Right now I pretty much hate everybody because airlines fucking suck ass.
Well, everybody except you, of course.
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Airline, hotels, tour operators, and most especially travel agents! They all suck ass really… it is a natural state to expect everything to go pear shaped when you’re travelling, it’s normally only a question of ‘how damned pear shaped’ ?!!?
Commiserations – hope it gets sorted for you quickly.
Whew… I have most everyone else hating me at the moment. I’m glad you don’t.
Safe journey home, Dave!
Oh no, they di’iiiint! I am so sorry that you are having travel dramas :(. I am sending you unlimited Lime Coke and soft-serve cones with the power of my mind…yanno, cause it *will* work and *will* make you feel a little happier.
Mind bullets, Dave…mind bullets ;).
Keep thinking about your wonderful vacation! Don’t let the airlines get you down. Although, most of them do suck and do not know the meaning of the word ‘service’ anymore.
Yes, they do that and more dirty deeds to the general population! Airlines and airports have sucked all of the fun out of traveling. I think we should start a revolution, whaddya’ say? OK… maybe we should wait until you get back home safely ;D
i always need a vacation from my vacation. and airlines ruin every good trip!
It’s good to know that you don’t hate me.
I think we can all concur that airports generally suck ass.
Get home safe anyway
It’s possible that flying Internationally could be worse than Elective Rectal Surgery… but I’m not sure how…
Come on Dave, you really only hate the airlines and avitable. The rest of us you Love, with a capital “L.”
Sorry, it so stinks to get stuck somewhere. I got stuck in Greece because the boats went on strike. Poor me stuck on Corfu for three days and then didn’t bother to leave until I had to. I hope you have as much fun as I did.
I am convinced that the only reason to become filthy rich is to have your own jet where you can control when and where you fly. Which is why I want to be a soap opera character when I grow up. They always seem to have private jets, and yet do nothing even slightly work related except attend an occasional mean-spirited board meeting where they oust someone, cackle with glee, and then plan the next hospital benefit extravaganza. Plus they get to wear nice clothing and carry beautiful leather accessories. How hard is that?
Sorry about the sucky ending on your holiday! and welcome home, hopefully before too long.
wow, that’s encouraging, i’m really looking forward to my travel to Dubai this afternoon now…
Dave! Come back!
Must be something going around all the airlines, because the Hermit’s luggage has been ‘misplaced’ instead of arriving home with him today. Bastards. Sorry about your drama Dave!
We love you too !
Think about all you saw during your trip !
You mean you can’t teleport yet?
My sympathies. Hope you make it home soon.
You know, they must have you flagged in their system so they can drive you crazy when you fly. I hope it gets better! Safe Journey!
YAY! you don’t hate me. *feels relieved*
Awww, Dave. I hope you are somewhere where you can at least bathe. Sorry the ship couldn’t bring you right home to your doorstep.
What a suck-ass end to an otherwise frabjous trip. I’ve suffered many travel snafus trying to get to or from, so I can relate.
Back in 81, we got stuck in Copenhagen for 24+ hours, due to the air traffic controllers strike and our man Reagan. We spent most of the time at Tivoli Gardens, drinking and gambling. I ended up needed another small case for all the swag I won.
Still, it was the end of a two week trip and I was more than ready to GET HOME ALREADY GODDAMIT so the winnings in no way made up for the delays. It sucked not knowing when we would get to go or how long we would be in limbo.
Here’s hoping the situation resolves quickly and you make it back to lovely WA State without futher delay or problem.
Hopefully you’ll be home by the time you read this.
It really does suck ass to be at their whim…
What? Are you stuck in New Jersey?
“You” being me? Hum. So, they aren’t just “bad”….but they “fucking suck ass”….wow. That sounds kind of hot. Good luck on getting home.
Bleh. I’m sorry for the suckage. Hope you’re home by now, and sleeping. I’ll try to have the mosque under construction when you wake.
Hope you get home in one piece. I love travel to new places but hate to fly anymore.