It's Bullet Sunday from sunny Orlando, Florida!
• Jinkies! Hilly's new cat, Jinkies, is really amazing. She's friendly, personable, independent, fun, and a little bit crazy... all the qualities you want in a kitteh. Except when you are trying to blog, in which case you want the exact opposite qualities. No matter what I did or where I moved my laptop, Jinkies made a point of going there to join me...
And ten minutes later...
And fifteen minutes after that...
Even trying to dump her off the keyboard fifteen minutes after that resulted in Jinks hanging on for dear life...
Longest. Time. To. Write. A. Blog. Post. Ever.
• Whore! You know when you're on an airplane? And you know that space against the wall next to the windows? That gap above your arm rest like this...
As I was sitting in my seat after takeoff yesterday, I felt something nudge my arm. Looking down, I saw that the woman behind me HAD PUT HER FEET THROUGH THE GAP AND SET THEM ON MY ARMREST!! What the hell? How big a bitch do you have to be to put your stinky feet on SOMEBODY ELSE'S ARMREST? Seriously? I was scared to even look at what freaky shit the whore might be doing back there, so I decided to take immediate action. My first instinct was to grab my metal brick of a MacBook Pro and smash her fucking feet so hard that I broke every bone inside. But I really don't need any incidents on my TSA Permanent Record, so I decided to use a magazine and gently nudge her feet off my seat instead. And it worked. For about an hour. Then they were back. So I ended up rolling up my jacket and stuffing it in the gap. That worked for about another hour until she weasled her feet under my jacket. Finally I jammed my elbow back there and left it so she couldn't invade my space again. She ended up sticking her feet in her window well above my head instead. Yes, I know... I have terrible luck with travel. But WTF?!?
• Sunset! I also have pretty good luck when I travel. The view out my window at sunset was pretty amazing. And pink...
• Nuts! In what seems to be a growing trend amongst airlines, I was served warmed nuts after takeoff. First with Northwest, then with Delta, and now with Alaska Airlines...
At first I thought it was just a novelty, but now I'm kind of used to it. Even worse, the airlines have spoiled me, and now I'm going to have to go buy me a nut-warmer appliance of some kind. Once you've had your nuts warmed, you really don't want to serve them any other way.
• Dive! In other airplane-type news... I was going through my last batch of negative scans when I ran across photos from my very first skydiving adventure. In the first shot, I'm in the plane on the way up and looking like I'm regretting the idea of it all (but am actually just making sure my contact lenses are lubed up). The second is a shot of me on the way down that my friend took. I haven't jumped out of a plane in over a decade now, and am kind of missing it...
Yep, jumping out of a plane sounds pretty good! ESPECIALLY WHEN SOME BITCH IS STICKING HER SKANKY FEET ON MY ARMREST!!
• Twittered! I'm really liking Tweetie 2.0 for iPhone, and one of my favorite features is the "Near Me" view where you can see Twitterers in your area on a map...
Pretty slick! At the airport it's particularly cool because you can listen to OTHER people bitch about THEIR travel problems!
And now it's time to kick back and watch some television. Tomorrow is a big day...
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re: that girl putting her feet up on YOUR armrest…where the hell do people get off thinking something like that is okay? Ugh. What’s especially amazing is that she couldn’t take a hint — clearly you were aware of her feet there and kept pushing them away and she KEPT PUTTING THEM BACK. I don’t know how you kept from punching her in the teeth when it came time to get off the plane.
But all in all, glad you made it to Florida safely. Have a great time!
The foot thing sounds a lot like flirting. Demented and sad, but flirting.
Jinkies is so adorable.
And I cannot believe someone seriously stuck her feet all up in your business. Ew.
That skanky bitch and her skanky feet are going to cross the wrong traveler one day! I still cannot believe she had the nerve to be annoyed with you for trying to get her piggies off of YOUR armrest.
Also, it’s clear to me that Jinkies loves you. Your master plan of trying to steal her affections is working, you bastard. Kidding…I actually find it awesome that she is so attached to you and your laptop.
She put her FEET there? Repeatedly? WTF, indeed! GAH! People are fucking amazing.
Jinkies goes where the warmth is – cats love to be right in your way, too. Kinda like feet people on the plane but much cuter. Haha
Warm nuts… mmm….
Lol, loving Jinkies antics.
Aww, I love Jinkies! What a fun kitty!
Ugh… what is with the woman and her foot? Can’t all of these worthless people be removed from the face of the planet? Sure, there will only be a few people left, but we won’t have to deal with crap like this.
Was the woman with the feet a lizard? Or a frog? Or a ferret? How in the hell did she wedge her feet in that little space? I have long, skinnish feet and I doubt that I could do that.
Nuts. Warmed.
You’ve given me a visual that will stay with me for many days.
Maybe you could see if they have a taser or electric cattle prod app for your iphone, yet. That’d come in pretty handy for the kinds of people that you come across when you travel. Hope the rest of your time w/Hilly is fun. My cat Rex was exactly like Jinkies. He always had to be wherever I was and in pre-computer days he would always get in my lap and ‘help’ me read the newspaper.
Sigh. Granted there is never enough room, but really? Your feet? In some cultures they would probably try to kill you for pulling something like that.
That little lake is right by my place!
I like to put my feet in that arm rest wedgey area. I’m 5’10” and I need the space. However, I am very careful to a) make sure there is not an elbow there and b) not to impinge on the space of the person in front.
But, I understand why she might have put her feet there. (Though if I even get a hint that the person in front knows I am there, I abandon ship but fast.)It’s not about being FAT it’s about being TALL. and i can never, ever sit with my feet on the ground, they are always crossed or hiked up or in some other non-ladylike position.
My 2 cents, though with where the dollar’s at, worth more like 1.5 cents.
Have fun in Florida!!
Ugh, I agree, people need to keep their feet to themselves…unless specifically invited!
Even if that woman was wearing shoes it’s NOT OKAY to put your feet up there. Not in the movie theater or the airplane. For the record.
I’m glad you like your nuts warmed. ;D
Some people’s feet fetishes. And on an airplane at that.
Jinkies! What a cool cat. I think she likes your laptop because it’s a Mac. Hilly’s Windows laptop might cause the cat to reboot at random.
I love the photos of Miss Jinkies!
There is absolutely no way I would have tolerated that foot shit. I’m not sure what I specifically would have done about it, but I’m guessing she would not have gone for try 2.
Feet? Really? On what planet is that ok? I’m not sure if I would have been able to stop myself from pouring my drink on her feet!
Jinkies is so fun! Glad she likes you. Clearly a cat with good taste.
I am not defending that woman in the least…that was truly rude and inconsiderate.
But as a short person (5’3″) I wish that airlines had something I could put my feet on. They always fall asleep after a half hour or so because I can’t touch the freaking ground. Even trains and buses have little metal pieces that pull down from the seat in front of you to act as a foot rest. Why can’t airlines have that? I end up sitting cross-legged (fortunately I have more than enough room side-to-side to fit that way). I would never have even thought about putting my feet on the armrest of the person in front of me…ewwwwwwww.
Feet do not belong on arm rests. EWWW.
I hate when people put their feet up in the theater too. Plus, I have this feet phobia thing….