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✖ Booked!

Posted on Thursday, June 2nd, 2005

Dave!Ack! I've been tagged!!

The latest blogosphere craze seems to be the "Book Meme" which I've been tagged with by James Bow...

How Many Books Do You Own? I am not at home to count them, but it must be at least a hundred. If you include comic books, then the count would be around two to three thousand.

What is the Last Book You Bought? Just One Look by Harlan Coben on May 21st. I rather like it, but haven't had time to finish it.

What is the Last Book You Read? Well, since I haven't yet finished Just One Look yet, I suppose I could say that the last book I completed was yet another reading of Noble House by James Clavell. This is my favorite contemporary novel, and I have read it at least a dozen times now... probably more. Brilliant, brilliant book... and complex enough to demand multiple readings.

Name five books that mean a lot to you. Oog. Narrowing it down to five only? That's tough...

  1. Nobel House by James Clavell. As I said, I love, love love this book. I will probably read it ANOTHER dozen times before I die.
  2. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams. The first book I can remember to make me laugh out loud while reading it. A lot. Actually, I love all of Adams' books, and could probably make a strong case for putting one of his more serious books (but still hilarious) called Last Chance to See on this list. Fantastic book.
  3. A Princess of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs. This is not my favorite of the Burroughs "Barsoom Books," but it is the first in the series, and responsible for the ten that followed. So worth reading.
  4. Watchemen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons. The ultimate graphic novel... so utterly brilliant that I loathe to even call it a "comic book" (although it is) because people get the wrong idea. Completely changed a genre, and its influences are still felt even today.
  5. Illusions by Richard Bach. Totally changed the way I look at life after reading it. Very few books have affected me as deeply as this one, and I consider it (along with Bach's other amazing book: Jonathan Livingston Seagull) to be essential. If you can ignore the new-age hijinks, and focus on the underlying themes that Bach so beautifully weaves into his stories, this is well worth reading.

Now "tag" five individuals to provide their own lists. Errr... I'm not caught up on my blog reading because of work, so I have no idea who might have done it already. Perhaps Tonya, because she is ALWAYS reading something cool. I have no idea what Mr. Jerz is reading, so that might prove interesting. Gary has similar taste in television shows, so I'm naturally curious as to what he reads. Kachina has a "what I'm reading" graphic on her site, but I'm curious to know what else she might be into. And lastly, how about Anthony McG... I wonder what they're reading in Dublin now?

Movie Quotable of the Day: "You're so money, and you don't even know it!"
Yesterday's Answer: Troy (2004) with Brad Pitt and Eric Bana.

Categories: Books, Memes 2006Click To It: Permalink


  1. zuzula says:

    hello, just passing – love the blog!

  2. Michelle says:

    Sorry for being a dumbass here…but what do you mean by ‘tagged’? Seen it being used on lots of blogs but not completely sure of the meaning!

  3. karla says:

    Ok, I kind of wish you had tagged me as this is an interesting meme.
    Well, I might self tag next week, because I know a few folks I then want to tag down the line. I bet self tagging is illegal in Texas.

  4. Dave2 says:

    Well, in this respect, it is referring to a kid’s game of tag… where you run around trying to “tag” somebody so it’s there turn to run around and tag somebody else. In this case, somebody was “tagged” with a meme… then turned around and “tagged” me, so it’s my turn to do it.

    Oh, and Karla… I had thought of you… but then I remembered you are galavanting around jolly old England at the moment… terrorizing London and all that. Feel free to jump in and consider yourself “tagged” if you want to play!

  5. A very good list. I have enjoyed Clavell but have not gotten to Noble House yet. Your post makes me want to skip ahead. Great answers and great post.

  6. Sean says:

    Whats tag? …someone had a sad childhood

  7. Dave2 says:

    I think the confusion is brewing because “tag” is such a blog buzzword right now… you’ve got people being “tagged” with memes and Technorati “tags” and Flickr “tags” and comment “tagging” – and it can all mean something entirely different.

  8. Michelle says:

    Thank you for that =D

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