls today fills me with dread. Much love to the CW Network for doing their part to ruin society as we know it.
• w00t! There have been only a handful of computer games over the years that I have loved enough to deem "life-changing." Certainly Zork would be on the list. I'd think Dungeon Master and
More info and luscious screenshots can be found at Blizzard's site for the game. I, for one, will be counting the days.
• w00t! w00t! As if that's not enough, a team is porting Warlords II to the Nintendo DS!
• Barf. I've been catching up on work all evening with the TV running for background noise. I ignored most of what was going on... though Heroes caught my eye a couple of times because =gasp!= the SUPER-heroes were actually USING F#@%ING SUPER-POWERS!! WHAT A CONCEPT!! A pity they didn't bother to think of that sooner, because I might have actually kept watching the show. But it's what was on after Heroes that made me want to crap my pants, barf, then die. Tonight was the season finale of The Bachelor. I've never seen this show before, and now I wish I hadn't seen it at all. I was laughing my ass off as this guy kicks his reject to the curb, telling her how he loves her and will never forget her... but then slams the limo door in her face as she is driven off into the sunset crying. Naturally, the gal is heartbroken and, naturally, the cameras are there to record each humiliating moment because THIS is what passes as entertainment now-a-days. Thank heavens that Veronica Mars has been canceled to make room in the television schedule for more steaming piles like this.
Bah! There's another dozen bullet points I could write up, but I'm too tired to type them just now.
I guess that story about the hole in my lucky boxer shorts will have to wait...
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About 8 years ago I had pictures of me and my family stolen and someone wrote a whole fictitious life about them – they took it so far that they sent out physical christmas cards to other people they communicated with online with my family photo on them. People suck.
But so nice to have you back Dave!
The first half of Heroes wasn’t good. But it improved drastically, unlike 24, which started out good and then deteriorated.
I’m still holding out hope for VM:FBI.
Would it shock you entirely that the last computer game I really played was X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter? I was totally addicted to that game and it changed computing for me. Since then, I tried Myst but couldn’t get into it as well as MDK. I can’t do roleplay. Well, not on a computer anyway.
That bit about getting your stuff ripped-off is truly odd.
I’m still trying to figure out why people post argumentative things to posts I did two years ago. That’s just strange.
You said the magic word to make me love you for life, dude: Zork!
Except you followed it up by slamming on Heroes *tsk* – that sort of diminishes the whole Zork-effect. Personally, I love the show; the fact that they rarely show powers doesn’t bother me (trying to maximize superpower screen time is really not the point as far as I can tell). I am sorry to hear about Veronica Mars. My buddy Ford is a fan as well and I’m sure that he too is in mourning now.
So, what if anything are you going to do about the plagiarism? There was a BlogHer article on what you can do not too long ago if you’re interested…
Oh, and welcome home, dude.
The viagra spam has simply got to go!! Yesterday alone I got over 200 spam comments with viagra links and now I’m getting these weird pingbacks that link to creepy sales sites. Freaking Spammers!
Boxer shorts have a minimum of three holes. One for your waist, two for your legs to go through…
Did you mean to write that Mist had changed your life and provide a link to my blog?
I don’t spell my name with a Y, but still, I am very flattered that I have had such an impact on your life.
My stats are still showing IE ahead by a slight margin (4%) but the trend is definitely showing Firefox on the rise!
Huh, I can’t remember the last time I used IE for something.
I get so depressed every time I think of the demise of Veronica. It takes a lot for me to get into a television show. It takes extra special effort for me to get American programing where I live. For V I made the effort. Very few have hooked me like V. I love Kristen Bell, and I’m anxious to see what she’ll do next. A return to the stage?
The idea of stealing photos and creating something entirely different is brilliant. It sucks that someone did it to you … and that someone else did it to sell a product.
Still, Viagra kinda rocks.
I’m sure it was tastefully done.
I really, truly, totally, honestly and like completely meant to email you last week to give you the heads up about the upcoming announcement of SCII. But then I got sick and forgot…what a sucky friend I am!
Wow. I haven’t heard the name Zork in… decades.
