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✖ FridayQ: Cinema

Posted on Friday, March 11th, 2005

Dave!If you could own any item from any movie, what would you take and why? Well, I'd love to have my very own Gort robot from The Day the Earth Stood Still... how cool would that be? My dream of taking over the world would be a piece of cake with Gort there to kick everybody's asses. Or maybe some of the gadgets from the James Bond movies would be handy? Nah, I think the one thing I would want more than any other would be Mace Windu's purple lightsaber from the Star Wars prequels. That way I could open up a can of Samuel L. Jackson-style Jedi whoop-ass all over the stupid people who bug the crap out of me...


If you could become any character from any movie, who would it be and why? Dude! No question, it would be Indiana Jones! He got to run around the world having awesome adventures, finding treasure, and shooting Nazis and stuff! On top of that, if I were Indiana Jones I could literally whip somebody's ass with my bull-whip. That would totally rock...


If you could visit any location from any movie, where would it be and why? Probably inside The Matrix so I could fly around, shoot lots of guns, and go all kung-fu on people who cut me off in traffic...


FQ MOVIE MASH-UP: Combine some items, characters, and locations from different movies to create an entirely new film! What would you call it and what would it be about? I think I'd like to take the chain saw from Texas Chain Saw Massacre, the Alien from Alien, Jason from Friday The 13th, and put them on the ship Discovery with HAL from 2001: A Space Odyssey. Then everybody could battle it out IN OUTER SPACE!! My master-work would then be ready to kick box-office ass and be called: Friday the 13th, 2001: An Alien Chainsaw Massaccre Odyssey. Brilliant! I'd pay serious bank to see that flick.


Be the movies at the FridayQ.

Categories: DaveToons 2005, Memes 2005, Movies 2005Click To It: Permalink


  1. Dave2 says:

    Oops. That wasn’t supposed to post until tomorrow. Oh well.

    If I do say so myself, this is the coolest FridayQ yet!

  2. revi says:

    oh wow, it is like seeing into the future. hey, what are the lottery numbers for saturday? post those!

  3. Patrick says:

    Since this is the psychic hotline: will I become a millionaire? 😀

  4. karla says:

    You had me freaked. I thought it was Friday and I missed a day somehow. Today IS Thursday, right?

  5. Richard says:

    I’m always surprised that there aren’t more accidents with light sabres in the Star Wars films. I can just see people accidentally slicing their own leg off by unwittingly turning the thing on without checking which way they were pointing it.

  6. revi says:

    i’m sure that there must be a ward of newly “differently abled” jedi out there somewhere. all the poor fools who were more clumsy than clever.

    the thumbless wonders.

  7. Dave2 says:

    Wow. I never thought about that. There’s a disturbing probability that I’d accidentally cut off body parts that I’m not quite ready to part with. I mean, heck, drop a lightsaber and there goes your foot! It’s not like a sword… if you accidentally touch the blade, you’d burn your hand off!!

    I think that’s why you’d need mad Jedi skills to have one.

    Ah, what the heck… it’s still my first choice. Being able to whip out a real lightsaber would kick serious ass!

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