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Other than the Twitter, I guess I was already stalking you pretty thoroughly. Yay for me!
OK, this all depends on if I get another moment in the shower with you or not.
Ooh, that’s creepy.
Did the video have anything to do with this?
Is Elizabeth Hurley stalking you again?!
Phew….you are *offering* to be stalked. I thought you had found me out and was ready to grovel ;).
Ooh nice, Dave. I do something kind of similar to that with Planet.
Now that is fun!
And, hey, what is Bad Monkey doin’ with an Iphone when I don’t even have one yet? And, besides, the French won’t get them until 2008…
I need to understand why I’m so interested in this. I mean, I’m not gay. I don’t know you. I’m not a mac whore. Our political views differ more than I care to admit. And yet, WHY DO YOU NOW OCCUPY FOUR (4) OF MY BLOG FEEDS?
Bombshell… Things just got a whole lot easier for you then!
Kyra… Depends on how desperate I am for Twitter fodder. I mean, do people want to know when I’m on the toilet??
Jeff… Not really. I’m doing it mainly because I wanted a logical place to upload my iPhone photos.
Kilax… Actually, I’m hoping that by providing a way for Elizabeth Hurley to know where I’m at and what I’m doing she’ll WANT to stalk me.
Hilly… I grovel for no man! But most women… go figure.
Joefish… I’m late to Twitter and don’t really know how long I’ll keep it up. Might be interesting while I’m traveling and to post links and stuff? Guess I’ll have to wait and see!
Bogup… Bad Monkey stole the iPhone, of course! You didn’t think the little psychopath would actually BUY one did you?
Wayne… You can’t help yourself. People just can’t get enough Dave!
yessss I’ve been wanting to stalk you, but our geographical differences were making it so hard. thanks for helping my cause!
You make stalking sound like a bad thing. If it were stalking, my wife would have never fallen in love with me. Teenagers in the 80s didn’t understand anything about restraining orders.
LOL @ Wayne….hell, I know him, share some of his same views and could call him if I needed his ass that badly and yet, I made a DAVE folder in my feed reader today cause of all this. I feel so pathetic ;).
Um, you know what? That’s ok… I’m gonna go read a book now. Heh.
How do you know what Hilly and I were talking about last night???
Amanda… Anything I can do for my readers!
Yellojkt… So stalking totally works then! Bitchin’!
Hilly… My ass is so popular now that I’m thinking of buying it a separate phone line!
RW… Why not adopt a puppy? I hear that Ellen is giving them away.
Adena… I slipped a bug in your purse at TequilaCon.
I like your photos !
I add the feeds… I think I will have more reading… :-)))
Why is my gravatar not showing up anymore???
I like the little bird. He’s cute.
You of all people need a Google Map mashup with your “reported” locations.
You should call it Dawker.
Revolutionary idea, isn’t it?
I just use the Twitter IM, which will supposedly IM me Twitters from the people I follow, all day long.
@adena: gravatar was acquired by automattic yesterday – generally looks like a great move but may impact service as more flock to it in the near term.
Seriously, Dave. You should look into Planet. I use it to aggregate feeds from my blog, Twitter, flickr, del.icio.us, digg, last.fm, coComment and Facebook into one “super stalker” page.
Ahh! I totally missed the point when I first commented. I thought you were trying to say that you were being stalked. This is much better!
You’re so cutting edge Dave.
I am starting a pool for how long you can keep this up.
I twittered for like.. um… 8 days I think.
I see where this is going.
1) 12-step programs popping up all over the nation for quitting Davaholism.
2) New movie — Brokeback Davetopia – “I don’t know how to quit you” montage of all the gravatars talking to lil dave and Bad Monkey
3) New movie – 28 Daves Later – starring Bad Sandra Bulloch, shooting up Liz Hurley zombies who break out from a secret lab trying to genetically create an anti-Dave addiction potion
I’ve heard of Cheetos-on-the-brain, but never a brain on Cheetos!