Crappy weather continues to pummel the Pacific Northwest. Seattle is particularly scary, as the news is showing people abandoning their cars on the highway rather than attempting to drive on the icy, snow-covered roads there. A fly-over shows dozens of cars spun off the road and others that have been trapped in traffic for hours. This is not encouraging news given that I'm flying out this weekend.
My TiVo is still grabbing The View every day, and every once in a while I am desperate enough to watch.
Today on the show they had Amy Holmes guest-hosting. She is the former speechwriter for outgoing Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist and was also a strategist for his office, despite her not being a Republican (she's a registered Independent).
As if all that weren't impressive enough, she's cute as hell...
On the Elizabeth Hurley Scale of Hotness... where 0 is depressingly not at all Liz-like and 10 is the sublime perfection that is Elizabeth Hurley... she's a solid 9. And it's not just looks. When Joy Behr attacked her almost immediately, she responded with a grace, poise, and warmth that had a beauty all its own. If they don't make her a permanent host on The View, there's something terribly wrong.
But, then again, we're talking about ABC. This is the same dumbass network that cancelled Jeremy Piven's Cupid. So it's not like I haven't already been conditioned for disappointment.
Bleh. Now it's starting to snow here again too.
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Wow. Desperate enough to watch the view. I cant see myself going that far. I’d rather watch college basketball (which I HATE!). The bad weather has hit down here as well. I found it very amusing today. I had a ball driving back to work after break today, fishtailing (on purpose) the entire way. It rocked.
She is very attractive, but that thing around her neck posing as a necklace is hideous. Looks like something you’d see on a sci-fi show.
Oh Joy. One of these days they’re going to cave in and give her a nice little “yes” woman to sit next to so she doesn’t pick fights with the other hosts!
Leave it to Joy to shine a light up to it.
My PVR has quit recording The 700 Club. As a result I’m sort of in the dark about what the Pacific Northwest has done to upset God.
Amy Holmes is a cutey. And she has sort of a porn-star name … and a Mighty Isis neck shield.
If she were alone, you’d probably give her a 7. Her company could make anyone look great. That’s why I have so many fat friends. [uncomfortable silence] Uh… who are wonderful people.
She is a cutie, but a 9 on the Hurley scale? I dunno…maybe if I had seen the show…
Best wishes on your travel. It looks like you’ll be bringing the Washington weather with you–hope it doesn’t create too much hassle.
she is very cute but what is that gangsta like medallion she has around her neck? i must have missed that memo about that fad.
snow! it’s become too much for me now that i have to try to drive in it. scary stuff.
So, can I just clarify for a second on something?
Did you enjoy the show Cupid?
Is your TiVo broken ?
Trust me, the Amy Holmes thing won’t last. I had occasion to work with Condoleeza Rice when she was “just” a Stanford professor, oh, fifteen years ago. Hot and scary smart. Look what happened!
All clever women who have responsabilities are attractive, seductive…
The question is : Is Liz as clever as Amy ?
I suppose that you want to kill me because of my question… Right ?…
Ok, Ok, I take back what I said !!! 😀
you TiVo The View?
OK, now I’ve officially heard it all. 😀
I second the notion – the chest plate has to go.
Yum! I mean… nice post. Er.
She is hott. But not enough to make me watch The View.
I gotta hand it to you, you DO know hotness–she’s adorable!
And I *loved* “Cupid.”
Dude, you watch The View? *silently judges*
But that chick is totally hot! I never heard of her though. Cute gal.
The Chad… It’s all funny… until one of these people nearly runs into you. On the way home from work tonight I was very nearly nailed AGAIN. Why can’t people realize that you can’t stop on icy roads the same as dry roads? Is it really such a difficult concept to grasp?
Mooselet… You are looking at a still frame. In motion, the necklace is actually kind of pretty.
Bre… It was not really hospitable of Joy to broadside her with the Terri Shaivo incident her boss was involved in, but it was almost worth it to see Ms. Holmes respond. She could have freaked (I would have), but did amazingly well.
Nancycle… It’s what she does. She can be funny, but this was kind of rude.
Delmer… I don’t watch Pat Robertson for fear of putting my foot through the television, but I’m sure the reason we’re being hit is Seattle banishment of the stripper law Conservatives tried to get on the books. 🙁
Greg… I was very careful to isolate Amy Holmes from the rest of the cast… still radiant. She’s the closest thing to Elizabeth Hurley perfection that I’ve seen in a long time.
Diane… Oh yes. Definite 9. Especially if Liz goes through with her marriage to Arun Nayar!
Ms. Sizzle… I think the television lights made it out to be worse in these stills than it actually was. It was actually quite fetching on her!
Pauly… Let’s put it this way. If I had Bill Gates money, Rob Thomas, Jeremy Piven, Paula Marshal, and Jeffrey Sams would be paid a million dollars an episode to reprise their roles in a new “Cupid” series for a new “Cupid” network that would include other shows such as “Wonderfalls” and “Dead Like Me” which were cancelled before their time.
Rick… I’ve heard Coni speak. She cannot hold a candle to Amy Holmes… so I’m fairly confident she’ll stick around on my list for a while. 🙂
Laurence… I dunno. If Liz marries Arun Nayar instead of me, then perhaps she isn’t as clever as I had hoped! 😛
Dawn… I recorded the episode with Bill O’Reilly because I thought he and Rosie would start killing each other. I didn’t know the date and had TiVo just grab the daily show so I could watch for it. The show just keeps recording every day now, and I’m too lazy to fix it. 😀
Nancycle… I find it funny that all the ladies here seem to obsess over Amy Holmes’ necklace! Did you not see the totally cute face just above that? 🙂 It looks a lot different when she is not looking directly at the camera, honest! Those were the screen caps I just happened to grab. 😉
RW… No doubt. With the inexplicable Liz drought going on in the news, it was nice to find another beautiful, intelligent woman gracing my television screen!
Yellojkt… If she joined the cast permanently, I would START watching the show. She’s be the most fascinating thing on The View!
Belinda… I miss Cupid. I just watched the entire 14 episodes, AGAIN, and already want to start watching them “just one more time.” Sigh. The good ones always die (are cancelled?) too young. 🙁
Kentucky Girl… I don’t REALLY watch The View. My TiVo is still grabbing it after I wanted to see Bill O’Reilly duke it out with Rosie, and I scan it from time to time. When the ladies are not screeching over each other, it can be an interesting show… though it seems mostly about Rosie more than anything else.
Yeah, OMG she’s as cute as hell! Undeniably. I mean LOOK at her. BUT that golden blob is competing for attention with her face!
Those were the screen caps I just happened to grab. 😉
I just want The View off the air. Blech.