Home from Austin. For a little while, anyway. I must be brief, because I am not feeling very well.
• It's Peanuts! Thanks to the bag of peanuts I had on the plane AND the Drumstick ice cream sundae with peanuts I had when I got home... I now have a huge allergic welt above my ass crack. I also think that my intestines might have swollen up again because I've got some major cramping going on. Methinks I might have to start taking this allergy thing seriously after all. Oh well... at least now I'm more sure of what the cause is. So much for my Uncrustables peanut butter sandwiches.
• It's Prizes! A big "thank you" to everybody who commented or emailed to enter my Bullet Sunday 100 Contest! I've taken all 116 of you who entered, listed you in a spreadsheet. Randomly re-arranged a list of numbers from 1 to 116 three times, then generated a random number once the list had been randomly sorted to pick the winners. It's double the random for double the fun! The winners (who will be notified by email tomorrow on how to collect their prizes) are as follows (congratulations!!)...
• It's Over! Seriously, I'm dying here. Taking pills and going to bed...
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That’d be right! Keith (of no blog fame… aka my husband, Mr K) is one of those lucky people that I like to call arsy bastards. He always find the best car parks with no trouble, has had unknown relatives die and leave him money when he’s skint and will even find cash in the street on days he has forgotten his wallet! So not surprised to read he was one of your competition winners
I am getting really concerned that you keep eating peanuts when it’s obvious that you’re allergic to ground nuts. I don’t know about tree nuts, because you haven’t said, but geesh Dave, stop eating peanuts. I have a lot of allergies, but I developed one about 8 or 9 years ago that almost took my life. I’m allergic to mangos. I did something similar to you, kept eating them even though I was having reactions like hives, mouth swelling, lip swelling, tongue swelling. Because I love mangos. And one day I ate one and my throat swelled shut. Fortunately I had an epipen handy (allergic to bees) or I could have died.
Allergies are a way of telling you to stay away from stuff you react to. If it’s only ground nuts, try almond butter. If it’s all nuts, try to love humus. But really, we want you to stay alive and well, so stop with the peanuts already!
It certainly sounds like peanuts are causing you major pain! That’s a bummer but I totally understand. I just recently discovered that nuts and seeds cause me extreme agony. Just as well as I’m supposed to be on a mostly liquid diet anyway.
No way! You’re allergic to peanuts now? That just sucks. But at least you figured out what it is. Probably time to get that epi pen…
Food allergies suck majorly! I recently found out I was allergic to gluten. Yep I am allergic to something that is in almost every pre-prepared product in the grocery store! Wheat, oats, and barley. What is one of my favorite foods?? Breads. Yummy, fresh breads hot from the oven! Bah! I feel your pain….
1. Feel better, Davey-Joe! While I am not glad you have ass welts, I am glad you’ve finally figured out what it is!
2. Congratulations wieners!!!
Dave, I can’t believe I am going to ask you about your colon, but here goes: Have you been checked for diverticulitis? It is an infection around the colon. There can sometimes be pouching or polyps that form on the colon, and nuts, or seeds, or things can find their way into those, and become infected or just irritating. If the pain is on the opposite side of your abdomen as your appendix, it could be this. I had to take my roomate to the ER last Sunday night, and he was in the hospital for two days. They were able to diagnose him by doing an abdominal cat scan. It could just be allergies, and I hope it is something you get over soon. However, since we just went through this, I would be lax if I did not suggest it. His cramping & pain was so bad, he could not walk. I had to help him to the truck to take him to the hospital. They immediately put him on painkillers, nausea meds, and then massive antibiotics. Good Luck, and I hope you feel better.
Need help with your ass crack? I mean, the welt.
That’s not an allergic welt. You’re growing a tail.
Sorry it’s peanuts. There goes another good source of vegetable protein!
I hope you’re feeling better today, Dave!
I know you really liked peanut butter and peanut products so that really sucks. But at least now you know and can avoid it. Plus, there are other nut butters.
Of all the places to get welts, your ass crack would rate as one of the worst. At least you seem to know what’s causing it – perhaps a trip to an allergist to see if it’s just peanuts or all nuts?
Congrats to the winners. I am not surprised to not see my name as I rarely win anything. Ah well. At least I do not have an ass crack welt.
I love the title of your blog. Blogography. Brilliant.
I hope the ass welt doesn’t swell and seal up the crack! That would be awful!!
Yay! I won! Thanks!!
Yay Metalmom!
Speaking of Peanuts, I saw “You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown” on Sunday… seemed serendipitous enough to mention.