When looking back through old photos, I was shocked to find out just how fashionable I was when I was a tyke.
What I wouldn't give to have some of these outfits today.
In my size, of course.
Especially that last one. Because... damn.
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OMG, Dave. I was going to make a joke about your impressive Love rocket, but then that last one rolled up and my brain fell out. Gadorable.
Overall, you were quite into the stripes. As for the last outfit, damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead!
Stripes seemed to be a fashion theme for you. The last picture: all I could think of was Urkel, but no doubt this was your “growing like a weed” phase and I imagine your mother couldn’t keep up with the size of your pants.
I have to say, though, you really rocked those plaid trousers — in 80’s sort of way…
That last one is BITCHIN’! Damn!
Aw, such an adorable goofball.
I’d love to have that rocket!
I like the flood pants and white socks with red stripes on that last photo.
I don’t know why I love these so much, but I totally do!
DAYUM! Those socks? With the red stripes? In the last picture?
Well, let’s just say that I’d throw that young man down and have my way with him.
All you need in that last photo is Buddy Holly glasses and you’d be the first Hipster!