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✖ Elektrafying

Posted on Friday, January 7th, 2005

Dave!Oh my. Yahoo! Movies has put up some yummy production stills along with the first full five minutes of the forthcoming Jennifer Garner love-fest known as Elektra. Sure the movie clip features a brief snippet of badass action and has a kind of interesting opening but, to be totally honest, I am not holding out much hope for the quality of this film. Though that's not exactly why I want to see it so badly...


At least they made movie Elektra look like the comic book Elektra a little more this time. Not that it matters much... it's not like I am going to be watching the movie thinking "the shape of Elektra's halter top is entirely unlike the comic, thus ruining my enjoyment of the film." Uhhh... no. What will be going through my mind is the exact same thing going through every other guy's mind in the theater. Men are such dogs. What can I say? I'm just doing my best to live up to the label, I guess.

UPDATE: Proving that you just can't get enough of a good thing, Patrick notes that IGN has an exclusive scene from the movie featuring Elektra getting the ultimate "kiss of death" from Typhoid Mary.

Categories: Movies 2005Click To It: Permalink


  1. Dennis says:

    This entry is blatantly and undeniably wrong.

    Many men are too immature to say ‘breats,’ and will thusly be chanting boobies, gazoombas, or simply yelling “juuuuuuuuugz!” loudly down the row to their double date buddies.

  2. Dave2 says:

    Ack! You revealed the dirty truth about just how sad a lot we really are!! Oh well, it’s not like women didn’t already know it. 🙂

  3. Ben says:

    Utter Dogs. And enjoying every minute of it.

  4. Patrick says:

    Have you seen this so called “Exclusive clip”?
    You get a taste of it in the theatrical trailer.

  5. Dave2 says:

    Huh huh huh huhhhuh…

  6. annette says:

    lol. you and anything jg.

  7. Richard says:

    Funny that the male comic book heroes tend to wear all over body suits, whereas the female ones opt for a more minimalist approach to clothing. I wonder why that could be…

  8. Dave2 says:

    Because most all comic books are created by men and men are bastards.

  9. Patrick says:

    Nah, men aren’t bastards. We just appreciate beautiful female bodies more…I think if it wasn’t for parental organizations and that weird PG-rating, all female superheroes would be…well, naked.

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