When you publish your thoughts on a blog that's open for the entire world to see, you are bound to have people reading it that are not going to agree with you. That's fine with me because everybody is entitled to their own opinion. Some of these people feel the need to send an e-mail telling me that they disagree, which is also fine. If the e-mail is intelligent and thoughtful, I may even bother to read it. If it's particularly compelling, I may even reply.
But then there are the morons who do not send thoughtful and intelligent e-mail... they send moronic hate mail that is just a waste of time because I don't even bother to read it past the first line before hitting the "delete" button. Hey, life is too short, and if you want to behave like that please feel free to start your own blog and stop reading mine.
And then I really did it... I made a joke about hating clowns so much that I wish I could set a clown's ass on fire. Apparently, when you slander a clown like this, there is a coalition of clown-loving morons that feel the need to inundate the offender (me) with charming e-mails calling you "sick" and "stupid." Some of the e-mails were so over-the-top that you'd think I had actually set a clown on fire rather than having just joked about it in a cartoon. And there's my real problem with these idiots... IT WAS A FRICKIN' CARTOON FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! Pull that stick out of your ass and loosen up!
But anyway, in the interest of being diplomatic to any clown lovers that might be reading this blog, I will issue an apology. Yes, I still hate clowns. I don't find them at all funny... I find them scary and stupid. But that's no reason to joke about wanting to set a clown on fire, and it was never my intention to promote violence against any living thing. That was wrong.
In the future, I won't make any more jokes about clowns on fire. Instead, I'll joke about hitting them with baseball bats...
Now that's funny!
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I notice that you are always sneaking up behind the clowns to do your damage. You are such a pussy.
Clowns are evil and scary. I have to sneak up behind them because if I were to look them in the face I would run away screaming like a little girl. Don’t mock my childhood clown trauma!!
Wouldn’t dream of it. I will mock you for thinking that it takes a clown to turn you into a little girl. The sad fact is that you are always a little girl.
Robert, Robert, Robert… do NOT make me tell the story of the spider on your motorcycle helmet. When it comes to screaming like a little girl, you are the master.
Here’s a site just for you! http://www.ihateclowns.com
Well i agree with you clowns are stupid and people who get upset about cartoon clowns being set on fire should get a life!!!