The flight to Seattle was horrific thanks to some crazy bitch behind me who decided to drench herself in really stanky perfume. By the end of the short 35-minute flight, the plane and everything in it (including me) reeked of the stuff.
By comparison, my connecting flight to Chicago was blissfully uneventful and odor-free... though I couldn't tell because I was still smelling the previous flight. Helpful hint to dumbasses who are going to board a plane: DO NOT WEAR ANY PERFUME, SCENTS, OR (GOD HELP US) AXE BODY SPRAY!!! Once they close the cabin door, your stench is going to be having everybody wanting you dead. Probably because the smell of your rotting carcass would help mask the nasty shit you're wearing.
Arriving at O'Hare was... ahem... interesting, and led to some drama I'd just as soon forget.
Which is easy to do when you are meeting one of the coolest people on earth for dinner, and then heading to see Eddie Izzard perform at The Chicago Theater!
Good times. Good times.
I wish I didn't have to get up at 7:00am tomorrow. This was a very full day.
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When I’m around folks that load up on the perfume or colonge, I secretly hope that they will pass by an open flame and……whoooosh!
Eddie Izzard is awesome. Very funny. And he’s been in several movies where you wonder what the movie would be like without him in it.
He’s also famous in a podcast: Mac OS Ken. At the end of every podcast, Ken has Izzard saying: Ciao
Eddie Izzard live! You live the life. Be sure to throw some panties on stage. He might put them on.
Very cool – I’d like to see him perform live.
I love Eddie… you must tell us what he was wearing!
I’m so jealous you got to see Eddie Izzard. I missed him when he played London a few months ago because it was in the middle of a very busy week for me and he doesn’t tour the UK like he used to any more.
I guess I’ll have to wait for the DVD.
Speechless with jealousy. Chicago AND Eddie! Arghhhh!
This cliff hanger blogging must STOP!! Do you even realize what ‘not knowing’ can do to someone like me???!! C’mon…..
Eddie Izzard is a riot – I would love to see one of his shows. Glad you had a good time
You lucky Bastard! I think Chicago is on the list of places I need to visit.
Hope you managed to get the stink off you.
Do you have a headache today? I think I had one too many blue agave margaritas… but they were sooo delicious. Thanks so much for everything – I had an absolute blast, as always! Have a safe trip back!
So jealous of you. My BFF is seeing Eddie in Memphis next month. Both of you can bite me, but I’m glad you had a good time.
Will we get to hear about the dramz in the airport??? Inquiring minds want to know!
dinner with Jenny AND Eddie Izzard? man, you are one lucky duckie.
His Seattle show is sold out, I am so very sad. Did he perform with beard or makeup? So shallow of me, but I am assuming that he was smart and funny as always. I like that he is a proud cross dresser.
Whee! We are seeing Eddie in June…can’t wait!!
I had no idea who Eddie Izzard was when I saw a sign promoting his tour at the Chicago theater. Then I said to Steven, isn’t that the guy from “Across the Universe,” and he’s in that tv show “The Riches”?
Two friends of ours went to see him too. I think I better google him and see if I can find some of his routines!
I adore Chicago AND Eddie Izzard! You lucky dog!
I’m so jealous – what was he wearing?
It may be hard to tell from all the way over there in your fortress of awesomeness but I’m a wee bit green…like madcap jealous green, actually
Eddie was in columbus a couple of weeks ago but the tickets were $150! I just love the name “Jeff – God of biscuits” that he refers to in one of his routines. My wife thinks I’m nuts but that is a cool superhero name.
He was funny in the film with Matt le Blanc – All the Queen’s men – a naff film but funny in parts.
I seriously hate perfume. Asthmatics often do. Unfortunately, people who wear too much of it are always oblivious. I could have an attack from sitting in a meeting next to someone doused in Dolce & Gabbana (which stinks to high heaven anyway) and the person in the perfume would NEVER think it was their fault.
I’m going to have to go to Chicago one of these days. You always make it sound good. Course I’m sure hanging out with one of the coolest people on earth helps.
I am willing to place a bet that it was Clinique’s Aromatics, which is just plain awful. I used to sell the stuff (against my will and better judgement) to mostly much older ladies who thought they smelled like a million bucks with it on.
It’s just plain horrid.
I love Eddie Izzard. I have all his DVDs and he absolutely cracks me up. Hmm, I wonder if he’s playing in Phoenix. Must go see…
We checked, and front row Izzard tickets the weekend of Brittcon: $639/per ticket. I’m not fucking kidding. $six-three-nine-dot-zero-zero.
I love Eddie Izzard …
I ran a 5K last year (the first I’d run in about 20 years — and my last, I’m sure) and about 1/2 into it we passed a family taking a walk to the park. The mother had so much of something on that it was oppressive and made me gasp. The micro-herd I was in made a few comments about it after we were out of her earshot.
How am I always JUST missing you in your travels?
Was Eddie any good? His last performance on DVD (Sexie?) was dull I thought. Hopefully he’s picked up!
Eddie has a new show! How excitement! I’ve seen Definite Article and Glorious in the UK, Circle and Sexie in Aust… but Dressed to Kill on DVD is my favourite. Should have known you’d be an Izzard fan Dave – this just rounds off the ‘How cool is Dave2 ??’
PS – “Heeelllpp!!! I’m covered in bees!”
How was the Izzard show anyway? Pray tell.
Ahhhh! I am in LOVE with Eddie. I’m going to see him in June in Miami. How was it?