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✖ Bullet Sunday 129: TequilaCon Edition

Posted on Sunday, April 26th, 2009

Dave!It's Bullet Sunday from beautiful Santa Fe, New Mexico! I am still in an alcohol-induced Bad Place right now, so we'll see how it goes...

• Assembly. When planning out TequilaCon, you really never know how things are going to go. The biggest question mark is always the venue. Will the establishment embrace the insanity and welcome us, or will they tell us to get the hell out? To see exactly how that was going to play out, we marched down to The Pink Adobe an hour early. Much to our relief, they were definitely willing to help out. Our server, Jessica (who was amazing from start to finish), set us up in a private room upstairs... complete with a private balcony and bathroom! While we were waiting for the space to be set up, we got the party started...

TQ2009 Planning Posse Boots
Looking plenty cowboy in our new boots.

TQ2009 Getting Started with Drinks
Of course, nobody in Santa Fe actually dresses like this.

Jagermeister and Coke
My dangerous dance with Jägermeister begins once again.

• Space The venue was absolutely perfect in every possible way, as Jenny can attest...

Jenny Gets Excited
My name is Nathaniel... I like to DANCE!

• Party Somehow, TequilaCon always seems to work out perfectly. As if Fate has determined that TequilaCon is blessed by the gods or something. This time was no exception. I'm pretty sure that everybody had a most excellent time. Tons of photos are sure to be posted around the internets soon, but here's a couple to get things started...

Tequila People
Tequila People in our personal party space.

Tequila People
Partaking of the powerfully painful Black Dragon signature cocktail.

• Surprise. In what can only be called the TequilaCon surprise of the decade, Dustin flew in at the last minute so that TEQUILA MAN could make an appearance...

Tequila Man
Get ready for... TEQUILA MAN!!

TequilaCon Planning Posse
The Official TequilaCon Planning Posse strikes a pose with Tequila Man.

Once the bar closed down at The Pink Adobe, we wandered the streets of Santa Fe until we found a new bar to hang out in. The official party came to a close at midnight... but some dedicated TequilaConners carried on until the early morning.

All in all... another amazing event. Thanks to everybody who came, the city of Santa Fe, and the gracious staff at The Pink Adobe for putting up with our madness.

Until next year!

Categories: Blogging 2009, Travel 2009Click To It: Permalink


  1. Avitable says:

    It seemed, from Twitter, like the first place you guys picked closed really early.

    Did you realized that the redhead waitress from last TC was also named Jessica? Spooky!

  2. Looks like a fantastic time! Glad you’re all having fun in New Mexico… An extra amazing feat since “fun” and “New Mexico” generally don’t go together.

  3. Robin says:

    Great seeing you again. You’re not following me on Twitter…very sad about this. 🙂

  4. Winter says:

    Now, how perfect is it that Vahid drank a Black Dragon cocktail? *makes note in journal* It looks like you had a great time although it seems weird to see you in cowboy boots…

  5. Sybil Law says:

    I absolutely love your recaps and pictures! (Tried to comment the other day and I couldn’t, for whatever reason!)
    And what Adam said – I thought it closed early, too!
    Looks like a damned fine time. 🙂

  6. shari says:

    A Dustin sighting? NO WAY! Dustin AND Scott at the same event… and I didn’t attend. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

    Glad it worked out so well though. Sounds like a great, great time for everyone!

  7. A Lewis says:

    I love cowboys.

  8. NYCWD says:

    I know how you feel.

    The Black Dragon slayed me.

    But I wouldn’t have it any other way.

    Viva la TequilaCon!!!

  9. Iron Fist says:

    I was making almost exactly that same face when I woke up in the morning.

  10. sizzle says:

    It’s all kinds of awesome that Dustin surprised everyone! Way to go Churro Boy. 😉

    I hardly recognize Vahid- he’s all clean shaven and clean cut.

  11. Göran says:

    That looks like great fun! Wish I could´ve been there too 🙂

  12. Mrs. Hall says:

    OH! How I wish i had been there, was this a gathering of bloggers? And those name takes,OOOHHH!!! so green with envy! Someday, oh someday, I will attend one of those things!!!

    and get a nametag that says, Mrs. Hall, “Wonders never cease.”

    until then I really really really reall really love all the photos you put up here. They are magnificent.

    and dang Dave, your a hottie in that cowboy hat!

    take care 🙂

  13. Bubblewench says:

    Looks like a great event. What would TequilaCon have been without Tequila Man? Glad he showed!

    LOVE the boots…

  14. Finn says:

    Thank you Avitable! I thought I was wrong that the waitress at TC08 was Jessica, but I guess I was right. How cool is that?

  15. martymankins says:

    That venue was perfect. It was so nice to have an entire area to ourselves. The food, the drinks, meeting a ton of bloggers that I hadn’t met before (you were the only one I had met up with in person) was great. Everyone had a good time, including Reba, who now is hooked on TequilaCon.

  16. scott says:

    It was very nice to meet you. Thanks for all the work you guys put into this thing. Susan and I had a great time.

    Hello, Dave.

  17. jenny says:


    it was so much fun, how come it seems like it was so long ago already?

    and adam, are you serious? because i’m about 95% sure that our waitress in the NYC TequilaCon was also named Jessica. that’s just crazy!

  18. Patty says:

    You guys look cute in your southwestern gear. I haven’t owned boots in eons.
    I love Santa Fe when I visited there a few years back for the first time. Looks like you guys had a lotta fun, I’m jealous.

  19. Patty says:

    I mean to add that I was in your neck of the woods last week for a conference….in Wenatchee. We let loose at the Sharx bar and then Minn/or was it Mimm’s. Had a great time with my classmates but didn’t get to see too much else of the city.

  20. Iron Fist says:

    Sorry, kids, but the waitress at TC08 was Victoria.

    I don’t remember our bartender’s name. She might have been a Jessica for all I know but I think she was a Lindsay.

  21. Ren says:

    Thanks again for all you and the rest of the planning crew do for this, I had an absolute blast.

  22. I’m so bummed I couldn’t make it this year. I would have loved to dress like a cowboy. :-(. I lobby for the East Coast next year!!!

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