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Sometimes Mondays Happen on a Tuesday

Posted on Tuesday, December 12th, 2023

Dave!And I thought that yesterday was awful.

Today was even worse than yesterday, which was punctuated by my tripping and falling on a concrete floor. I managed to twist my ankle and bang up my knee, which resulted in my leaving to put my leg up while working from home the rest of the day.

Then I got mired in a conundrum which has no solution. My knee freezes up if I don't move it enough. But moving it is really painful, so I don't move it unless I have to. Which means that when the kitty dinner alarm rang, Jake and Jenny were furious that it took me so long to hobble across the house and mash up their tuna for them. By the time I made it into the kitchen, they were both sitting next to me, squawking and meowing their displeasure as I tried to tear open a flat-pack of Starkist.

They were, after all, STARVING TO DEATH!

I don't feed them the packs of tuna or salmon often because it's lacking sufficient amounts of the taurine additive that cats need in their food for some reason. And it's expensive as hell. But they love it above all other foods (probably because it's actual meat they can sink their teeth into and not some processed glop), so I break it out for special occasions. Like taking extra time to get their dinner ready.


The minute the package is open, they can smell the putrid fish they adore, which always sends them in a frenzy. The trip from the counter to their feeding station might as well have taken an eternity, given the way they were acting. It was crazy enough that I said (out loud) "You guys, I'm doing the best I can!"

This resulted in no change of sentiment from them.

At 8:00 I took another couple Ibuprofen capsules and hobbled my way upstairs. I worried if I waited too long on the couch, my knee would be fused into position and I'd have to spend the night there.

Now I'm laying here wondering if I've made a huge mistake because my only functional bathroom is back downstairs.

Categories: DaveLife 2023Click To It: Permalink


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