Ooh! Look at me! I'm blogging on my lunch break!
It seems everywhere I go, bloggers are making confessions. Kevin confesses to murder. Vahid confesses he has no idea what's going on in Burma. Dustin confesses his secret longing for a Mac. Amanda confesses she didn't have the brain she thought she did. Foo Diddy confesses she can't whistle or chew gum. And Ms. Sizzle confesses her undying love for me (though, to be honest, you really have to read between the lines on that one).
It's all a little intimidating, and I feel I really should be confessing something too.
So here we go...
I totally want to go to a Spice Girls concert on their new world tour...

Dave Spice says GIRL POWER!! Zigazig ha!
Don't ask me why, because even I don't know.
All I do know is that if I could get tickets and if I could squeeze it into my schedule, I would SO be there.
And in non-confessional news... thanks to everybody for their nice comments on my vlog entry yesterday. For anybody who's curious, here's a Vlogging FAQ...
- The entire video was unscripted and, with one exception, each scene was done in one take.
- The exception was the answer to "Who I would most like to beat with a baseball bat." It was originally several minutes long, because I felt compelled to give examples of why these people were so horrible. On the second take I eliminated my examples, but almost got caught up in the moment and started ranting about why Jared Fogle is a total douche. That's why there's that pause before I say "...is not cool."
- Everything was recorded on my MacBook Pro's built in microphone and iSight camera using iMovie 06 (the newer iMovie 08 sucks monumental ass, and I am really pissed at Apple for taking a great program and making it crappy).
- The graphics were done in Apple's Keynote software. I remain puzzled as to why sometimes the cool special effects exported to the movie and other times they did not. I guess it's a bug.
- The song I was singing while eating my Quaker Oatmeal Squares cereal is the theme song from New York City's Watchdog's Cereal Wednesdays.
- Along with my fear of blood, I also have a fear of needles, making a career as a doctor a bit dicey.
- Now that I think about it, I probably would be afraid of a snake if it were biting me.
- I should have mentioned that Samantha Brown's latest travel series, Passport to Latin America, begins October 28th. I haven't been to Latin America yet so, needless to say, I am really looking forward to it. More details are available at the Travel Channel website.
- When I was recording the video, I struggled to keep it under 10 minutes so I could post it to YouTube. When I ended up going 30 seconds over the limit I was going to cut the shower scene, but found out Google Video allows movies to be over 10 minutes.
- Yes, dropping the shampoo bottle in the shower was staged. If I didn't do it, I would have had to sing the rest of Madonna's Like A Virgin, and I don't think anybody wants that. Especially me.
- On top of that, the scene was an homage to a DaveToon I really like. It's also a reference to my trip to Vegas with Bad Robert... but you'll have to wait for my book to read about that one.
- My vlog entry took more time than any other entry I've ever done... over an hour to make the graphics and film the scenes... so it's not something I will be doing very often.
And lastly, before I forget, everybody needs to go vote for Obi-Steven over at Kimberly's blog. I'd ask you to vote that she gets a web-feed as well, but I can't find a place to vote for that.
Why did you have to go and ruin the mystery? It’s like if Copperfield showed us how he made the Statue of Liberty disappear.
And I’d so be there at the Spice Girls concert.
Well, I didn’t give EVERYTHING away… like the fact that I was naked from the waist-down while I was showing off my Joe Boxers to the camera…
i’m so transparent in my love for you, dave!
No mention of Apple’s announcement? Leopard released Oct. 26 preorder $129? Dave? Dave?
I must say after years of PC hell you have converted me to mac and I’ve been so happy since my pro book arrived! Thank you.
I am working on a web-feed. I don’t want to ditch my old blog and start a new one… do you have any suggestions?
Thanks for the link 🙂
I enjoyed the video blog. I can see where it would’ve taken you a long time to do it. It was nicely done.
So basically your mandango is like a waffle cone with a double scoop of strawberry ice cream!
L’il Dave looks so cute in that Union Jack mini-skirt.
Hey, I’m purchasing a Macbook Pro in two weeks, with Leopard OS!!! Can I then answer your blog postings with a video of me in the shower? Just kidding or maybe wondering…
PS I’d pay real money to see Avitable at a Spice Girls concert.
I entered for tickets everywhere within driving distance of here but didn’t win… I’m hugely (and embarrassingly) disappointed!
I’d see the Spice Girls if Dave Spice was touring with them.
Crap. I slept through the whole thing. I mean, when it was “fresh.” I would’ve bombed on the questions, though.
Great job on the vpost!
I do appreciate the extra time you put in your vlog.
I confessed recently, too. It *is* an epidemic. I blame Post Secret.
Yeah, but I knew that.
Sizzle… Well, some things you just can’t hide!
Walter… I think every Mac news site on the planet has already broken that story. 🙂
Kilax… I’ll email you.
Chag… Thanks! It definitely was a lot more difficult than I thought it would be.
Hilly… It’s all chocolate pudding, baby! Hmmm… okay, maybe vanilla. But it’s still pudding.
Yellojkt… Yes, but he had to tape up his kibble and bits, which is not very comfortable.
Bogup… It’s a Mac! You can do whatever you want to do with it! 😀
Bre… I think every single show worldwide has sold out. There’s something like 17 shows in London and they’ve ALL sold out. 🙁
Iron Fist… Dave Spice would totally tour with the Spice Girls but, alas, his invitation to join them was lost in the mail.
SJ… Slept through my vlog entry? Oh the humanity!!
Wayne… Confession is good for the soul… but it’s also profitable for the guy at Post Secret!
Avitable… But did you know that I was sitting in a bowl of Jell-O at the time?
You will really like Samantha Brown’s Latin America series…I’m glad they are running it again b/c I missed the Punta Arenas one the first time around and I really wanted to see it.
Damn – you got me there!
That’s because NOBODY expects Jell-O!
That, and the Spanish Inquisition.