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✖ Swell

Posted on Thursday, February 19th, 2009

Dave!The situation here is quite dire. I feel absolutely-kill-me-now horrible, and appear to be getting worse with each passing minute. On top of everything else (searing pain, crippling headaches, cough, runny nose, and heartburn), my right eye has suddenly decided to swell up. Not a fun time to be Dave.

I'd try and blog, but all I'd have to talk about was how miserable I am, so I think it's best that I don't.

Instead, I'm going to take a handful of pills, climb into bed, then die for 6 or 7 hours (hopefully)...

Dave Malaise

Sweet dreams...

Categories: DaveLife 2009Click To It: Permalink


  1. Jeff says:

    Don’t take this wrong, I really don’t want to be Dave right now. I hope you get well very soon and if you don’t, get yourself to a Doctor before the weekend. You really don’t want to sit in an ER waiting room for 13 hours. Believe me.

  2. Catherine says:

    Holy crap dude, get well SOON, all the way well, very soon. Good energy your way.

  3. Sarah says:

    Poor Dave. I hope whatever concoction of pills/drugs you take helps you at least get some rest to get over whatever it is you have.

  4. Selma says:

    Being that ill is no fun. I felt like that last winter and thought I’d never recover. Hope you feel better soon.

  5. Avitable says:

    What, no pictures?

    Feel better soon!

  6. Badger says:

    Aw, dude! Feel better soon! I am only just now barely getting over the crud myself, so I feel your pain. Or I did. You know, recently.

  7. Hope ypi feel better. I imagine a nice veggie soup made from scratch would help, unfortunately… I live in Florida.

  8. beth says:

    Hope you get better, soon. I could send a nurse, but I think the shipping would be expensive.

  9. Finn says:

    Please remember to rise from the dead. I’d kind of miss you if you didn’t. Plus, we’d have cancel Easter and I get cranky if I miss my Peeps.

  10. sizzle says:

    Not you too! This sickness is a beast. I hope you beat it into submission soon.

  11. Anthony McG says:

    Dude sorry to hear your still feelin shitty. Good vibes from this side of the Atlantic for ya.

  12. A Lewis says:

    Man, that sucks the big one….I’m so sorry to hear it. We’ve both been in the same situations…including chest x-rays, CT scans, deep coughs, and head colds that just won’t clear up. Better days ahead for all of us, I hope.

  13. Foo says:

    I’m trying to understand how covering yourself in a slice of American cheese will help to make you feel better. :o) Take care Dave2, sorry you are feeling so craptastic.

  14. Sybil Law says:

    Hope you feel better really soon!!

  15. Peter says:

    Dave, go see a doctor and don’t experiment with your life unless you really want to.

  16. Twinkie says:

    I know a few people that had a bad cold and it turned into pnemonia so be careful and go to the dr and get yourself checked out. Then if you’re still sick in two weeks go again.

  17. shari says:

    Feel better soon! I can bring over veggie noodle soup, or Nyquil or something if you need it.

  18. Hope you feel better soon mate.

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