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✖ Bullet Sunday 121

Posted on Sunday, February 22nd, 2009


Bullet Holes


Categories: Bullet Sunday 2009Click To It: Permalink


  1. A Lewis says:

    A shot in the dark, eh? A hole in one?

  2. Howard says:

    I love visual humor.

  3. LeSombre says:

    I was afraid I’d see a Lil’Dave shooting himself. This is slightly better.

    Again, get well soon!

  4. kapgar says:

    Did you put these stickers on your car? You are such a gangsta!

  5. iwapodcaster says:

    So no Bullet Sunday? Shame. I like them.

  6. Jeff says:

    This was a little quicker read than I’m used to for a bullet Sunday, but I like it!

    I guess you’re not feeling better yet.

  7. ETinNY says:

    Did Ann Coulter say something, again?

  8. 7aki Fadi says:

    I don’t mean to laugh at your misery but … HAHAHAHAA. That’s really funny!

  9. ~jtm says:

    Dude! Hope you get better soon… I hate having a laugh at your misery.

  10. Finally….. truth in advertising!

  11. Sarah says:

    hehe. This was cute. It made me giggle.

  12. Hilly says:

    Number one with a bullet….

  13. Catherine says:

    If I felt like I suspect you do, there is no way I’d have the presence of mind to be that damn funny. You’re amazing. Cheers, and here’s hoping you’re better soon. ((HUGS))

  14. jenny says:

    uh oh… so does this mean ‘lil dave finally went postal, or did he put himself out of his own misery?? i guess i’ll hope for the former.

  15. martymankins says:

    Graphically descriptive.

  16. Sybil Law says:

    Thank God it’s not Shitty Sunday!

  17. Greg says:

    The Oscars weren’t that bad.

    Hope you’re feeling better!!

  18. DutchBitch says:

    Ouch! You hit me! Were you aiming for me?

  19. yellojkt says:

    Five direct hits!

  20. whall says:

    Only you have the attention to detail strong enough to have them be different bullet holes with different spray patterns.

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