All week long, I've been depressed about the weather forecast continuously calling for snow this weekend. It seems as though just when I think we've seen the last of it, we get dumped on. This is heartbreaking for a guy like me that wants nothing more than to pull out his motorcycle and start riding! Yesterday was overcast (though not terrible), but since snow was forecast for Sunday (today), I didn't bother to get excited.
Then a miracle happened. I woke this morning to find nothing but beautiful blue skies... no snow after all! In disbelief I toss on some clothes and run outside. It's cold... really cold... but it's an otherwise perfect day! Not bothering to even get cleaned up, I tear out of the apartment and drive over to my grandmother's garage where my beautiful BMW F650-GS has been hibernating for the winter. Time to get to work! I've got to remove the blocks, clean off the protective coating, charge the battery, check fluid levels, inflate the tires... all those fun things you have to do after a motorcycle sits for the winter.
Two hours later, it's go time...
I haven't been this happy in a long time. At first I was just going to buzz around town... but then I decided to take a run up the canyon... then I decided to run to Wenatchee... then I kept going to Waterville (about 35 miles away). If I hadn't stopped myself, I probably would have ended up in Spokane! There were a few sphincter-puckering moments with some gravel, and I wasn't dressed warm enough... but I don't think I stopped smiling for the 2-1/2 hours I was riding! And I wasn't the only one... I saw dozens of motorcycles out today, which was pretty cool. MOTORCYCLES RULE!!
All in all, not a bad day for Dave.
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Congratulations on your first motorcycle ride of the new year! I hope you get to do it again soon!
If the oil leak doesn’t turn out to be anything serious, AND the weather holds up, AND I don’t have to work late this week… it will be very soon indeed!
Bah — I had mine out three weeks ago you weenie
is cashmere where you live?
/me goes off to find an atlas
Yes, Cashmere is a small city in the middle of Washington State… about 3 hours from Seattle.
I’ll probably be in your neck of the woods in June.. dad’s planning a grand national park tour of the north-west usa 🙂
Washington is lucky in that we have three very nice National Parks… North Cascades Park is not too far from where I live (the other two are Olympic Park and Mt. Rainier Park). There are also a few other areas of interest such at Dry Falls (which was the largest waterfall on earth before drying up) and The Cascade Loop (which is regarded by National Geographic as one of the most spectacular drives in the US). Hope you have fun visiting my home!
oo cool thanks for that.
Dad has spent weeks on end lookin up stuff on the internet and printing out maps and planning an itinerary. It’s going to be a *very* busy six weeks 🙂