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Vrijdag Vijf: heroes

Posted on Friday, April 2nd, 2004
Dave!Well, as promised last Friday, there is once again no "Friday Five" to answer, so I have created (wait for it) VRIJDAG VIJF (which makes perfect sense if you have a Dutch dictionary). Since I have no idea how people who actually make these questions get their ideas, I decided to just look at my last post and run with that. Since my last post had Superman in it, why not take a stab at some hero questions? Here we go...

1. Who is your favorite super-hero from cartoons, comics, or television? It's a tie between two you probably have never heard of... Ultra Boy, who is a member of the futuristic Legion of Super-Heroes (he's kind of like Superman, but is far more interesting because he can only use one super power at a time!)... and Airwave, who is nephew to original Green Lantern of the Silver Age of comics, Hal Jordan.

Ultra Boy and Airwave, two super-hero characters from the comic books.

2. What's your favorite super-hero in the movies? No contest, Superman. The first two Superman movies (with Christopher Reeves) have never been equalled, and it's a real shame that the sequels had to suck so bad.
3. If you were to create a new comic book super-hero, what powers would they have? I think just about every super-power has probably been done before. But I suppose I would like to create a hero that's a modern incarnation of some mythological being... like a Greek god or something. As for super powers, it's most fun to draw people who can fly and blow stuff up, so I'd probably start with that.
4. If you could have one super-hero power for yourself, which would it be? It would be pretty cool to be able to fly... but I'd probably rather be invulnerable to harm so I could do any crazy thing I wanted to without getting hurt... wouldn't it be nifty to jump out of an airplane without a parachute?
5. Who is your favorite "real-life" hero? There are many amazing heroes throughout history, but if forced to pick just one, I'd have to say anybody who is a part of the Doctors Without Borders group. These amazing people boldly go where angels fear to tread to offer medical assistance to people who otherwise wouldn't get any. A quote from their site... "Médecins Sans Frontières (also known as Doctors Without Borders or MSF) delivers emergency aid to victims of armed conflict, epidemics, and natural and man-made disasters, and to others who lack health care due to social or geographical isolation." How amazing is that?

I wonder if Friday Five has gone down permanently?

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