Just two more days until vacation.
Assuming I don't kill myself from trying to get all my work done before then.
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Look at Bad Monkey….going for the green!
Oh so last night when you asked me to kiss your blarney stone, it wasn’t a euphemism? Hrm, that was a lot of work for nothing then.
I suggest you don’t kill yourself… that would mean major suckage for the upcoming weekend… I don’t like hauling ’round dead people…
Vacations rule. Hope you enjoy it (and blog during it).
Luck of the Irish to you.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Hang in there, Dave — and happy St Patty’s Day to you!
What’s wiff that damn green beer?! Everyone always talks about how sick-nasty they are and how sick they get whenever they have it, but then that’s ALL I SEE artardz drinking on St. PeppermintPattie’s day!
Happy vacation – I’m green with envy!