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Fuck Those Hungry Kids

Posted on Wednesday, October 9th, 2024

Dave!It's gotten to the point that I don't want to look at my news feed because it's all political bullshit and I'm just too tired to engage with any of it. After skipping past a bunch of stuff that was only guaranteed to enrage me, I stopped at a story headline I didn't understand at first... Keller ISD students with lunch debt of $25 or more to be served alternative meals, district says.

Now, I'm sure that a lot of people would read this story and say "Oh... well it's not like they're letting kids starve, so that's okay! If the freeloader kids don't like what they're being served and can't pay for a full meal like everybody else, they can just starve then!"

But, yeah, I am definitely not one of those people.

Some kid who was born into poverty is going to be even more stigmatized by his peers because he's getting a fucking sandwich instead of a proper meal. And, as God is my witness, I will NEVER understand how Good "Christian" People™ can claim to give a shit about children when they are thrilled to abandon them the minute they leave the womb.

This is fucking disgusting.

Instead of having my taxes go to fucking billionaires who get all the breaks and have all the loopholes to avoid paying a fucking dollar into the infrastructure that they directly benefit from, give my contribution to hungry kids.

Fuck EVERYBODY involved in this reprehensible system who thinks that this is okay.

I'd advocate for a Go-Fund-Me to pick up the slack that this community isn't willing to subsidize... but it's just like these kind of assholes to spend it on a new football field or some such stupid shit instead of writing off children's lunch debt as the money was intended for.

Crap like this makes me as mad as I have ever been. These are KIDS! Do you think they are in any way responsible for their situation? At least try to help them have a fucking childhood before they get beat down by a society who happily vilifies and attacks the poor.

It amazes me that people can be made aware of something atrocious like this in the Year of Our Lord 2024 and say "Fuck those hungry kids!" Because this is precisely what that is.

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Categories: News – Politics 2024Click To It: Permalink


  1. Christopher Stogdill says:

    I consider myself a Republican (unfortunately) and get just as pissed at some of “m….actually most of “my guys” as I do the “not my guys”. I say this because I’d rather reduce government and public spending in general, well at least make expenditures make sense and have some financial accountability. Saying all that….

    …wtf aren’t we just giving school kids free lunch? I know that most schools probably have a free lunch program, but I’m not even going there. I’m sure some fall through the cracks or maybe the parents “won’t take charity” or some level of bullshit.

    Just feed the damned kids when they’re at school. Hell, not just lunch, but maybe even breakfast! I don’t have kids and I generally don’t want to be paying for some other parent’s kids….but I’m going to say that I already am, just not outright. Kids that aren’t being fed well enough are going to have more health issues, and if it’s because they’re poor, I’m going to be paying for that health care. Kids who aren’t being fed well enough are probably not going to do so well at school, and if they don’t as well in school they’re more likely to be adding to the pool of people needing MORE government resources later in life. They’re probably going to be more likely to have drug problems, turn to crime, or get a shitty dead-end job.

    I’m being selfish as fuck…..they’re more likely to be just another dumbass I have to deal with. They’re more likely to drain more money from my pocket via taxes.

    I’m willing to bet that there have been studies done that would show every $1 spent now on proper nutrition is worth maybe $7+ later, and probably not even factoring in inflation! I know you usually can’t really save money by spending money, but if you can save money by just spending more efficiently, why shouldn’t we?!

    Just feed all the kids, scoop up those that current programs miss, and save us some money! Oh no, we’ll be feeding the kids of “rich” parents too! What a waste! Good, maybe if we save those families some $ on feeding their growing kids then they can spend that money on the extra curriculars and I won’t be asked to buy candy bars or wrapping paper to support my co-worker’s kid’s band or something.

    Still fucking win-win for me!

    • Dave2 says:

      How feeding hungry kids is not a non-partisan issue which absolutely every person in this country gets behind blows my mind. You have to be seriously awful to be okay with children going hungry (or, in this case, being treated as if they’re not good enough to have a full lunch). — I have absolutely no political alliance now. I started as a Republican, switched to Democrat after the Reagan years didn’t pan out as expected (mainly the horrific response to the AIDS crisis, plus I couldn’t stand Bush), then became neither when I saw how Democrats were making some truly stupid decisions in my state. I voted for a mix of Republicans and Democrats for a long while, picking whomever was best for the job… usually going Democrat for president and Republican state and local. But then Trump happened and I will never vote for another Republican. The fact that a party can embrace a person so categorically awful, incompetent, deceitful, and hateful in every way makes it impossible for me to align with the party for any reason. Maybe I’ll rethink things if there’s a radical restructuring of the Republican Party which isn’t just all hate all the time, but until then? Never again. I’ll leave my ballot blank if I can’t bring myself to vote for a non-Republican. I despise my career politician Democrat Senators and never vote for them, but it doesn’t matter because my state is the bluest in the country so they always get back in.

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