I saw the trailer that Blizzard showed in Korea for Starcraft II… and to be honest… it gave me chills.
Great to have you back. Glad your vacation was good. I don’t get mine until late July/ earl August (going to Vegas this year to use our time share).
As for the Firefox, I use that on my MacBook Pro over Safari for most sites (some like work better under Safari).
Good to hear that IE is starting to see a decline.
Dave. So you say that Myst really did change your life and you don’t expand on that? Were you one of the art designers? Did you meet a girlfriend while playing the game? Dish with the details!!!
Sorry about VM, she will be missed. Stupid CW network. And Game addiction….. been there, done that.
NOOOOOOOO, VM has been cancelled ! NOOOOOOOOOOO !
What I started doing, is including my URL in the images I post. Sometimes I see the same thing done here with cartoons. At least if they strip out the links, they don’t bother editing the images, so at least my link appears somewhere.
The Bachelor makes me sad. The entire premise of the guy dating a bunch of girls while the girls can only date him, and then choosing who he wants is disgusting to me. It would be just as disgusting if you reversed the gender roles. I still watched almost every episode though (while doing something else, such as knitting).
Dave, the beauty of your blog is that I rarely understand anything people are talking about so it’s like going to school:
VM? Never watched it.
Nintendo? Never played it.
Firefox? Used it while I was in India and it was a nightmare.
Stealing stuff from opb’s? WTF?
Here is a dumb question…how would you know if someone stole your work, i.e. writing, picutres and so on?
WAIT….. You now have me thinking.. How do we know that it’s not YOU that has stolen someone’s life and are passing it off as yours!
No one would bother trying to steal my life so I am safe from it happening to me.
I’ll remove the Stardust software screensaver featuring “Dave’s Vacation” sometime later next weekend, OK?
Who in the hell is interested in organic viagra anyway? Moroons?
See, I’m such a crap photographer, and mostly I take only photos of my kids and pets anyway, so nobody bothers stealing my stuff. How great is that?! But you? Not so much crap. So, I can see why people wish your stuff was theirs. But they really shouldn’t swipe it. That’s waaaaaay pathetic. I’m sorry some people suck.
“Suck ass” and “Stupid ass”….all in the same entry? Hum. I see a trend. I can’t believe all of the crazy computer stealing of entries and all of that. Make sure it’s not your identity. We’ll be on pins and needles for the hole in the boxer shorts……I’m assuming this is a hole that isn’t supposed to be there.
I just got caught up on the last three entries and I have to tell ya, that it is good to have you back!
I have the same dumb question — how do you find these? I have weird referrers in my logs that don’t have links to my site. Are these really pictures hotlinks? or people trying to co opt my blog?
Man…….. those were some great episodes tonight. I can’t believe their canceling such a great show. What dumb asses.
woo-hoo! F*CK Internet Explorer!
I’m assuming you are currently watching Veronica right now since it’s 3 hours earlier there. I’m trying to figure out why they made it two hours (and not two 1 hour episodes a week apart)…
I’ve heard rumors that there is still a chance for another season. I’ve heard the word FBI in regards to it and this was before she was actually acepted. This is from (actual) humans so I have no links to back this up.
I too, am sorry to hear about the amount of suckage people can own. I always wonder if some pathetic soul is doing that to my own photos, blogs etc. Lucky for me I’m already pathetic. Hrmm…..
So then, let it bring a smile to your face today that as a PC user, I have seen the brilliant light and will be receiving my first Apple computer, a MacBook, in 2 days. Sometimes these things take time. Just keep preaching the gospel
I too, am sorry to hear about the amount of suckage people can own. I always wonder if some pathetic soul is doing that to my own photos, blogs etc. Lucky for me I’m already pathetic. Hrmm…..
So then, let it bring a smile to your face today that as a PC user, I have seen the brilliant light and will be receiving my first Apple computer, a MacBook, in 2 days. Sometimes these things take time. Just keep preaching the gospel
WTF?! VM cancelled?! Oh, bugger. Now I’ll have to treasure every moment of season 3 (which is on episode 4 now) with this heavy foreboding knowledge in my heart. Damn it!