After my breakfast fiasco yesterday, I decided to set a good example and have a bowl of fruit with a croissant this morning. The kids outside waiting for their school bus were not nearly as impressed and mostly ignored me. Which is probably for the best, though I have to admit that I was tempted to build a massive ice cream sundae topped with candy bars and gummy bears for breakfast just because I could.
But anyway...
The last day of a project is always the longest. And since I'm mentally and physically exhausted, it's also the toughest. I spent most of the time at work wishing I could curl up in the corner and go to sleep but, from a job standpoint, that probably wasn't the best use of my time. Instead I worked my guts out and just waited for it all to end.
Which it did.
But then I had to suffer through Seattle's horrendous traffic, which is like somebody kicking you in the balls after you've just been kicked in the balls.
No amount of ice cream can fix that.
Though I suppose ice cream spread on your crotch would make you feel better after an actual kick in the balls?
The healing power of ice cream is undeniable.
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Whenever I drink soda for breakfast someone comments on it. And then they take a sip of their coffee, which is just like soda only it’s coffee.
Ice cream on the crotch is only good if someone ELSE licks it off.

So I hear.
1) I, also, had ice cream for breakfast yesterday, and I was reading your blog on a conference call in which someone confessed they had ice cream for lunch.
2) My mother-in-law believes that ice cream will break a fever because it “cools you off from inside.”