Just when you think you've done every meme in existence... here's another. Only for you Chris! (Though, there is a clue to the Movie Quotable of the Day if you feel like reading on). I don't know if I've done this one before or not so, even if I have, the answers are probably different since I can't recall any of it!
Movie Quotable of the Day: "This is my corn. You people are guests in my corn."
Yesterday's Answer: Only You (1994) starring Marisa Tomei and Robert Downey Jr.
- What time did you get up this morning? 3:00am.
- Diamonds or pearls? Uhhh... diamonds? They're worth more, aren't they?
- What was the last film you saw at the cinema? In Good Company starring Dennis Quaid and Topher Grace.
- What is your favourite TV show? Yeesh... just one? Probably Veronica Mars (followed closely by Alias and Lost).
- What did you have for breakfast? Half of a HUGE Lindt Milk Chocolate and Almond Bar I got at the airport.
- What is your middle name? Lewis.
- What is your favorite cuisine? Italian.
- What foods do you dislike? Cauliflower, broccoli, mushrooms, and meat of any kind.
- What is your favourite crisp/chip flavour? Barbecue is my favorite flavor (though I actually prefer them plain).
- What is your favourite CD at the moment? I've been re-listening to Disintegration by The Cure a lot lately.
- What kind of vehicle do you drive? A year 2000 Saturn SC-2.
- Favourite sandwich? Quizno's Veggie Sub, no mushrooms.
- What characteristics do you despise? Rudeness in all forms.
- Favourite item of clothing? Levi's denim shirt.
- If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? China or Greece (I'd say Australia, but I've already plans to get there, eventually).
- What colour is your bathroom? White.
- What colour pants are you wearing? Blue (denim).
- Where would you retire to? Edinburgh, Scotland.
- Favourite time of the day? Sunset.
- What was your most memorable birthday? The last one I celebrated... my 30th.
- Where were you born? San Diego, California.
- What's the last thing you ate? Dinner from a gas station mini mart here in Germany... Pretzle Sticks, Mars Delight bar, Powerade (blue), and some kind of candy bar-ish type thing called "Tender."
- If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Periwinkle.
- Favorite flower? Either a California Poppy or a Purple Crocus.
- What fabric detergent do you use? Whatever name brand is on sale.
- Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi.
- Do you wish on stars? Never have. Maybe I should start?
- What is your shoe size? American size 10-1/2.
- Do you have any pets? No. With all my traveling, they'd die. If I could have one it would be a German Shepard dog.
- Last person you talked to on the phone? My mother via Skype.
- What did you want to be when you were little? At one time or another during childhood I wanted to be a fireman, airline pilot, doctor, and a chef. I ended up being a graphic designer, so I guess none of my career dreams came true. Now I want to be an astronaut when I grow up.
- What are you meant to be doing now? Packing my suitcase for my trip home early tomorrow morning.
- What do you first notice about someone? Height? Though if it was a woman, it might be something different.
- Siblings? I have a younger brother (mom still loves me best, however).
- What was your favourite toy as a child? Lego.
- Summer or winter? Absolutely summer... you can't ride a motorcycle in the snow!
- Hugs or Kisses? Depends on from whom I am receiving them from.
- Chocolate or vanilla? A touch of chocolate.
- Who is most likely to respond? I am not forwarding this to anybody.
- Who is least likely to respond? I have no idea.
- Living arrangements? Apartment.
- When was the last time you cried? Honestly cannot recall, so it must have been whilst drunk.
- What is under your bed? Plastic tubs filled with souvenirs from all my travels.
- How many countries have you visited? USA, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Thailand, South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, The Netherlands, Iceland, Germany, Austria, Spain, France, Italy, Vatican City, Denmark, Sweden, Jamaica, and the Virgin Islands...
- In how many cities have you lived? Two since I was 5 years old. I have no idea how many before that.
- Favourite movie of all time? Field of Dreams.
- Mountains or beach? Beach.
- The current friend you have known the longest? I don't keep track.
- Full names of your potential kids? I like the names Evan and Emma. If it were up to me, I'd skip middle names.
- Usual bedtime? Sometime after midnight.
Ugh. I should get to bed. I've got a looooong day of traveling ahead of me in another seven hours!
“# What is your favourite TV show? Yeesh… just one? Probably Veronica Mars (followed closely by Alias and Lost).”
Darn whatever caused this weeks Alias to be delayed.