I do not have much luck with automobiles. And none of it's my fault.
My previous car was rear-ended once. It also had a quarter-panel destroyed in a hit-and-run while I was stopped at a red light. It was ultimately totaled when an industrial work truck slipped into gear, ran across the street, and turned my car into scrap while I was at work.
My "new" car (purchased in 2000) hasn't fared much better.
I've been rear-ended twice. A bicyclist ran full-on into my hood while I was at a McDonald's drive-thru. Then today, something new.
A huge mobile home trailer was backed into my parked car. The driver "didn't see it at all."
It's not heinous, but it did scrape up my front panel, my car logo, and the edge of my hood a bit.
Apparently I have a super-power which renders cars I drive invisible. It's incredibly frustrating. I mean, it's not like I'm a major gear-head or anything, but I do want the car I drive to look nice. I don't want to drive around in a vehicle with a big scrape on it... especially one that wasn't my fault. Especially after I just sunk big money into having the brakes fixed.
My schedule is completely full with crap I have to do before I leave the country next week. And now I have to deal with this. And I'm sure other stuff will come up too, because I'm lucky like that.
Some days I just want off the merry-go-round.
One week and counting.
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So the mobile home guy isn’t going to pay for it to be fixed?

That sucks.
Go have a pudding.
It’s turned into his insurance, so we’ll see what they do.
Well at least you weren’t a hit and run victim. I had two of those in the past two years… people who backed into my car in parking lots and just drove off. So I had to pay the deductible. How can you not know when you hit a car hard enough to smash in the bumper and trunk?
I was starting to think that I too have an invisible car after two major accidents in a two month period of time a couple of years ago. Hope everything works out on your latest.
I suggest making the next car you buy a tank :p
And here I thought I was the only one with that problem! The only car I’ve ever owned that hasn’t been hit by somebody else was an ’83 Omni that I owned from ’93 to ’94, and that one overheated on me crossing the Rockies. Even the current one needed the rear bumper replaced after a hit-and-run just a few months after I’d bought it.
That blows!
And, what do you eat at McDonald’s?
Ugh. At least you weren’t in the car when the trailer hit. Your invisibility powers only extend to the car, right?
Ew. You have the bad car Karma. Time to move someplace where you don’t need a car. That’s what I want to do. I’ve had it with cars.
I have one of those kinds of cars. Dents and paint coming off. The bonus is – no car payment (except my monthly payment to Midas for fixing the car every 6 months)
Drivers are getting more selfish and increasingly more stupid.
Time to see the gypsy woman to get that curse removed. I’m convinced my old car was cursed. Hoping that this one works out better.
That sucks. I presume you got their insurance info and this is not coming out of your pocket?
My first three cars were all in accidents (that weren’t my fault). I’m extremely paranoid about my current car. I am a magnet for people who try to make a left turn across multiple lanes of traffic without checking to see if, you know, there’s any traffic coming.
I hope the guy’s insurance company gets your car fixed up.
at least you didn’t spill any food…when things like that happen I like to pretend it saved me from being killed elsewhere by some horribly painful situation. It seems to take the edge off for me…that and rum.