The little photos that accompany each entry on this blog are 15 years old today! Thanks to my friend Meagan for creating the custom-made photo booth that made it all possible.
I should probably update them one of these days, but I can never seem to bring myself to get rid of something that's been a part of Blogography since it began in 2003...
Last week when I realized that the 15th anniversary of Meagan's photos was coming up, I pulled all the photos of me posted to this blog and arranged them in ascending date order.
A whole lot of Dave can be found in an extended entry...
And... no more Dave for you!
Until tomorrow, of course.
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That’s a whole lot of Dave
Thanks for the memories.
My pleasure!
I was all prepared to make a joke comment along the lines of: “Holy Poop, what happen to you?” but the reality is that you aged very well… you bastard.
So I’ll go with the second option instead.
Ahem… What are you doing to this dolphin? I’m not saying poor dolphin, because you both look fairly happy… 🙂
Hmmm… I feel I’m aging terribly. These past five years have been a pretty heinous slide.
but.. that’s not all of them.. where’s all the ones of you as a kid? 🙂
That would be too much work! 😀
I am *so* jealous of your bearding ability. Seriously.
A side-effect of being terminally lazy with self-grooming. 🙂
So much Dave!
TOO much Dave!
Dave, as I’ve once said on here before and will say again, if you were gay, I would try to be on you like white on rice. You’re such a handsome man.
Thanks! If I ever change teams, I’ll let you know! 🙂
Wow. Quite the collection of photos of you. I see a few with pudding and several others that make me miss your clothing collections (good thing you used quality shirts as the ones I bought are still in great shape and quite wearable on many occasions)