It's Bullet Sunday as I sit here watching the genius that is Invader Zim on DVD. I love GIR.
• Band. A while back Karl found a rather cool meme about making a band and album via random blog searches. I answered it over on his entry, but enough people have asked me about it that I'm reprinting it here. You get your band name from the first article title at a random Wikipedia search. The title of your album is the last four words of the last quote on the random quotations page. Your album cover comes from the third image on a random Flicker page. You then moosh everything together, and here's what I got...
Photo taken from Juan Farrell's Flickr
• Fuckabee. If this ass-wipe wins the presidency, we're all doomed. Of course, we're pretty much doomed right now. I guess I'm just really tired of doom.
• Traction. It started snowing pretty good this morning as I left for work. The snow was all powdery, so when it landed on our icy roads, traction became a problem. Having driven in these kind of conditions for decades, I just reduced my speed by half and anticipated my stops well in advance. Tricky, but not really a big deal. Until I turned the corner and saw one car being pulled out of a ditch, then went another block to see a police office lighting road flares because another car had run off a bridge. WTF? If you are not capable of driving in adverse conditions... STAY THE F#@% HOME!! Or buy my upcoming new book...
• Traveled. By some accounts, I've traveled quite a lot. My travel map shows visits from Asia to Europe and back again. This is especially true for US citizens, where over 80% of us don't have a passport. Which is why it's cool that today I got to meet somebody who's extensive travels make mine look positively tame. It was then that I realize that I've only been south of the equator once, have never visited South America or Australia, and have no "that's when the police confiscated my motorcycle and took my jar of peanut butter" stories. I really do need to get out more, because making the leap from "traveler" to "adventurer" sounds like a lot more fun than eating ice cream and watching cartoons. Well, maybe not a lot more fun... but at least a little more fun.
• Inked. Is there anything worse than printing something out, only to look over and see the error light blinking on your printer? Yes. Yes there is. That would be seeing that you've run out of ink, and have every color cartridge available except the one you just emptied. VENGEANCE WILL BE MINE INFERNAL PRINTING MACHINE!!! Hmmm... maybe I've been watching too much Invader Zim?
And now it's time to see if I can get some sleep so I can get up extra early for work. Heaven only knows how many dumbasses I'll have to navigate around if it snows again.
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The dumbasses are equally aggravating on dry pavement. They’re the ones behind the wheel eating ice cream sandwiches A N D texting.
(in my humble opinion.)
Nice how well your album worked out.
Isn’t that how it always works with printers? Same has been happening to me at work for years.
You should publish “How to Do Memes For Dumbasses” because I’ve been seeing this one all over the place and your directions are the first to make sense to me. I thought I was pretty intelligent but when you don’t understand a meme? That’s all I have to say about that.
I’m not sure what to say about “Barium Swallows…Sometimes It’s About Letting Go”. I drank 24 barium shakes last year.
Good luck driving around the dumbasses.
HUCKLEBERRY, you mean? I do like Fuckabee much better. I’ve always said, “It can get a lot worse.” Nobody’s believed me. Wish I were going on your next travel adventure with you!
Most of the bands and albums that come up from that meme are totally believable as an indie group.
Every bullet was brilliant! I’d like copies of your book to pass around Columbus, OH, please. Do you have a version for ‘light mist OMFG the road is wet’?
I’ve got a passport and I’m ready for adventure. So if you want someone to go with you, I’m in! Bring bad monkey too! =)
One thing I don’t miss about being in cooler territory is the a-holes trying to drive in icy conditions. It’s bad enough when idiots drive in the rain, let alone having snow and ice on the roads.
You’d think it’d be simple. S-L-O-W-D-O-W-N-!
But noooooooooooo. Morons drive as if there’s absolutely nothing different about the roads. “If my engine starts, I can drive!”
I’ve always wanted to be an adventurer and more of a traveler as well. I’ve thought about saving up money enough to go somewhere else, live and work there for awhile, then move on and do the same, over and over again. Of course, that conflicts with my desire to love and be loved because no man in his right mind wants to live my in my dream of a gypsy lifestyle :).
Down here in the Deep South, all it takes is the THREAT of snow for people to drive like dumbasses. Check that. All it takes is the threat of any kind of weather. We had a light sleet here Thursday and I passed four separate accidents on my way home.
i stay home when the weather is crappy. black ice? lots of snow? yeah, someone else better drive. it freaks me out!
so see, i’m doing my part for humankind. 😉
INK!? Somehow, I imagined DS2 – Mr. Graphic Artist Extraordinare to be a laser printer kinda guy. Then again, you could’ve just been speaking generically, so that, we common folk might better understand the aspects of the charmed life you lead 😉
I vote for making Australia a priority; it’s amazing.
A high-end ink-jet printer has far better color saturation and fidelity than a laser printer. Color lasers print pretty crappy, overall, and I don’t use them on things that have to look good. 🙂
Fuckabee! Haw haw haw! Giggle! ROFLMAO!
Teeheeheee…Oh GOD that’s good. Oh dear, I have to pee now.
Though I’m sure the ignorant fucktard is the perfect candidate if you believe all the same wacky shit he does. I have some friends who just loves the guy… and I try not to judge them too harshly because of it. 🙂
Adventuring sounds fun, but there’s always the traveling and living to tell about it thing. Have you seen “Touristas”?! I got a travel IQ game on my blog you might kick some ass at. Go play. ;o)
I call him Hickabee. Much more descriptive and easier to use on blogs with dirty word filters.
Never been south of the equator either.
I’m really tired of doom too 🙁
I hope you do get to travel more, just because I am selfish and want to read about it here.
(And Dave, no credit to Kahn for the beautiful Salk Institute on your album? 😉 )
You’d probably ace that Traveler IQ test I blogged about, given how many places you’ve been. Plus, I hear you’re pretty good with a mouse!
This is one meme I actually found interesting. I don’t have any photoshop-type app loaded on this laptop, but I will share the ironic band “name” and “title”, both of which I think are funny:
Band: Labyrinth of Reflections
Title of Album: “You Must Undergo It”
The random flickr pic was one of a desolate forest-y tree view.
Oh, and Hi Dave2! It’s been a while!
I totally had to got for the album cover thing (see link).
The Salk Institute sits atop the cliff at Black’s Beach in LaJolla. Since Black’s is my favorite place on earth, I totally dig your album. Rock on!!!