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I'm Bored

Posted on Friday, February 20th, 2004

Dave!I came into work early today so that I could finish up the last of my backlog only to find that the network is still down. That means I can't work after all, so now I'm really, really bored. Here is a picture of me being bored...

Being Bored

In other news, I still haven't received my brand new camera back from the service center... so I guess I'm angry. Here is a picture of me being angry...

Being Mad

I also didn't get a lot of sleep last night, so perhaps it would be more accurate to say that I am really tired. Here is a picture of me being tired...

Being Tired

Come to think of it, I'm getting some goofy e-mails in response to my wanting to set a clown's ass on fire, so I am kind of amused. Here is a picture of me being amused...


Oh terrific. Now that I'm done playing with my iSight camera, I'm back to being bored again.

Categories: DaveLife 2004Click To It: Permalink


  1. ford says:

    U R an asshole 😀

  2. Dave2 says:

    Oh really? What the heck did I ever do to you?

    You drop by web sites so you can call random people assholes? That make you a pretty big asshole yourself.

    Or are you one of these piece of shit dumbasses who try to steal other people’s bandwidth by linking to their photos and then get upset because you can’t do that with mine? Did you even ASK me if I would allow the link? No.


    By the way, how’s the weather in Hungary? I’ve always wanted to visit your country…

  3. ford says:

    thanks a lot..
    the wheather? cold, and it’s raining..

  4. Dave2 says:

    Ah, but at least you have sunshine in Hungary! It is foggy here. 🙁

    Next time, before calling somebody an asshole… why not ASK if you can link to a photo and have hotlinking protection turned off?

    Most people enable hotlink protection because they can’t afford the cost of people stealing their bandwidth…not because they are assholes.

  5. ford says:

    ok, its not so important for me, so idont care..
    next time ill ask U, but i dont think that next time will be..

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